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Posts posted by PatentHeel

  1. Patent Heels maybe a store front would be a good addition. Or how about a tree house for your shoes. Of course then you would have a shoe tree.:thumbsup:

    I better peruse another thread as my sense of humor (or lack there of) is starting to show.


    Ideally a room with them all displayed on the wall would be nice with some lighting like in the stores. That would be magic, every time I felt the urge to buy some new heels I could go into the room until it passed.

    The lighting in stores always makes heels more appealing than they sometimes are.

  2. Highest,

    Actually, these are the shoes I got (manu pic below), but for some reason, they fit super. Just got down from 15 more minues of continuous "practice" in them.

    The only problem I have with regular courts (no strap) is since I am between sizes (9.5US or 7UK), I usually have to get 10's and the back slip off.

    These shoes say Merry Christmas to me! LOL

    Nice choice.

  3. Just bought myself some wet look black and wet look silvery white. I am wearing the wet look black leggings today with my white thigh boots. I think it is a good combination!

    I ended up getting a pair of black wet look and a shiny gold too. The Topshop ones seem a slightly smaller fit than the Newlook ones.

    Are you going to post some photos with you wearing them in heels as well.

    I like silver. Goes well will black heels. I did have a pair of medium size tights but those tights did not last very long. I,m XL when wearing tights, just can,t find any silver tights in that size

    I will post some pics soon with my new heels.

  4. Finally managed to tell the wife that i'd shaved my legs and chest.

    She doesn't mind me shaving my legs, but she wasn't happy about me shaving my chest.

    I said i'll let it grow back, but i probably wont.

    Progress report......

    Still shaving the legs but I backed down and stopped shaving the chest lol.

  5. Dear Santa... Is it possible to request these heels for next Xmas? I'm not a great fan of laces with heels but these are an exception to the rule. I'd like them this year but the wife things I've enough for now.


  6. Me and my wife were chatting this evening about things in general and I commented that although our house is small and like living in a shoebox, we are a happy family and that's all that matters. Having mentioned the word shoebox I further remarked how that was an appropriate word for me to use giving the amount of heels I own. We both laughed together about it which was nice! Thought I'd share that with you all here at the Thread About Nothing.

  7. She does not accept me wearing any kind of womens shoes. For this reason, I just keep it low key and only keep around a few pairs of heels that I like to enjoy when the occasion arises when she is not around for a while. My sitiuation is probably unhealthy, but I am not dishonest to her in anyother way. I have no other choice right now.

    There is no easy way to come clean, but if you keep it from her what would happen if she discovered your heels?

    If like me, your happy to only wear heels in the privacy of your own home, her reaction may surprise you when you tell her. When I told my wife about my heel wearing and my collection and explained that it is something I only ever do in private, she seemed quite happy to accept it because as far as she was concerned it wasn't hurting anyone else so there wasn't really a problem.

    However, she did make it very clear that she would never agree to me wearing heels in public. This was fine with me though as I don't have desires to wear them outside.

    For me, coming clean was a very embarrassing moment and I wasn't sure what the outcome would be but I'm so glad she knows now. She was happy that I had told her and said she'd have been hurt if I'd have kept it from her and she discovered my collection.

    Now we can look and make comments about heels together and that is a nice thing.

    Whatever you decide to do, I hope things work out for you.

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