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Posts posted by Waisted_Giraffe

  1. Asos shoes arrived yesterday......

    Seemed long enough but the toe box felt extremely narrow and shallow (this is my biggest problem with all my shoes as i have quite chunky big toes), however the leather felt very soft and has softened up and stretched very quickly.

    Have worn all evening last night and this and although my toes are a little scrunched are very comfy indeed.

    Just need to give the Office heels another day or two in the stretchers to see whether I can wear them.


    Well, I rec'd an email from Office to say that they were unable to send the Taupe pair; a shame as they were listed as EU42, which should be plenty big enough.

    Anyway the high street stores are now selling at the same online price, so have been and bought in Turquoise. However have only been able to but in EU41, which shouldn't be a problem as I have a couple of other platformed pairs from Office but alas they are just far too small - I seriously get the feeling they were made by the same cobblers as the KG pair, except in suede rather than satin, which would explain the minimal price difference.



  2. after months of search I finally found the extreme heels I really like - in the vintage forum :lmao: For sure there's no way for me to get some 40yr old heels in size 14... well and however I would like to buy new ones :)

    So does anyone know where I could find pumps/oxfords/boots in this style?

    they have a very small and rounded instead of pointed toebox...




    And secondly - they are awesome arent they??

    hh&c fan

    I know exactly what you mean; have posted similar my self a number of years ago when I was first a member.

    Did speak to someone who themselves had found a cordwainer (yes I only just found out that is the correct term for a maker of shoes) that would make similar but didn't get very far in the process.

    I would have though Natacha Marro http://www.natachamarro.com/ would understand the differences between contemporary design and those demonstrated to be able to make such a pair.

    I think this page has some fascinating styles http://www.retroxotique.com/photos/Fashion/RetroShoes/sp2.html I still cannot quite workout how these are constructed such that the toe boxes can appear so short - I can only imagine one walks as if walking bare foot on tip toes - a shoe I would love to try.

    Maybe one day when I can justify the expense, I will endeavour to get some made up.


  3. I think this is where it goes, if not I apologize.

    I was reading somewhere that there is a type of slipper with a reinforced arch that could be worn to bed. The idea of it is to help reinforce the re-training of your arch to better support yourself on high heels.

    Ive googled, wikied, and asked jeeves, but I cant find anything on these.

    My wife and I are in a bit of a domination/submissive relationship and she brought up to me that she was interested in a little bit of public master play. I thought seeing how she likes high heels already that re-training her arches to a degree that makes flat soled shoes very uncomfortable would be an interesting(and discreet) form of such a thing.

    Any help on this would be awesome, even if its just to tell me they dont exist.

    Ah, you'll be thinking of "Ballet Splints" or "Foot Trainers" - I will leave you to do a search at "churchofsinvention.com" quite pricey though


  4. At first I thought that they were silly, but the more I see of them, I am curious about them and might give one a try. I am able to wear only one shoe and use crutches, which is holding me back. I will appreciate any advice from those who have worn them.


    Technically, would have thought only wearing one is no problem; there are a series of videos on Youtube with women with only one leg in Ballet heels and crutches; there have been some recent posts with links to such videos.

    Not wishing to be flippant but Ballet heels by Pleaser / Devious aren't really handed so you would be able to wear both.

    Have a go


  5. Hi All!

    Just take a look at these fantastic strappy sandals from Bakers which I got on Thursday the 6th of January. I loved the look and had read several reviews saying these shoes ran large meaning the normally highest in-store size 10 would fit more like a size US11. I went to the Bakers in Milwaukee after work and tried on these red ones and they did indeed fit!!! OMG, do these heels ever look great!! I always enjoy sharing photos of new purchases but figured I'd tell you if your size is an optimal 11 then trying this shoe on may well be worth your time. For the timid...yes there were other women in the store but it wasn't a concern as it never is anymore. These shoes perfectly match the red in a red, salmon, black and white salsa dress I also just got. The "EMERSON" also comes in black.



    Very nice indeed; would you post a photo of them with the outfit too?

  6. I stopped off at the Ford dealership where I have l have all my vehicles serviced and to see my friend "S"...she was wearing a pair of seven inch heels peep toe shoes with a 2 1/2 inch plat- which she eagerly "had" to show me...I was wearing these:



    she was clucking to herself that she had the higher heels but I told her "just wait" til later this afternoon and "I'll show her"-when I went back I told her about these others but she thought I had left them home-then I slid up my jeans leg and she looked...and looked...and looked..

    and said" wow, they're higher than mine..."

    oh, very nice; any detail of brand and name of the black platforms?


  7. Well, I rec'd an email from Office to say that they were unable to send the Taupe pair; a shame as they were listed as EU42, which should be plenty big enough.

    Anyway the high street stores are now selling at the same online price, so have been and bought in Turquoise. However have only been able to but in EU41, which shouldn't be a problem as I have a couple of other platformed pairs from Office but alas they are just far too small - I seriously get the feeling they were made by the same cobblers as the KG pair, except in suede rather than satin, which would explain the minimal price difference.

    Oh well, will have to try a careful bit of stretching.....

    BTW also bought these; http://www.asos.com/Asos/Asos-Philippa-3-Strap-Buckle-High-Shoes/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1157843&SearchQuery=philippa%203&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Grey


    Merry Xmas all

    Well, having had 3 days off work to cough up a lung......I'm still at my place and won't be at my family until tomorrow evening to ensure I don't give my gran this chest infection (she's 90 don't you know) so a bit of a weird xmas eve and xmas day on the cards.

    Anyway, whilst surfing about, the handy ads at the side of my web browser kept telling me that Office had a sale on.......

    To review, I had seen these at Kurt Geiger earlier in the year and bought a pair for my birthday, however they were just a bit too small - not enough give over the hidden platform so sadly returned them


    at about the same time Office had a "knock-off" pair at almost the same price but had sworn to myself I wouldn't get them until the sale.......

    So have just bought these in taupe - would give you that address but appears I may have bought the last pair!


    so Merry Xmas all and may you receive all the heels you desire


  8. wow! must admit the shoes listed by Kipsu15 weren't really to my taste although very very elegant; however I don't think I have seen so many varied styles that I find so attractive by a single shoe designer - a truly stunning collection that I fear I will find difficult to resist - my Russian is non existent so will have to see how I fair. R

  9. All Think we will see a general continued increase in heel height (or at least a greater number), with or without platforms; as we've seen more and more women on the high street wearing the red carpet heels celebrities have been wearing over the past 2 years or so; saw a woman today at the National Space Centre in Leicester with her 3yr old son and partner, dressed in a relaxed pair of skinny jeans, t-shirt and jacket in a wonderful pair of 2" platformed 6"+ stiletto heeled boots as if they were flats. Not sure what variations we will see though; clearly the "hiking" boot aesthetic has been a hit this winter; haven't as yet seen many trend setting articles to see what is currently forecast. Quite sure my tastes will alter as we progress. Here's to this coming year's shoe shopping; question is, can I reasonably keep buying at the current rate and find enough places to store them? R

  10. All

    further to below, was surfing through Youtube and found a link to this website; http://walkinginballetheels.wordpress.com/ which appears to be written by the woman that has previously gone under the name "Imelda" on this forum and Imelda Bootstross on the web; though she now seems to be using the alias SuzanziBalletHeels.

    It outlines an idea for toe padding using Polyurethane foam stress balls in the toe of the boots.

    Have tried it my self and is brilliant. You may imagine that the foam will fill too much of the toe box but seemingly not.

    Have set it up that my big toes are left to point straight down in the toe cushion socks that i have, with the remainder of my toes curled, so resting my weight through the knuckles. Don't be under any illusion this is pain free but is far far more comfortable than before or with sheep's wool padding.

    Still may need to shave a couple more mm from the heels to aid smooth walking.


  11. Merry Xmas all

    Well, having had 3 days off work to cough up a lung......I'm still at my place and won't be at my family until tomorrow evening to ensure I don't give my gran this chest infection (she's 90 don't you know) so a bit of a weird xmas eve and xmas day on the cards.

    Anyway, whilst surfing about, the handy ads at the side of my web browser kept telling me that Office had a sale on.......

    To review, I had seen these at Kurt Geiger earlier in the year and bought a pair for my birthday, however they were just a bit too small - not enough give over the hidden platform so sadly returned them


    at about the same time Office had a "knock-off" pair at almost the same price but had sworn to myself I wouldn't get them until the sale.......

    So have just bought these in taupe - would give you that address but appears I may have bought the last pair!


    so Merry Xmas all and may you receive all the heels you desire


  12. I was in the shoe section of Walmart a couple of days ago and noticed how eye catching many of the girl's shoes are. There was everything from neon purple nylon to hot pink plastic princess shoes. None of these girl's shoes were sexy or elegant but they were extremely eye catching.

    This got me thinking: Is fetish a stunted emotional evolution from a time when we really wanted people to look at us?

    My taste is pretty much exclusively sleek. My fetish piques with monochrome patent pumps, preferably almond toe black and without straps. Sandals, suede, and non-patent leather can be great too, though. I also like boots with really high heels and calf or thigh height uppers.

    Certainly, there is a disconnect between my taste and the youth girl's styles but I can't help but wonder about the eye catching nature they share in common.

    Any thoughts or opinions?

    Well, technically a fetish is a sexual attraction to an object or even person.

    Clearly you were attracted to the shoes by the colour and spangle and there is no reason to suggest this is a fetish; no don't think it is stunted emotional evolution, it's more to do with society's conditioning, that as you are male you are not supposed to find heels etc attractive.

    Do you get a sexual kick from the shoes you see (wear) or is it that you are appreciative of them simply for their design?

    Heels were and still are a fetish for me but I have moved from simple fascination of looking and being turned on, to owning and wearing which i now also enjoy as a simple personal aesthetic, not necessarily for a sexual kick.


  13. Ok my personal opinion. To not allow a homosexual to be part of the armed forces is ridiculous. Good on the politicians that voted for it to be allowed and take you out of the dark ages.

    If I read the post right this is now to be repealed so you will no longer be allowed to be homosexual. Again not sure on American law but in the uk there are numerous laws around discrimination (criminal offences for homophobia) and diversity that would never let it happen here.

    What logic is there to say a homosexual cant be an effective soldier, it baffles me.

    No, it means you can be openly gay in the US forces.

    see http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/michaeltomasky/2010/dec/19/us-politics-us-military-dont-ask-dont-tell-repeal for example

    I completely agree that it is the right thing and despite my own pessimistic view on the matter, the end of this article suggests that it has not caused adverse problems in other forces around the world http://www.fyne.co.uk/index.php?item=946

    Seemingly a military ban on homosexuality in UK forces was removed in 2000.


  14. I think I should be okay in that regard, in that the heels currently point slightly back such that the heel tips are well behind the ideal line of force through my calves and heels - which does make walking in them somewhat more awkward then usual.


    woo, hoo :) !

    Well then, further to below, yet another successful heel length modification.

    Also took 10mm off the length of the shafts, such that the heels are now absolutely perpendicular; has corrected the mechanics enough that although I'm long out of practice I'm already quite comfortable wandering about the house.

    All I need to do now is keep practising to get the longevity up.

    Merry Xmas all


  15. I tried that but found that the heel kicked under asnd bent inwards. It would have been better to have added a small platform instead.

    I think I should be okay in that regard, in that the heels currently point slightly back such that the heel tips are well behind the ideal line of force through my calves and heels - which does make walking in them somewhat more awkward then usual.


  16. Letsgonow: I did that a couple years ago. The devious brand boots pretty much require it.

    Mmm, have discovered this myself; question is; do i have the patience to do it with out stuffing it up and damaging the leather on the heels?

    Should do really as they have become unwearable and have therefore resided in the drawers for too long, also meaning i am so far out of practice it's not funny.

    I have a feeling the old friend I told about the heels earlier in the year is going to want to see me in them, when he comes round next week, as every time we speak or write, his opening line is "how are the heels?" at least there are nearly 2 dozen other pairs to choose from.

  17. well, I'm quite happy to admit I was sucked in and that I find the thought of it quite exciting. I do like the many ways people modify their bodies - I did wonder but thought i'd give it the benefit of the doubt as extreme as it was; we all have fantasies but sometimes you find someone that has already done it for real. - would never suggest it to anyone else and clearly don't have the balls myself - haven't even got a tattoo or piercing. Interesting thought though, none the less. Richard

  18. A few days ago, I still my girlfriend have been in a store here in town where they sell large size shoes, and she insisted that I buy a pair, but I said no, I did not want to.

    I never bought in a real shop, but this is not the problem. I don't know why... I told that it's a stupid thing to spent so much money for a pair of shoes I'll wear a few times, only at home..

    What a fool I've been.

    we'll have to talk about it


    You're clearly in a great situation, embrace the fact that your girlfriend enjoys you in heels; obviously it is frustrating you that she is not happy with you out in heels in public, maybe you can work towards that with some less obvious shoes.

    Please enjoy and make the most of it.


  19. Pointegirl

    Was thinking about all this and something came to mind;

    Having just read your first post again and also seeing JimC's last post brings an intriguing point.

    You obviously love being in ballet heels therefore want your feet permanently in the en-point position but do you want to be in the position where you will have to wear ballet heels all the time or that you are on what generally is termed in tiptoe as in the foot is pointed down but are actually standing on the balls of your feet with your toes spread, ie as if trying to reach something from a high shelf etc.

    This then brought the question of the sorts of other footwear you could wear although expect these would clearly have to be bespoke.

    The obvious solution to forcing your feet permanently en-point would be as the posts previously mentioned with shafts inserted down the calves / shins etc. however this would mean there would be almost no flexibility in the ankle, which as you will know is needed even in ballet heels to ensure the foot rotates over the heel tip. If you did fix your ankles, you would have to remove the heels from whatever shoes you wear. maybe something like Pleaser Screams without the heel......(please excuse the poor editing but I think you get the idea)



  20. Thank you Waisted Giraffe. Aiofe used to have a blog on a Yahoo section that is now closed; I have been unable to locate any continuation elsewhere. McKaya99's profile is similar but there does not seem to be much info about her on YouTube. I also know about Spook but she has stated elswhere that she only wanted to be able to wear ballet boots 24/7 but not do so regularly as she did not want shorten her tendons.

    The impetuosity of youth is not really applicable. As I have said previously, I have thought about this seriously for several months and am sure that permanence is what I want. Later on. wanting to 'come down', as you put it, will not be an option.

    Incidentally, the money was not left for long term care; it is my choice how to use it. My remark was in answer to Wolf who said that others should not have to pay for the consequences of my decision.


    I quite appreciate that this is your desire and truly wish you all the best - as I say i am most intrigued by this and will be interested to see how you go about the permanent surgery - please do keep us posted.

    It appears that this may be more difficult to do "safely" than expected ie not with dodgy back-street practitioners, however there have been those cases of licensed surgeons that have performed elective amputations etc which would have seemed unthinkable. Just think, gender re-assignment was unheard of 20/30 years ago but is now recognised by the NHS. There must be someone, more likely in USA rather than UK, that will possibly be in a position to do such an operation.

    I quite understand that the monies were not left for this particular reason but that this is your choice to use it - a poor formulation of my sentence.


  21. This Looks like it could be her. She calls her self Aoife.


    ah but that is not actually her, they are just clips of others; someone has posted a message asking whether she would post any videos of herself, which does tend to suggest it is a fantasy....

    However; I remember reading a blog on yahoo (or similar) from a woman in Ireland (as Aoife references in her stats) where she was saying that she was still wearing ballet heels whilst pregnant although the health professionals were trying to persuade her to give them up until the birth - which also tended to suggest a fantasy posting but the two do seem to link up.

    Pointegirl; I find your posts and desires most intriguing (and an extreme turn on) I sincerely hope you are doing this for all the right reasons; as stated by others, it appears from what you say that you are already permanently en-pointe that not wearing ballet heels causes more pain than doing so.

    Don't let the impetuosity of youth dictate the rest of your life, wear ballet heels as long as you like as you are able but at least give yourself the opportunity to to come down at a later date, no matter what money has been left to you for your long term care.

    I would suggest you search for "Spook", through the posts I've made here etc. She used to wear extreme corsets and had one of the smallest waists in the world but also wore ballet heels every day - this was (and I understand you are doing this for you and you only) following the desires of her then boyfriend, althougfh she said at the time she wanted to do it, needless to say she is no longer with him and has pretty much given up on the ballet heels and no longer cinches down to quite such extreme waist sizes.

    Once again I admire your desires, wish you all the best and look forward to any photos and posts on your progression.


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