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Posts posted by PatentHeel

  1. I bought two pairs today, these are my favourite of the two.

    Was funny buying these, I wasn't the only guy out to buy heels.

    There was another guy, much older than me who said he was buying them for his daughter as we scanned all the heels on the wall. My eyes working overtime to find that perfect style.

    I asked the assistant for my size in the two selected pairs, when she brought them out I joked "am i alright to try them on", she looked a little surprised before I replied "your alright I'm only joking".

    I tell you what though if I hadn't have been so close to work, i'd have been tempted to try them on. She did inform me that there had been guys who'd been in the store previously and had tried them on.


  2. bluesman,

    Our situations are very similar. Like you the issue is now a trust thing. I have started being upfront with her on this, and only time and my trustworthyness (is that even a word) can heal the broken trust. Until then, I am afraid the wearing of heels is on hold. I stinks, but I love my wife and we can work through this. Thank you for showing me there are others in this spot.

    Hi Joeshoething,

    Can't remember if i've already asked this or not, have you showed your wife this thread? Showing my wife this forum as helped her to understand better and she has even contributed to this thread.

  3. Jen86 I have a question for you. If you think we're all creepy guys with fantasies and that bothers you why are you here?

    We make it plainly (i hope) obvious that we're a bunch of guys with fantasies, but that doesn't make us creeps.

    Thank you very much.

    When ever I have posted here in response to our female members, I have always made a point of letting them know that I'm not an 'ogler' and that I appreciate their pictures because they are inspiring and beautiful. I like to look at pictures of females in heels as to me it is a very beautiful image. I dont think this makes me a creep.

    Its rather like someone cutting out a picture of a male/female from a paper or magazine and putting it on their wall. It makes that person feel good but it doesn't make them a creep.

    Obviously there will be a small minority who are creepish but lets not tar everyone with the same brush.

    If any of my pictures posted here made it into the public domain without my prior knowlege, I would be happy to know that they could possibly inspire others and if they got some pleasure from it then so be it.

    After all, heels can do that a person!

    Anyway, I think i've rambled enough.

  4. It would appear from the poll that out of 60 voters just over half would be more likely to buy a heel if they saw a picture of them being worn by a model from the waist down. I guess at the end of the day if a person really liked the heels, it probably wouldn't matter anyway. Thanks to all who contributed to this poll. PatentHeel

  5. don't get me started on this lol. magic, powerful, alluring, appealing, attractive, tempting, interesting, fascinating, enthralling, charming, glamourous, captivating, commanding, potent, great and thats just the heels themselves wthout even describing how a pair of legs looks in them!

  6. Nice patent heels there Cinnamon, thanks for sharing them here with us. I like the boots too. Although patent is my favourite, there is something about black non-patent stretch knee boots either leather or PU, which makes me want to rush out and buy a pair. I'll be the owner of some 6" heels soon, can't wait!

  7. I just received an e-mail today that at the beginning of the week I will get my new black boots with 5 inches stileto heels, black patent and with several buckles along the boot. They are so sexy that I am willing to go out with them!!! What do you think???


    By the way, this store SPIKEANGEL is a very good place to see fabulous shoes, where you can buy all the heels, pumps and boots you need. They are very serious and discreets.

    A nice choice in boots my6heels, I also have them and I know SBN wants a pair too :w00t2:

    Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


  8. Thanks to everyone who has made me welcome here, I bid you all farewell.

    From now on I will not be posting here any more but reading instead.

    This is why: here

    I hope my account is preserved but if the moderators' wish to delete it then so be it.

    If you want to chat, feel free to email me at my msn address.

    Kindest Regards


    I've calmed down now, sorry for being a hot head!

  9. Thanks to everyone who has made me welcome here, I bid you all farewell.

    From now on I will not be posting here any more but reading instead.

    This is why: here

    I hope my account is preserved but if the moderators' wish to delete it then so be it.

    If you want to chat, feel free to email me at my msn address.

    Kindest Regards


  10. Hello guys,

    I have to wonder where all the pictures of male heel wearers are who are proud to be males?

    So far it helps to confirm my theory about guys needing to create their own idealized a female image. An image that you yourself are in control of.

    Or perhaps it just helps you to de-stress somehow by allowing you to feel a bit more female for the period you're wearing them?.

    Anyway, if the above is what you seek then one thing I did notice from these shots is that; when your leg muscles are relaxed, ie, sitting or just with the weight off them. They look less bulgy.

    Nonetheless, I have to say there are some fairly stunning ones

    I shan't pass any judgment yet as I'm sure there are more to come.

    Thanks for permitting me to post here.


    Amanda, you are pretty much spot with regards to your theory and me. Its all about re-creating that idealized image as far as I'm concerned.

    The female form (in particular legs with heels) is a beautiful thing and if I can re-create part of it then I'm a happy man.

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