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Posts posted by yozz

  1. I agree with Nigel that the third picture has the easiest boot for first street heeling. The fourth draws attention by its color contrast. The second is a bit more 'advanced'. At the moment it would be at my limit. I have something similar and have gone into town with it, but only a few times. I do have boots that are a bit similar to the third, but a bit higher. Those I do not have too many problems with. I have taken them into several cities. apart from some very sporadic second looks I have never seen any reaction. Cowboy boots are not that abnormal and when it requires a second look to see that they are 'out of the normal' you don't have much to fear. My two cents. Y.

  2. As happens more frequently, the possibilities do not include my situation. I wear nearly always block heels and conical heels inside, and when I go shopping outside. In discrete mode. Outside that I wear flatter shoes or boots, but because mens shoes do not come in my size (I refuse to go to the section for children) everything is from 'the other part' of the shop. Much nicer selection anyway. I am quite happy about my shoes and boots. Y.

  3. The day before Christmas my wife and I went together to Nijmegen to have a look at an exhibition and to do a little shopping. As it turns out there is a nice shoe shop there (M van de Ven) and they had a sale They are specialized in bigger sizes (important for my wife as she needs a 42). We looked around and found her a very nice pair that was really comfortable, marked down from 125 Euros to 50 Euros. Good and soft leather. We decided to buy them. Then we started looking for me (size 40 or 39). We found a nice boot, marked down from 125 to 70, and looked neutral enough that I may get away with it even to wear at my work. The heel is a block heel of two inches. Hence I sat down to try it. This was not a very big shop and within a few seconds one of the ladies came over to help. She was a somewhat older lady, probably in her fifties. She didn't blink an eye and went to get the other boot and we discussed the fit and I said that in one zone it was a little bit tight. She explained that because it was leather that would probably go away soon and if not I could come back and they would stretch it a bit. Then when it came to the price, she said immediately that if the boots for my wife were 50, mine would be 50 as well. You do not get service like that every day I would say. In all we left the shop very happy. We have been wearing our boots at the Christmas dinner in a big restaurant and afterwards we were both very content as they are really comfortable. I hope to get a picture soon. Y.

  4. In the past I used to buy cheap shoes and went for quantity. After a while I realized that one cannot wear so many shoes at the same time anyway and that cheap shoes are much more often uncomfortable and hence they become just closet fillers. Hence nowadays I am much more selective. If I see some nice shoes or boots that I will wear often and that are comfortable, then they are allowed to cost a decent amount. Just think of it: if you buy boots for 200 Euros and wear then 2000 hours, that is 0.10 per hour, while the 20 Euros shoes that you wear 10 hours only are 2 Euros per hour. What is the better buy? Also the hunting is much nicer when it is hard to find something decent. Y.

  5. Let us just compute it. In metric of course. If the elephant is 6000 kilos and has four feet of each about 30 cm diameter we are talking about a bit more than 700 square cm per foot. This means that we have a bit more than 2 kg/cm^2 if the elephant stands on his 4 feet. If he stands on only two feet it is still 'only' 4 kg/cm^2 If someone of 50 kg puts her weight on two stilettos of 1 cm^2 each we have 25kg/cm^2 which is 12 times as much. Strong wood can sometimes handle this. Most damage to wooden floors however gets done because the person doesn't always put the heel down flat. If the heel tip is made of metal it usually has sharp edges and when the tip is put down under an angle the actually surface is considerably smaller and hence the pressure is much higher. That will leave a mark in any type of wood. When the elephant does not put his foot down straight still most of the bottom touches the ground, hence things are still not very bad. Y.

  6. We have here many discussions about acceptance by society and that this is still a long way off. Let us for a moment assume that there would be full acceptance. What percentage of the male population would go around in what we call free style fashion? Of course it depends on how you define acceptance. Would it be tolerating or would it be embracing? Let us for now not be too selective. We know that a certain percentage of the male population likes at least some items of `other shelves clothes', among which shoes are an important item. What would be a realistic percentage of people wearing such shoes, possibly with high heels, in the streets? What would this be for other items of clothing? Or in other words, will we always be one out of many thousands, or would it be one out of ten, or what? Y.

  7. I can really relate to those feelings. Society tells us that somehow this isn't right, but even though on the rational level I know better, on the subconscious level it keeps eating at me and causing enormous amounts of stress. Hence it is every time still a struggle to do what I want to do. My wife is very supportive and helps me a lot, but still I have a feeling it is my struggle and I don't want to burden her more with it than necessary. Maybe I am oversensitive. I hope to sooner or later find the inner peace that allows me to get rid of this stress. But this may still take quite a while. Y.

  8. I think that if the fashion industry would jump on the idea of mens shoes with heels, we would get to see ugly mens shoes with heels. Part of the attraction of the heels at the moment is the elegance that comes with the shoes, which is elegance we don't find on the mens shelves. The art is to use this elegance in a tasteful way and still be a man and look like a man. Or in any case, be yourself, whatever you want to radiate. Y.

  9. In the center of Amsterdam, around the Dam, they have covered the surface with rather small and rough cobble stones. This is already not very pleasant with flats, but with heels it gets rather annoying. Because there is much more pressure on the front of your feet, you feel all little bumps and there are plenty of those. You don't want to walk a mile on those. At the moment, when you walk through the center of Amsterdam of course most people wear very sloppy looking shoes, but there are still very many women wearing nice boots. I don't see any men though with nice boots with any form of heel. (unless I look at my own reflection in the shop windows). There are occasional men with cowboy style boots but even those are very rare. If you go into a fancy department store, like the Bijenkorf, the percentage of women with boots goes up considerably. I have no experience going to concerts in the Heineken Music Hall, but I can imagine that at such events your eyes get a treat. Y.

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