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Posts posted by Bootking

  1. Been there, done that, but not since my divorce in 1998. After that time, I have been collecting and recollecting and never once have I thought of purging again, as the bad marriage was ended. My ex could not tolerate it at all, anything had to be hidden, etc. etc.

    Since that time, I made it clear IN THE BEGINNING OF THE RELATIONSHIP that this is my thing. Now, my wife is not happy about it and wishes it would nicely go away, but it is what it is and she knows that it WON'T GO AWAY.

    So, what is this all mean; it means that I won't purge, buy what I want occasionally (almost always on my own), but it is something that I won't dispose of because it is MINE!

  2. If a lady wears 4+'' stiletto pumps or boots with pointy toes every day and nothing else, that kind of leaves me a suspicion that she's either closed-minded, does it to lift her low self-esteem, or/and gives no rest to her feet.

    As far as I'm concerned, my wife could wear the 4+ all of the time and I would never, ever be tired of it! To me, it would be just joy!! And if I could join her in the same height all of the time, it couldn't get better than that!

  3. The first heels that I ever bought were a pair of blue knee high 3" heel "pleather" boots from National Shoes (National Shoes ring the bell!). I actually went into the store and bought a size 10, the largest size they made generally at that time. I would furtively walk the dog with them on occasion or drive the car with them.
  4. What is sad about the whole thing is that here, this teen is challenging the established dress code. Whether we like the look or not (and us means us at this site generally and the greater public too) I believe that he has a constitutional right to wear what he wants (meeting decency codes of course).

    With that said, I'm sure that the heels were not the real issue as I have no doubt that many girl teens there wear heels. It would be interesting for him to try a dress with flats as Bubba suggested.

    But it also goes to show what a hard row we have to hoe.

  5. Johnnieheel,

    I think that your example is a true example of extremes; as in black and white, there are many shades of grey. There was a woman who I used to work with who wore "man-tailored" shirts, pants, didn't apparently shave and her hair was "boyishly" shirt. Although she was gay you wouldn't have known it as it wasn't in your face. Regardless, she still looked feminine without doing any work at it.

    The point of the digression is that in my household, both my wife and I shave the hairy parts as we don't care for it, both wear pants, knit tops, etc. that could be considered unisex although they aren't. Her forays into dresses and heels are infrequent although she has a large heel / boot collection (surprise right).

    So to sum up, my wanting to wear heels with appropriate "women's pants" is not really that far to the left or right when you look at the whole picture.

  6. Also, another note on the outlets, they all seem to have different inventory, especially when it comes to size.

    That is absolutely true! Some may have blocks of sizes, say 6 1/2 to 8 and nothing else or they might have 12s but not 10s, etc. etc.:chuckle:

  7. Well put, Jeff, as always! If you look at the general population of women, you will see all types of figures, mode of dress etc. Some are flattering, some no clue and many in between.

    HappyFeat, Jeff is on the money; the 20 lbs isn't all that much to discuss - and think of all of the shaping devices that they use to make all of that work! From all in ones to panty girdles to various other shapers and things - the only thing that we have and you can't find them, are the "mirdles."

  8. I typically have trouble with Steve Madden because they run small. If Maddens run a bit wide for you, you must have a narrow foot.

    No, HappyFeat, although yes, the Maddens always run small, but I meant wide in the calf! I also have a 12, but I could take them in about three inches in the calf and they would be fine!

    I still covet the bone Gorros....:w00t2:

    Remember Monty Hall, "Let's Make a Deal"!:chuckle::nervous:

  9. One thing that I forgot to mention is that the boots that I did buy the other day were $49.99 in Connecticut on Wednesday. On Long Island, the same boots were $39.99 on sale! Saved 10 bucks by waiting one day!

    I agree that the outlets may have last year's stuff but the Dramatico is this years style and covering. They are similar to the Goor boot but not the same. I would also say the same for a number of the other styles.

    Like everything else, just because it is in an outlet doesn't mean that it is what you'd expect, price included!

  10. "a passing motorist did a serious head swivel and his mouth dropped open when he saw me, I mean, what's the big deal?"

    "I'm seen as something of an oddity because I choose to wear clothing not at all associated with men. Did people think I was gay? Freakish? Loopy? Who knows? Who cares?"

    "For me, I'm wearing clothing and footwear that I like, that I feel good in and looks good on me. That's all I care about, and I'm continuing to have a great time."

    Well said, Jeff, very well said! I, for one, also like the "other side of the store" and enjoy my excursions when I can get them. Great look, my friend!!

  11. There's another way to go about it. Nine West has a web site where you can see all of their current styles that are also available for order directly without going to the store.

    Amazon.com also has a nice selection of Nine West but they may also be last years styles, depending upon how much of a fashionista you are. There are other sites too; just browse and you'll find them!

    Personally, I love their outlet stores and make my purchases there; trying on is always better.

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