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Posts posted by pumpedup

  1. I am borderline diabetic. Sometimes, i notice my feet do start to swell when wearing pumps for about 2 hours or more. My feet start hurting badly! My toes feel like they're in a vice! Then when i take the pumps off, my feet feel like they've had cold water poured on them after being on fire. I am trying to wear pumps a lot more, because the pairs i have are a bit tight, and i figure wearing them in will do good. I wish i was more daring, and could walk down the street with them on.

  2. sure. wear them anywhere! Just don't wear them in your inflatable canoe. Don't prop your feet up against a car tire, or anything inflatable. DON'T go stepping on any toes, or paws! Watch out for the dogs and cats!

  3. it would be interesting to find out if the shoes are provided for us, and we return them after the walk, or if we bring our own. Just think of how many guys into heels would join in something like this! It would be a perfect way to walk in them without prejudice from anyone, since we'd be all guys! It would also be a great time to wear those brand new, or like new heels that aren't broken in yet. I think walkin a mile in some somewhat tight heels would loosen them up quite a bit.

  4. love those pumps! They remind me of Jessica Simpson "Niva" pumps, which i own a pair. Beautiful! Saw a somewhat pretty Asian lady today at the local mall with white pumps on, with about a 2 1/2" heel. Wish i had a camera phone, because she looked better in them than without! All women do, IMHO. They showed ZERO toe cleavage, just fitting her foot like a hand in a glove.

  5. It would be interesting to dumpster dive at a shoe store. Can you imagine what you could find? Maybe a pair of heels that somehow, someway, got thrown out by accident, or maybe a pair on clearance that didn't sell.

  6. I agree! It looks like something is wrong with the shoe, like it's one of those "irregular" pair that you find at specialty shops. I prefer ZERO toe cleavage! It looks sooo much nicer, because the shoe looks like it's fit for the foot. I think even Dorothy would agree, from "The Wizard of Oz"!!! If there would have been a bunch of toe cleavage when she had those ruby slippers on, she wouldn't have tried to keep them from the wicked witch! The witch would have set fire to them, like she did the Scarecrow! Cinderella wouldn't have found her prince, because she would have thrown those slippers out, if they had tons of toe cleavage. SO THERE! ;)

  7. What do people really see in platforms?? Most people already know my views on this subject but it has to be said. In my opinion they are very ugly.


    I definitely have a problem with them, myself. Especially the ones with the cork, like the Jessica Simpson "Barb" pump.


    The cork part takes away the beauty of the shoe. It's gross and unsightly!

  8. About a year and a half ago, on ebay, i bid on a pair of "worn heels." They were pumps, but really worn out on the outside and inside. Well, this one particular pair, that made my heart about skip a beat, was a pair of stiletto black patent leather pumps. The photos on ebay were very spicy. The way that the shoe was displayed, with her sitting down in a chair, crossing her legs, or sitting on a barstool, with her shoes resting on a lower part of the stool, was very provocative. Nevermind the fact that she threw in some tidbits of "getting tons of compliments" from the male co-workers while wearing them to work. I assume she was an attorney, or someone with a very important job. I think the highest i bid on that pair was $50.00(US), yet it ended up selling for almost $200.00(US)!!! I guess they are valuable because of the sexiness. Who knows if she would have gotten that much, if she hadn't went on about the compliments. The photos probably helped out a lot, too! So now you know. If you are ever in the market to buy worn shoes, go to ebay and search for "worn heels" or "worn pumps" or whatever.

  9. I am a guy. With that being said, i do have a problem with ever exposing my love for wearing pumps to the world. My pump-wearing stays in my house, always! I treat it as any secret fetish, or personal thing that every human being has. I guess it's like my deepest-darkest secret, that i won't tell anyone that i know personally, but will tell people i don't know, such as you people. ;)

  10. Is pink, purple, fuchsia, or any other "feminine" color a popular color to anyone here? Do you prefer them to black, white, brown, or any color that would be looked at as "unisex"? I have bought shoes of all different colors. Last year, i bought a green pair of J. Renee snakesink pumps, second hand, but a nice pair! I got a powder blue pair of pumps from ebay one time. The only color pump i've never owned is yellow and grey (or silver), as far as the popular colors go. I am in love with hot pink (fuchsia) pumps! I don't know why i prefer that color, but they're beautiful!

  11. When i was in high school, there was a girl in French class that wore pumps all the time. She was about 16. I caught myself staring at them a few times, here and there. My fetish for them wasn't there back then, but it made an average girl A LOT cuter with them on. She usually wore black ones, with about a 3" heel. Not sure about the age to wear them, though. I've seen toddler girls slip into high heels before, and that's probably the age when they start feeling like there's a magic to wearing heels.

    Here's a vid of a little boy wearing heels..

    here's a vid of 2 boys running laps in heels

    And here's a vid of a boy who loves wearing heels

    one more vid of a boy wearing heels..

    There are probably a gazillion boys out there in this world who secretly have a fetish with mommy's shoes. Youtube probably has A LOT more vids of boys in heels, no matter what age. That means the future of HHplace is secure! ;)

  12. Oh you mean the clicking sound while walking in them. I LOVE IT!! Beautiful sound! Some of my pumps click in a nicer pitch than others while walking in them. It's music to my ears. When i think of heel clicking, i think of the 90's movie "Bowfinger", with Eddie Murphy and Steve Martin. They put these shoes on a dog, and had the dog walking in a parking garage. They were trying to make Murphy's character think he was being followed. It was a very comical scene, with a classic, sexy clicking!

  13. Hey, that's RIGHT! When you see a pair of shoes on the street or in a thrift store, you have no way of knowing whose feet were in them. They might have been worn by Mik Jagger, Elton John, one of the Beatles, Godzilla, or King Kong! And suppose the last owner had one of those horrible diseases that eat the flesh right off ya?:o

    As for me, I'll take my chances. If I find a pair of shoes that look interesting to me, I take 'em home. When I have time I'll clean 'em up and try 'em on - or toss them - as the case may be. Around here there is literally no telling just what you'll be able to find in someone's garbage can - including money.;)

    I used a cleaner with an anti-bacterial agent. Plus, the shoes look very clean and hot. I took my chances. I feel the worst i could face was a bad case of athletes foot. What a find!
  14. I mostly wear pumps, and i wear them barefoot. I have been meaning to go get some of those ladies' pom pom socks, with the little ball on the back of them. They look so beautiful in a great pair of pumps, especially if the colors coordinate. Like a white pair of pom pom's with a pink ball, inside a black/white/blue/yellow/red pair of pumps. Looks very pretty! ;) I wanna find some white pom pom's with a GREEN ball later today, so i can wear them with my new white pumps i found in a desert lot. Why, you ask.. Because Saturday is ST. PATTY'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, I am Irish. :o

  15. i know. it's amazing what you will find, out of the blue, in a desert lot. Maybe i should go searching through other desert lots. Maybe i'll find some more! Whoever left those pumps there, they knew that someone would grab them. There were clothes there, too, but the pumps stuck out! The insole was rather clean! The suede part of the insole was a bit soiled, but of course that's form wear. The bottom of the pumps are black and don't look too scuffed. It looks like the person who owned them didn't wear them much. BUT I WILL! haha

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