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Posts posted by PatentHeel

  1. Hello,

    I am new as well. Is this a good website?

    Thank you

    Hello to the community.

    As all of us, I love high heels.

    The higher, the better.

    I love especially 5-6 inch with nice thin legs and very high arch.

    I hope, here to find a place for....stay the nights.

    See you inside....

    hi to you both and welcome to hhplace.

  2. .So I guess the big question is this an addiction or is it some kind of sickness or I'm just wired wrong.How do others deal with this!! :winkiss:

    Hi, sorry only just replying to this now. I wouldn't say it was a sickness and your not wired wrong, and it may not necessarily be an addiction.

    There are many factors why we all like to wear heels.

    For some here they just want to be able to wear heels normally in society without ridicule. For others, it may be a fetish which they enjoy either privately or with others. Some may like the feeling they get of wearing heels and the height they can achieve.

    In my case, it is definitely both a fetish and an addiction!

    With regards to dealing with it, being a member here helps enormously as you quickly realise that your not alone. Everybody deals with it differently and it all depends on how YOU want to handle it.

    Listening to advice here at hhplace helps and it certainly helped me to come clean and confess my fetish for heels to my wife. Luckily for me she was very supportive and understanding. This may not be the case for others and they may offer you different advice.

    No matter how you choose to deal with it, never ever think you are a freak because your not!

  3. Its been a while since I posted here, so what have I been up to ? Well, firstly I've been staying away from shoe shops lol. I'm finding that I seem to be able to forget about my passion for heels as long as I don't see them every five minutes. The leg and chest shaving is no longer, although it was good whilst it lasted. The wife was dead against me shaving my chest but she doesn't mind me doing my legs if I wish to. At this moment in time they are hairy again. I have to admit though, it is an incredible feeling when you shave them and heels look so much better with smooth legs! Always next winter I guess. With regards to dressing up or cross-dressing as others will call it, I haven't bothered since Xmas. Perhaps partly because I haven't had the opportunity and also I haven't really been that bothered about doing it. Normally the hotter weather puts me in the mood for trying on my heels, but at the moment they are tucked away safe and sound lol. I still occasionally look on-line for new styles of black patent heels, hoping that something will really stand out, but nothing as caught my attention as yet. The hope of finding those strappy black patent stiletto sandals with the ankle straps and chains seems to be non-existent now but you never know! Perhaps soon I will get the camera out and take some more heel pictures :-) I keep promising to catalogue my collection, so watch this space. Anyway must dash PatentHeel

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