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Posts posted by pumpedup

  1. wow! 35,000 URL's? Can you post some of them? I've done some yahoo searches but never gotten too many pages of pump-wearing guys. Of course, Nordstrom has a far more quality selection of heels than Payless. Here in Las Vegas, there is supposedly a Nordstrom-related shoe store called "The Rack" or something. I am trying to find a particular pair of pumps that i fell in love with while doing a search on one of the shoe websites, either Shoemall.com or Shoes.com. They are made by a company called Madeline shoes. I hope i find them. I am not that daring to wear pumps in public. One day, maybe, but not at this time. It's my own personal private fetish, my own secret, strange thing to do. I will post pics and videos on the net, though, parading around in some Jessica Simpson's.

  2. Interesting post, Chris. I wouldn't think the staff would have any idea that you were buying those heels for yourself. How many guys buy women's shoes for themselves? There's not many of us out in the world that do. This website is quite a rare one, i'm sure. Like i said in my original post, you could be buying those shoes as a gift for a lady. If you're a big man, and you ask for a particular shoe in a big size, then that may be a dead giveaway, too. I'm somewhat of a small guy, but i have what i would assume to be big feet, so without ever checking my own shoe size in a woman's pump, I have always bought size 10. They fit well, but after a while of buying about 10 pair over a period of time, i noticed they looked a bit too large and bulky for me, plus there was a tiny bit of play. I wanted to try a size 9 1/2. So i tried a 9 1/2 one day, and found that they fit better. So i started buying pumps in size 9 1/2. I never even thought of going lower in size, but i could have! It was a year after trying out that size 9 1/2. I found some pumps that were 8 1/2 in a thrift store, and they were a must-have pair. I bought them, and got them home, and tried them on, and surprisingly, they were a little tight, but they fit! After wearing them a lot, they loosened up. So now, it's 8 1/2 for me. I tried an 8, but it was a painful struggle getting my feet in them, so i couldn't go any lower. As i said in another post, it seems that a smaller shoe looks more feminine. The larger shoe looks masculine. That's why it seems that CD shoes are of a large size. I'm straight, but I guess i like a feminine look, as far as wearing pumps.

  3. I remember when i was a very young age first seeing heels that my mother wore. Or it could have been a relative. I don't remember. My first obsession wasn't about heels, but boots. Sis had a pair in her closet, and i would always try to put them on when i was home alone, but they wouldn't fit. I would watch women walk in boots and was in awe. They increased the beauty of women that normally didn't look all that hot. Then, through my young years of about 13 or 14, my sister had some high heel pumps in her closet. It was like no big deal. Boots were still my thing. A year or so later, i was going to school and seen lotsa young girls with pumps on. They looked so much better with them on, just like women wearing boots. Then, in 1986, my opinion about pumps changed. I noticed some nice white leather ones in her closet, but they were too small for my feet. I then began to obsess about pumps. That year, i bought my first pair. Since then, i've bought like 50 to 100 pair, mostly from ebay, thrift stores and swap meets. I would rather buy pumps that a woman has walked in than buy them brand new. In my own thought processes, it gives the pumps some magical power, knowing that a woman had the babies on her feet. They're much more valuable to me, then. My fear is that i won't be able to ever stop buying them. There was a while when i made a vow to myself to stop buying them. I told myself that i have enough pairs! Then, when i go into the mall, and pass by Macy's, Dillards, or wherever, and see some sexy pumps, i wanna pass buy but i cant. So i end up buying them. The pump is sooo powerful, sooo awesome! I have fantasies of being a telephone repairman, or a cable guy, so i can go into the house of some woman who has a closet full of them, and have my way with them. Hopefully she'll wear my size. :wink:

  4. You can go to your mall and probably find a Shiekh shoes, or Wild Pair. I've seen some amazingly hottttt boots at Wild Pair, and i imagine that Shiekh sells boots, too. Or mabey just go into a regular women's shoe department at Macy's or Dillards and check those out. click below to go to the Macy's website and see all their boots. Beautiful ones!



    Also go here to find Shiekh shoes..


    good luck!

  5. I was having the same trouble you were. I just kept wearing my 4" heels until they fit better, and then got some 5" heels and kept wearing them, and then finally i got some 6" heels, and while i almost fell on my face, they fit like a glove! What i did was crouch down while wearing them, because they were a bit tight, and the toes were struggling to spread out. Then after a while, they started to spread out with everyday wear. Good luck!

  6. There was a time when i didn't like super pointy pumps. I just liked the normal, everyday pump with the short vamp. Then they started coming out with the super pointy ones, and i was a bit turned off. Then, later on, i started to like them. Now i like both flavors, the regular pointy, and the super pointy. Of course i LOVE the "V"-shaped vamp. I prefer it to the rounded vamp.

  7. I haven't ever gotten looked at funny, because it's completely normal for a man to walk into a women's shoe department at Macy's and buy some shoes. It doesn't mean he's buying them for himself to wear. Why would anyone working in the shoe dept think that, unless the guy acts very feminent. I bought only one pair at Macy's, my Jessica Simpson "Niva" pumps, and the lady didn't seem all that pre-occupied that i was buying women's shoes. It could be for a gift for someone. Plus, she actually asked me if i wanna try them on. Then she laughed and caught herself, and said, "well, you're a guy. I guess it wouldn't be your thing, eh?" I laughed and agreed with her, but when i got them home, they were on my feet in 5 seconds flat! I've gone into thrift stores, and gotten strange looks from people. One cashier at one store asked me "what are you doing with these shoes? selling them?" I just said, "You might say that." It's none of her business, really, but she probably thought i WAS selling them. She probably had no thought in her mind that i was buying them to wear them. I just bought some Friday night from a thrift store, and i'm wearing them right now. They're Etienne Aigner, black leather pumps, with about a 3" heel. I got them for $7 when they probably were $75 brand new. They're in GREAT shape, though. Hardly a scuff or scratch on them, except for the soles. I love them! The cashier said, "Wow! those are some cute shoes!" She didn't bat an eye that i was male and buying them.

  8. I am a big time lover of fashion, and of course, if they involve women's shoes, i'm all for paying top dollar if they look sexy and good, especially on a woman's feet! The most i've ever paid for a pair of pumps is $72 (with tax) and that's when i got my Jessica Simpson "Niva" pumps. I would pay $100 or more, if the shoe is a "must have." I've seen some pumps that i would pay $200 for, even if they weren't worth that much. They were THAT sexy and hot! So i say go for the Louboutins!!!

  9. Anyone ever bought some of these? They have stores all over, and are pretty nice. They had an awesome sale this weekend, up to 40% off. Payday is NEXT weekend for me, or i would have gotten some of these!

    Posted Image

    Beautiful, huh? They have them in all sorts of colors. It's the "Teresa" pump. I would have gotten these red leather or black leather. I also wanted a white pair, too. Oh Well, they'll be regular price ($60.00) ..but next weekend i'll have them!!

  10. Sometimes i like the pointy toe pumps that are popular these days, but other times i like the pumps they made in the 80's and 90's, which had a pointy toe, but not super pointy. I don't care for the rounded toe pumps much. Of course the "V" shaped vamp pumps are also a plus! I don't like a rounded vamp. The Jessica Simpson "Niva" pumps have a beautiful "v"-shaped vamp. It's stunning, just like she is! :wink:

  11. i like closed toe pumps, but lately i've seen some nice looking "peep toe" pumps that i'd be interested in getting. In my original post, i said that slings come close to being a pump. Slings would be a shoe i'd be interested in buying. I saw some beautiful ones recently, by Nine West, at TJ Maxx that i think would be a good purchase.

  12. I wear them around the house, when i have the urge to do so, which is quite often. I have attempted to make my own shoe videos, with a webcam, but the webcam kinda sucks, so they don't turn out THAT good. Also, it's a night-vision camera, so a black leather pump is going to have a grey look to it. Heck, i had on some Chinese Laundry hot pink "Spicy" pumps, and made a video. Well, the night-vision made them look white. [content deleted]

  13. I wear an 8 1/2 heel, but recently i somehow, someway got into these new patent leather Caressa pumps i found at a thrift store, which are size 8! I find small shoe sizes so much more feminine, and so much more appealing. I believe every man has a feminine side. No, i'm not talking gayness, or anything to do with homosexuality. I am straight, BTW. I just think that if a shoe is HUGE, like a size 10, or 11, because that's usually what a man's foot size is, then it says, "hey! these shoes are usually what females wear, but they're MADE for a man!" That's why pumps look sooo much nicer on small feet, and most women have small feet compared to us guys! I saw a HOT pair of pumps recently, that were VERY small, like a 5 1/2 or 6. They were purple leather, and very nice looking. If my shoe size was 2 sizes smaller, i would have bought them and had those puppies on my feet in no time! I would have probably went to the restroom there at that thrift store and at least tried them on.

  14. VERY nice camera phone you have there. I'd love to get me one of those. Well, you are very daring in whipping out your camera phone when the right opportunity happens. I would imagine an elevator would be a good place to snap pics of women in their shoes. How about a law office, or a courthouse? All those sexy lawyers in their pumps! Or maybe even a nightclub, with all those girls dancing in pumps. One time, i was at a club with my cousin, and we were drinking. Well there was a nice hot blonde chick on the dance floor, and she had left her pumps under her table. My radar detected them real quick! They were white, maybe leather. I was dyin to go over and do anything and everything to those pumps, but there were sooo many people around! It's like money! you leave it out in the open, and then pretty soon everyone's tryin to get to it. There's nothing tempting than seeing a beautiful pair of white leather pumps laying on their side, under a table at a night club.

  15. great idea! I know that heat softens things. Perhaps it will soften these babies so i can fit in them again. I'll try it. thanx!! I got them at a thrift store. They are almost brand new! Hardly a speck on the soles! The brand of the shoe is Caressa. They are size 8, and i wear an 8 1/2. Like i said, they were on my feet before, for about 1/2 hour. I'll get them on again, and then i'll keep them on for a few hours, walking around lots, until they wear in.

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