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Posts posted by Isolathor

  1. 13 hours ago, StockingTop said:

    My pleasure x


    A daring, but good combination! 👍

    10 hours ago, 5150PLB1 said:

    I though the best kind of fertilizer for potted shoes was Kiwi Shoe Polish.

    While that may be the case, we have to use what is readily available here in Germany. 😉

  2. That is what i call the perfect heel :


    Not too much of an inward  curve (which makes it difficult to walk as my wife says) and not straight down. But if we go dancing she prefers the straight down heels. Heels can be choosen according to the occasion.

    Here is an example of too much inward curve:


    Helen took these shoes to Peru for our vacation, but when we left the shoes stayed in Peru because she found they where hardly walkable with the heel to much forward.

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