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Posts posted by Cali

  1. I have a large toe box and I have trouble find shoes that fit the toe box. Pumps are a definite NO GO. Pointed shoes are hard, some okay if I go up a size but others going up a size make them too big. When I started to wear heels a Aldo store manager gave me a pair of the pads below. I wear them in every heel I own. They are 1.57 mm (1/16 inch) thick. But they do two things for me. (1) they stop my foot from sliding down the heel during the day (jamming the toes) and (2) they cushion my toe bed.

    I now have almost every type of pants with inseams, from short shorts 3 & 4 inch, knee length (long) shorts 8 to 10 inch, 28 inch hyper stretch, 30 inch hyper stretch, 31 inch straight, 32 inch , 33 inch, to 34 inch hide-them-heels boot cut and flare. Today I wore my Nike leggings.

    What I wear depends on many things. If it wasn't for Covid, you could see me go to work in short shorts and knee high stilettos.

    I'm a wild senior citizen....8)




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  2. 1 hour ago, p1ng74 said:

    You don't think I would look cute in that Gucci dress?  :)

    I did enjoy wearing this today, and it didn't cost $2600:

    Whether you look cute or not is not for me to decide, that's for your wife to say, but I don't think she would say you would good.

    Or anybody in that "outfit".

  3. 5 hours ago, p1ng74 said:

    I think it is a nice piece, and I think I would be challenged to find something like that at Wal-Mart.  Wal-Mart clothes are usually slapped together with no attention to detail.  On this piece, the lines on the pattern of all the fabric pieces line up nicely, etc.  But yes, a good tailor can also put this together for a fraction of $2600.  

    But why would you?

  4. 12 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    That is the one thing that prevents me from ordering a pair of shoes from a place like Italianheels or Fuss or Peter Chu. I'm willing to waste a small amount of money taking a chance on ebay or Poshmark, but once you get up there into the 200 dollar range, mmmm. That kind of hurts if it doesn't work out.

    There's a Peter Chu in the Duty Free Zone at Sydney Airport.  I got dropped off early as one of my cousins was on his way to work.  Since I had 3 hours to kill, I wanted to try on some of the heels.  But they only had up to size 8. The saleswoman said she was a size 9 and can't try them on herself.

    Now if these Madden boots had full zippers ....



  5. 26 minutes ago, kevloveheel said:

    My heels were really starting to blister. Not only was the platform  of the shoes making it hard to walk, but now my heels were really in pain, and I was having a hard time going anywhere. .... Nonetheless it was a fun time. 

    Sorry @kevloveheel, but you need to work on your definition of fun.

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