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Posts posted by Cali

  1. 19 hours ago, Cali said:

    These came in yesterday, but I was too busy to unpack them. I keeping them!!!! Slightly snug right now, the elastic at the edges need to relax a bit. I have a high volume toebox, so its hard to find a good fit, but these will work for me. Extremely easy to walk in; very stable.

    Steve Madden Manner

    Only worn them for 4 hours and they are now snug in a good way (they are slides after all).  They went on sale and I plan on getting the other color.


  2. 21 minutes ago, maninboots said:

    Yeah i thought that, there was me and a random woman both trying them at the same time, not sure she could believe her eyes lol, her mate did say they looked better on me than her though which i don’t think amused her very much 

    But I bet it amused you.  LOL

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  3. 11 hours ago, CAT said:

    I’m still waiting to use that line,,,,, “no they are my shoes”.  No one ever gives me the opportunity. I always get “love your shoes” ,”love your boots”,  “ love your heels “, “ love your outfit”

    I used the line “no they are my shoes” last month. We were coming off the beach, I was carrying mule SM mules and she was carrying her running shoes. The woman in the couple in front of us asked my friend about the shoes I was carrying. And I said, "they're my shoes."

  4. On 9/3/2018 at 11:23 PM, Sydheel said:

    let me know how sizing goes.

    Im watching them to see if I get a pair

    These came in yesterday, but I was too busy to unpack them. I keeping them!!!! Slightly snug right now, the elastic at the edges need to relax a bit. I have a high volume toebox, so its hard to find a good fit, but these will work for me. Extremely easy to walk in; very stable.

    Steve Madden Manner



  5. 9 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:


    Perhaps I could recommend xerographic landscaping as we had when we lived in Arizona. For those not familiar it is the practice of using rocks or stone in place of grass in order to create a space not requiring irrigation which is what one has to do in the Mediterranean climate of California. In fact, it will work about anywhere one doesn't want to mow or would be difficult such as a steep slope. I have a triangle at my house surrounded by a telephone pole and two transformer posts which can't be cut with a riding mower so I created a cactus garden with yuccas, cacti, rocks, and stone. Everything is hardy so it grows well in Wisconsin. Just an idea. You do have a large lot for that area. HappyinHeels

    Two pictures, 18 hours apart. Cactus bloomed and then disappears the next day. Four this summer.



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