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Posts posted by Waisted_Giraffe

  1. Dear all

    Discovered that Kurt Geiger have a sale on at the moment; not particularly unusual BUT they are advertising it as an upto 50% however I have just bought 2 pairs worth 280 quid for the pair for 88 quid !!!!!

    One pair for just UNDER 30% of their original retail price...... 150 to 69 to 49! - Patent Cherry Red Multi straps by Carvella; http://www.kurtgeiger.com/online-shop/111247-carvela-acdc

    The other pair 2/3rds off, straight down from 130 to 39! - Black Leather Peep Toe Platforms by KG. Not that pretty but at 39 quid I couldn't resist; http://www.kurtgeiger.com/online-shop/121453-kg-hollis

    Bought both in EU41; have been wearing the acdc all evening and are wonderful, a little tight on the big toe but that's because of the platform not providing any real flex.

    If I was even weaker and the credit card wasn't propping up the car I would have bought many MANY more......

    Get down to your local store or get typing; http://www.kurtgeiger.com/

    Have created a Gallery for some home shots, especially showing off my legs.

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year Shopping.

    Richard. X

  2. Well done! Ridiculous it is not, similar sort of way i made my first public heeling, though now can't remember quite where. You'll soon discover that once you've become a little more confident, many people either don't notice or if they do, will probably just pass on by. It's a great feeling when you get someone who notices and smiles or actually makes a positive comment. I've not yet had an adverse comment but I don't do it often and only in areas I'm sure I'm going to be "safe". Personally my next step, if you pardon the pun, is to go out in public dressed up in heels, a corset and nylons. Looks like it'll probably be Manchester's Village on a fetish night. Richard

  3. Elegant

    Corsets really appeal to me. I'd like to have one made of leather someday and wear it (that's kinda strange for a guy, isn't it? :>). I love wearing tight-fitting leather vests (they should be made of cowhide or other durable leather) for their feel, and I think a corset would be even better.

    "Strange" for a guy maybe, if you subscribe to the "norm" but if that's what you feel you want to wear, go for it (believe me, it is a great feeling, curiosity got the better of me and now I can't stop)

    That ain't gonna be soon- I'm not too rich. I'd need a mountain of cash to have a corset made, and a second one to buy myself a camera :cry1:.

    As much as a bespoke corset will be the most comfortable, you're right it will be expensive; however if you are on a tight budget (apologies, unintentional pun), I can't recommend "leatherotics" highly enough for off the peg corsets. I have a waist training corset, that cost under half what i would normally expect; http://www.leatherotics.com/new-black-under-bust-leather-corset-waist-trainer-p-473.html and is really comfortable.

    Seriously, go for it, I doubt you'll look back.


  4. Stratty

    Good find; I would suggest thay are ballet heels but just have a fake toe added for effect (and a great one at that)

    They are just as the pair that Pata wears in a couple of her films. see pictures here;http://www.light-fetish.de/member/highheelslatexcorsets/free_clip_pics.htm - Pata, we love you. X

    Now the question is; can i justify buying a pair, even though i'm not really wearing my "normal" ones?


  5. All Saw these two pairs in TKMaxx a couple of weeks ago, both Paris Hilton Branded and in EU42 for the D'orsay / T-bars and EU43! for the cross straps, for 35 quid each. Head ruled my heart for a while but heart won in the end on Friday night so I had a new pair of heels to show off in at the party that night. Bought the D'orsay / T bar pair in the end in EU42; my first pair of "strapy" heels and were very comfortable indeed - a great surprise. Once again got plenty of complements / friendly abuse from women on the height of the heels and length of my legs! Richard



  6. All, Light the blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance. Here's one to get your bile and vitriol flowing........ I am tentative in writing this BUT I find that I am not bowled over by either Christian Louboutin or Jimmy Choo shoes; this is not to say that I don't find any of their shoes attractive but can't quite see where such a fascination comes from. I do, as you may have understood, find Vivienne Westwood designs truely fantastic; personally find the typical double curve of the heel cup into heel shaft, platforms and modified toe box shapes truly fantastic. Please enlighten me to the reasons why they are considered so wonderful that people are drawn to spending quite so much. I work in a design industry and understand good / interesting design but feel lost here. I'll leave you to comment as necessary............! R

  7. All have done a couple of searches without sucsess but apologies if this has been covered before. Has anyone used Ibuleve or other pain relieving (anti inflammatory) gels on your balls / toes whole foot etc to reduce the level of low level pain before putting your shoes on? bearing in mind how little I do really wear heels, I'm able to go a good 6 hours at a time but have been glad to get them off at the end of the event; have just been wondering whether Ibuleve etc would help at all (ibuprofen does only last about 2-3 hours though i know).. cheers R

  8. unfortunately yes, at least twice if not three times; some shoes I've not been able to replace :cry1: Hated doing it and sincerely hope i don't need to again but afraid that the desire to be with a woman will override my urge to keep the heels. The only thing that suggests that it is less likely to happen, is that I'm now in the local "alternative" / BDSM scene where meeting women that don't have a problem with me wearing heels is already happening.

  9. Having been to a number of events over the past few months in my heels, I have encountered women who "hate" me because I'm wearing heels higher than they can but there is no way i could wear heels as long as many women do throughout the day, I therefore have come to the following conclusions; Ability to wear is a physiological issue, neither male or female dominance, which can be made worse by poorly designed and made shoes; probably also to do with how pronounced the natural arch of the foot is, the higher the better. Longevity i would suggest is purely down to practice. Bubba, you should know better, young women are are all about style, can't be seen without the heels on, whether they can walk in them or not. PS; I note only males have responded, which i feel may be a bit unfair; frankly I wear heels for a very, very short period of my time, my thoughts are based on this little personal experience and watching women in heels.

  10. old deportment tricks; shoulders back, ass forward (not too much), level head (as below) imagine you have small pile of books balanced on your head; straighten your spine - the more weight you can put through your heels, rather than forward onto your toes, the better. Don''t think like John Wayne (like you've been sat on a horse all day), more like.......well a woman; keep your toes pointing down a little more than if wearing flats but still make sure your heels strike first........ that should do for the time being, be graceful. R.

  11. Not in the slightest; just because someone has lost a limb or does not necessarily look "normal", should they hide themselves / always use a wheelchair, not to "offend" the close minded general public? of course not. An exploration of how to create both functional and attractive prosthetics can only be a move in the right direction. Aimee Mullins, see any search engine, had her lower legs amputated as a baby and is now a model, athlete and actress (probably whom Allu(M) was referring to) who has many prosthetic legs with varying heel heights, as well as some cool looking carbon fibre running legs (also see Oscar Pistorius). Sorry, I'll step down off my soapbox. R

  12. Very Extreme and should prove to be a hit, not the sort of thing i would try though.

    Not really that extreme; if you look close enough in some of the close up side views, you can see the profile of a pretty standard high heel under a covering. don't forget the scale of these things, they are rather big in order to cover up the high heel and achieve a ballet look.

    Don't get me wrong I like them but don't think we'll see them on the high street any time soon.


  13. I was asked to bring my ballet boots with me to a local event, which of course I did; who am i to refuse being able to show off in ballet heels? The photographer there almost fell over himself when he noticed what i was wearing:silly:.

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