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Posts posted by yozz

  1. Although my wife and I have completely different shoe sizes (her feet are bigger

    than mine), we have several pairs of shoes that are otherwise identical.

    Sometime we go shopping and see shoes that we both like.

    An example are the duoboots named latina:


    The nice thing is that they come in various widths. Because my legs are rather narrow

    these are the only boots I have that are really fitting. They are not very high, but

    comfortable enough to walk around in for extended periods (like the whole day).

    When we go out usually we don't wear the same shoes. That would make things too

    obvious and my wife doesn't like that. At time we do though. It depends where we go.

    We also have identical other clothes. Somehow it seems that people assume that

    unisex means: from the male shelfs. Not so in our case. But the whole composition

    is such that it is very clear who is male and who is female. And it looks good.

    I am not sure I can get a picture of the two of use like that, but I have pictures of myself.

    (my wife is not in the country at the moment).

    We have been out in the street together an number of times in the first outfit, mainly

    by bicycle to have an ice cream at one of the best ice cream places in the country.




  2. Years ago (in the late eighties) I would occasionally in department stores look at the high heels but never have the courage to buy any. Then, one day, I was in Geneva, in a giant supermarket/department store I had seen some nice shoes, but again I didn't have the courage. While I was standing in line to pay what I had bought, there was a man in front of me who had a lot of things on the belt and amoung them were a pair of high heel shoes. Everything was added up and he packed it all in bags and left, and I thought: "is it that easy?" You can imagine that the next time I was in that store I did put the shoes in the trolley, on the belt, in the bag etc. just doing as if this was the most normal thing in the world. And because nobody batted an eye, it became the most normal thing in the world. Of course, they were not a very great fit, but I was very proud of them and had them for quite a few years. Y.

  3. It works every time.

    Your luck is that you don't sample a representative crosssection of the female

    population. When you go clubbing in NY, the women there are prepared for

    strange things. Also when one walks around either New Amsterdam or Old

    Amsterdam, one expects things that are different. At such a moment you are

    an object of interest.

    Things will be different when one considers ordinary family life somewhere

    far away from big cities, where people are very conservative and the most

    important considerations of your wife are what her friends or family will think

    about you or her and proper logic has been left behind many miles ago.

    Of course you are completely right that to do what you do needs confidence.

    Lots of it. And that the women you meet will appreciate it.


  4. It always strikes me as elegance, provided the woman knows how to walk in them. And of course whether it combines well with the rest of her outfit. Sometimes one sees short women with very high heels, but they only wear them for length and the rest of the 'music' is missing. Then that doesn't interest me very much. When however the picture is harmonious and the women walks well in them it is like a beautiful piece of music. And I also feel some form of jealousy. Maybe it is this jealousy that makes that I too want to be part of the music, something that society wants to deny me. Y.

  5. Indeed we see more and more and higher and higher heels in the shops, which got me into a discussion with one of my nieces. I asked her where they all went because you don't see the same percentage of high heels in the streets and her answer was that they were mainly for sitting at parties. This would mean that many women will buy very high heels just to go to a party and hardly ever be on their feet. If it then happens that you do have to stand a lot and this is the only time you wear such heels, you will suffer. In addition I personally think that most of those shoes are not very comfortable to begin with. Everybody who has quite a few shoes knows that some are much more comfortable than others, often independent of the heel hight. One can imagine that if one buys shoes only for sitting at a party (and hence mainly for the visual effect) one may not be very meticulous in searching for the most comfortable pair. The people here on the other hand want to walk around in high heels as much as possible and hence are well trained. In addition many of us prefer the highest high heels. (is this some equivalent of macho behaviour?). Hence I am not amazed that the members of this board who dare to be out and about for the whole evening in very high heels can do better than many (or even most) women. Y.

  6. I'k like my feet to be a little shorter, i wear a 42 and womens shoes in spain are just to 41, so I only can wear sandals, or some 41 big shoes wich are rare. If I had a little shorter feet, Zara, Blanco and that kind of shoes would fit.

    You could have a look at the Pikolinos brand. They often have size 42 and their shoes

    are rather wide. My wife has the same problem and often she can even use a size 41.

    On the down side: their heels are not very high, but they do have comfortable boots

    with heels that are very suitable for streetheeling.


  7. Number one is that she stays the same person. It is that reasoning that made her accept me. Then there are a few things that she doesn't like, if I were to do them, and I would need some time for adjustment if she would take up the opposite equivalent. But we respect each other and hence we make sure we don't go beyond each others endurance limits. For one: I don't shave my chest. If she were to grow I lot of body hair, I would like to see the result first before giving an opinion. And a week or so, to make sure that my opinion is well formed. Maybe it would be cute. Who knows. As to the mustache. I think it is in the same category as a male putting some silicone breasts. But again, if it were in good taste, maybe I wouldn't object. Cannot say that. The important thing is her character and that she accepts me as I am and hence I am willing to put up with quite a lot from her side. Y. PS. It would be fun to see it once, like at Haloween

  8. I have not been nearly as provocative as some of the more daring members here, but you can see sometimes that people are looking at your heels. One day an older lady was clearly looking with a face that was "not approving", but that was all. Another time there was a woman who looked, and then, unbelieving, looked a lot better again, but that was it. And that is all I have seen in terms of direct reactions. Sometimes in the tram, somebody is looking at my feet, but more like they have to direct their glance somewhere, so why not there. Their face showing neither approval nor disapproval. Y.

  9. What I mean to say is that if a store is responsive all the old negative votes remain. That is very hard to overcome because we cannot change our votes afterwards. Maybe being allowed to change your vote (after some time?) would already be a great help. Y.

  10. I agree completely. At the moment I can only wear what I can "get away with" from a society point of view. Wearing heels or possibly a skirt to work, however elegant and even manly, is totally out of the question in what I do. It would make quite a splash. Strange enough it would probably not be interpreted as gay, but more likely that I have finally gone nuts. As I like to be taken serious, it is completely out. Sniff. Y.

  11. Unless I misunderstand it, I think it is more complicated if we want to be fair. Just imagine we make a poll about the service in shop XYZ where you can vote that the service is good, medium or bad. And imagine that most votes go to medium and bad. Now you may need more imagination: assume that the shop sees this and decides to hire an extra person to improve the service which now becomes much better. The old votes however remain. In a discussion people can say that lately the service has improved. What we need is time dependent voting, but I doubt that the system lets us do that. It would be neat though because you would be able to see immediately which shops listen to their customers. My 2c Y..

  12. Three inches: no problem, I have walked around in them the whole day. (well: 8 cm to be more precise). (the pavement on the dam square in Amsterdam is murder on your feet. But that holds for almost any shoe type). 5 inches I know I cannot. I have some shoes and boots like that that I wear occasionally around the house, but probably a quarter mile outside would wreck my feet for the rest of the day. 4 inches, would depend very much on the specific shoes or boots. Some might be fine, some definitely would not. That is why I voted safe at 3 inches. Y.

  13. It should, on both sides of the ocean, be a function of whether you are in the country side people will be rather conservative as in "she comes from Amsterdam. Maybe she is a prostitute." In the big cities things are completely different. Then the fundamentalist people are much less tolerant (on average) than the 'liberals'. Hence if you want to make generic statements, you can have a look at what percentage of the people is rural, what percentage is fundamentalist, etc. But even then, you don't want to walk in obvious drag through a Moroccan neighborhood in West Amsterdam. Y.

  14. I would not take it. I am perfectly used to who I am, with all the pluses and minuses. If the world is not happy with me, that is its problem. I am violating neither laws, nor moral values. Just some arbitrary conventions. My wife likes me and we like to go shopping together, be it shoes or skirts or whatever. She appreciates it very much that I can give a well founded opinion on her clothes. And she likes to help me with mine. But even before I knew her, or before I knew about HH place and the fact that there are many men around who can break a taboo or even more who would love to break a taboo but are controlled too much by society, in the days that I felt more lonely in my love for heels and other things, I would not have wanted to change. The creativity that goes with this phenomenon is part of me and part of my job and part of my hobbies. I would not want to risk loosing even the slightest part of it. And pushing against the boundaries can also be exciting. Also as a scientist I have given presentations that were rather unconventional, but people value me for it. In short: I see no need to take such a pill. Y.

  15. Of course that is what would make sense. The problem is that often they get shoes offered in assortments that have so many percent this size and so many other percent that size, etc. At least that was the case in one shop in which I asked this question. The one pair of size 42 would be sold out very fast. Yet they never got more of them because their manufacturers would only sell them this way. Maybe they base the composition of the assortment on a world average? Anyway, they are rather slow to catch on. Some shops that have their own brands can react faster. In north Germany I have seen shops that carry even a lot of size 43. The same chain in south Germany would hardly have any shoes in size 42. Y.

  16. My guess is that because of the crisis the shops reduce their stock severely. I was told this by a sales lady in a big department store in Amsterdam. The result is that in the 'marginal' sizes there will be very few items and when they are sold out there will be no more (of the common sizes they have extras in the back room). Whether it works like that in other countries I don't know. Y.

  17. Welcome in the community.;) You will enjoy taking part in the discussions, showing things and seeing things. One of the special things in Karlsruhe is the icecream my friends told me when I was there. I agree it was good. Unfortunately I was not impressed by the shoe shops. Maybe I am spoiled. You can get some good German wine though.;) and beer. If you have a car, you can make some nice trips in the neighborhood. I have been out on heels there, but only 3 inches. Never seen any reactions. Y.

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