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Posts posted by PatentHeel

  1. I hate it when you go a concert and the person in front of you insists on pulling out their camera phone every five seconds, holding it above their head, trying to take a decent picture in the dark of someone on stage at the other end of the arena. In fact, I look around and there's hundreds of them! Big pet hate that!!

  2. From conversations I've had with my wife about men in heels, I think it would very much depend on the style of heel and the height. Something that does not draw to much attention would probably be okay. However, we agreed that whilst most women probably wouldn't be that bothered with men in general wearing heels, they would maybe have a problem with their partner wearing them because of fear and ridicule from their friends. Damn bloody shame really.

  3. Come tomorrow it will have been exactly a year since I joined HHPlace and what a year it's been. Firstly, hhplace helped me to come to to terms with my fetish/obsession for patent heels and also to realise that I wasn't the only one with desires to wear them. Secondly, hhplace helped me to confess my passion for heels with my wife, something which was probably the most embarrassing thing i've ever had to do in my life but something I certainly don't regret doing. Thirdly, being here at hhplace as helped take me on a voyage in exploring who I really am. At times my journey as been somewhat turbulent but a year on I feel I have learnt a lot more about myself now. My passion for owning patent heels is still strong and I still very much enjoy wearing them and taking photos of myself in them when I can get the opportunity. For me there is something about patent heels which attracts me to them. I've tried many a time to figure out exactly what but I just can't answer it. All I can say is when I see that 'magic pair of heels', the excitement within me boils to the point that I feel I just have to have them. Most of the time common sense prevails and I overcome this urge, but occasionally it will get the better of me! Hopefully I can share many more of my heel wearing experiences with others here at hhplace through my pictures and hope you will appreciate them as much as I do. I would like to say thank you to those members of hhplace who have contributed some excellent posts which have helped me over the last year, you know who you are! Best Wishes PatentHeel

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