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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. Things I learned in my youth come to mind like: "Well if it makes you happy..." and "If you cant say something nice...".  Recent learnings are more like: "Being comfortable in what you wear starts from liking what you see" and "I can wear anything I want".  I do, however, agree with your previously long held assessment of slides. :roll:


    HA! Well, you can't please everybody! It's kinda hard to explain, but something about those shoes, well, attracted me, so, I went ahead and made that purchase, and I was pleased with the new acquisitions. Just like any woman, it's good to have lots of choices when it comes to shoe styles. You could say that I'm branching out, and that's not exactly a bad thing.


    Welcome to the wonderful world of slides, Jeff! I currently own about 15 pairs of sandals, and all of them are slides. The particular design you bought doesn't look impractical at all. I have several that might be considered impractical, but maybe I like them *because* they're impractical. I like a challenge.

    No, the new shoes didn't at all look impractical, and that was why I was interested enough in them to buy them, and I was happy I did. I can see myself wearing them in purely casual settings when I want to dress down, but still wear heels, and, at four inches, those slides give me all the height I want while maintaining a good sense of comfort.

  2. Hey there, TBG! Thanks for the kind words. I must say I certainly enjoyed wearing the five inch thigh boots, and being that tall sure did put me head and shoulders above the crowd, Heh! Oh yeah, matching them with my black miniskirt made for a winning combination! However, I'm glad you liked the more casual outfit I wore to the supermarket that morning. As for that "screaming need", with the weather as nice as it was that afternoon, it would've been a shame NOT to have gone out on an outing, and I was most eager to take advantage of the nice weather.

  3. Well, yesterday, I went and bought a shoe style I thought I'd NEVER buy----a slide! Yes, I'm sure I've mentioned a few times here and there that I've never been a fan of slides, calling them impractical because of the open back, but for the last few days I had been intrigued by the Payless "O'Malley" platform wedge slide, so, out of curiosity, I went to a store a mile away from home and bought not just one pair, but two as it was buy one pair, get the other at half off, so I got those shoes in black and natural which was a sort of beige. The four inch platform wedge was quite stable, comfortable, easy to stand and walk in, and yes, they go well with my skirts, from a mini to a maxi. In short, these slides have style, and I liked them! Who'd a thunk it, right? Nevertheless, I can't wait to take these shoes out for a jaunt!



  4. Mr. X: Thanks for the compliment on the black and red outfit. I sure enjoyed wearing it, and yeah, I imagine I would be able to fit in at a rock concert. HA!


    Kilty: Glad that you liked the tan skirt which I found to be perfect for the sort of low key and casual outing I went on at the supermarket, and the new loafers worked perfectly with the outfit. As for the afternoon outfit, in retrospect, I found it ironic that lady noticed the boots more than she had the miniskirt. But yeah, the fact I was able to come and go as I pleased in that outfit was most refreshing.


    bluejay: Thanks for the kind words. Glad to read you got to go out and about as well. Yeah, I'm surprised that men here have taken up skirts. Perhaps they, like me came to realize that just wearing women's shoes wasn't enough and wanted to expand their horizons by adding clothes as well. I know I'm eager to branch out more by wearing dresses, in fact, I'm dying to wear a dress, and soon!

  5. Cute skirt, Jeff! I have always feared these as I'm afraid of a wardrobe malfunction and buttons popping open showing more than I wished to :nono: This and skirts with the slit at the front rather than at the back isn't for me, but that's just a preference. Lovely top as well as the sandals ♡


    The possibility of a wardrobe malfunction never occurred to me when I bought that skirt, and I have three more just like it, I love the simplistic, casual styling with the front buttons, none of which have ever popped, and I'm fortunate for that. Glad you liked the top and the sandals.


    And now, it's time for the first Sunday Doubleheader of 2015!


    Jaunt #260, 4/19/2015, morning:

    With the sun up, I headed out to the supermarket shortly after 8 a.m., attired in my denim jacket over a brown t-shirt, the Old Navy 21 inch tan chino skirt, the Payless "Genevieve" loafers in cognac and a brown handbag. I've been eager to take the new loafers I had bought little over a month ago for an outing, and I'm happy to have made the purchase as they were supremely comfortable and stylish with the gold buckle on top, and matched well with the tan skirt. These shoes also came in black, but Payless didn't offer them in 13 wide, a pity because I would've bought a pair if they had.


    Anyhoo, there had been a good crowd at the market as evidenced by the cars in the parking lot when I arrived, but that was no deterrent as I hopped out of the car and walked on inside. Strolling the aisles at a leisurely pace as I sought the items on my list, I barely attracted any stares, which I was used to, after about half an hour or so of going about my business, I went to the check out lane, paid for my purchases, bagged my stuff, then left the market, pretty as you please, I was just another shopper, and that was good enough for me, I expected to be treated no differently from anyone else, and that was all I wanted.


    Jaunt #261, 4/19/2015, afternoon:

    The afternoon outing was a dirt simple case of having a screaming need to go out in a skirt and heels which had been on my mind from the moment I got back home from the supermarket. Despite plenty of sunshine, it was cooler than Saturday, even at high noon, so I headed out in my black faux leather jacket over a red t-shirt, my 16 inch black denim miniskirt, the Pleaser "Legend" thigh high boots and a black handbag. Admittedly, it had been quite some time since I last wore the five inch heeled boots and had to remember to take things slow at first until I had reacclimated myself to wearing them, but that didn't take long and I was having fun in them.


    Heading west into the burbs, my first stop was to an Acme supermarket to shop for a couple of items I couldn't find on my shopping trip that morning. I also had to remind myself to take smaller, deliberate steps with a slower gait inside the store because of the polished tile floors, but I managed quite well while I looked for the items I sought, Fiber One protein bars and barbecue rice cakes, standing in line for a few minutes, I paid for my items and departed, having barely attracted any attention the whole time. Back in the car, my next stop was down the road to Best Buy, there was a fairly good crowd in the store as I entered, but that was no big deal to me, as I strolled the Blu-Ray aisles, I caught the attention of a black lady in her late fifties (I guess) who looked up at me and grinned, saying, "You're pretty tall, and those heels make you even taller." I grinned back and said, "I just want to stand above the crowd." The lady chuckled and said that I did. After another twenties minutes or so of wandering, I bought an anime title and left.


    By that time, I was walking with a noticeable strut as I was having lots of fun wearing those boots with my short skirt, I felt good, damn good, because I was doing what I loved, freestyling, showing the world that a guy can break gender rules when it comes to clothing and look great in a skirt and heels when he puts his mind to that task. And that's my driving goal, to look my very best when in public, anything less would be a failure for me. More to come....









  6. Jaunt #259, 4/18/2015

    Yesterday was easily the best day of the year so far, what with plenty of sunshine and temps that flirted with 80, EIGHTY! With that in mind, I happily went on a jaunt, dressed for the nice weather in a coral colored tank top with a lace insert, a knee length, button down denim skirt, the Payless "Nicole Chopout" platform wedge sandals and a black handbag. Needless to say, I felt damn good wearing that outfit and it was great to be out and about in sandals, and I plan to wear them lots this season. Anyhoo, I drove into center city, parked a block away from my friendly, neighborhood comic book shop, put five bucks in the meter for two hours of parking time and walked down to the shop where I spent nearly half an hour, chatting with the staff about the new Daredevil TV show and the trailer for 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (for the record, we weren't all that impressed).


    From there, I took a stroll to Rittenhouse Park, absolutely jam packed with people enjoying the nice weather, despite my outfit, especially the brightly colored top, no one gave me so much as the time of day, finding a bench near a shady spot under a tree, I sat down, broke out my Barnes & Noble nook™ (that's an e-reader if you're curious) and read for about an hour and half while scores of people walked past, no of whom took any notice of me. It was very relaxing and pleasurable, reading, taking in the surroundings and just enjoying being among the masses, short and sweet, it was great fun. With fifteen minutes left on my meter, I leisurely strolled through the park, letting people see me, again, no responses which was cool with me, I was just another person taking advantage of being out in the fine weather. Back in the car, I drove over the bridge into South Jersey and Barnes & Noble for some quiet time, bought a sandwich and a bottle of lemonade and sat down with my e-reader and finished the book I was reading, spending nearly an hour there. My last stop of the day was to the nearby Dick's Sporting Goods where I bought a new air pump for my bicycle, and then, it was back home.


    This was easily one of my most enjoyable outings as it felt great to be out in warm weather attire, and I enjoyed wearing my platform sandals which are such fun shoes as well. Of course, it goes without saying that being in a nice skirt that looks nice on me is what ties everything together. Something tells me this is going to be a great season for jaunting. More to come....





  7. Guys -   Thanks for the comments but I thought the best part of the post was the Commercial link at the end.  It almost made me go out and by some Pistachios (or some new boots).  If you missed it, take a look.




    You probably already have enough boots! HA!

  8. Well, I've gone ahead and put away my sweaters, turtleneck and heavy winter skirts and brought out my lighter, spring and summer skirts along with my warm weather tops, including fifteen tanks in various styles and colors. Oh, yeah, with the warm weather here, that also means dusting off my wedge heeled platform sandals! Can't wait to wear them on future outings!

  9. mtnsofheels: Chances are I'll probably never seen that woman again as I saw that as a one in a million sort of encounter, but I'm okay with that. Meanwhile, I agree that being myself and doing what I like can indeed reap incredible benefits. As for who I am, I've already said this, I'm just a middle aged guy who likes wearing women's clothes and shoes, nothing more, and I'm fine with that as well. Still, it's good to know that I can be an inspirational figure for folks like yourself.

  10. Kilty: You're right about how men of color and Latinos do have it rougher than most when it comes to sexual preference and transgender issues. On the VERY few occasions (few enough to be counted on one hand with fingers left over) I had been heckled while out and about, it had been blacks who did the heckling, but I don't worry about that. As for my style, it's all about looking as nice and proper as possible when in public, I've come to truly appreciate pencil skirts for the slim and sleek profile they afford me, even denim styles make me look sharp, but I do have a few dressier styles which I've worn in the past and will wear again. As for wearing dresses on future outings, stay tuned!


    AZShoeNut: Perhaps I did help that woman just by being there and wearing what I like, an experience I never expected to have taken part in. All things considered, that makes me feel good.


    bluejay: Thanks for the kind words.

  11. TBG: That was a Misses size jacket from Sears which doesn't offer tall women's sizes, I don't think I could've gotten a shorter jacket unless I opted for Petite, and I seriously doubt that would fit.

    As for the encounter with the trooper, that had taken me aback big time. I try as hard as I can to anticipate all manner of questions or comments people might pose to me when out and about so I don't sound like a stumbling fool, but that lady certainly accomplished that because I never thought she'd broach that sort of topic. Speaking of which, yeah, I guess it's still something of a stereotypical mindset that a man wearing women's clothes in public is either gay or transgendered, something that's not at all true, but the mindset still exists, but, freestyling folks like me are doing all we can to dispel that.

    Lastly, you have a point there about being passive in regards to seeking attention while in public, whether I want to or not. If I tend to overdress on my outings, and I've done that lots of times, it's because I want to look good and present a proper image as a man in women's clothes and shoes. As for the meter, the parking authority here in Philadelphia (I call them The Parking Authority Gestapo) are, how shall I call it, overly enthusiastic about ticketing drivers, this is no exaggeration, it's like their soldiers appear out of the clear blue when time expires on meters. Better to be early than late.

    P.S.: My new keyboard isn't quite that elaborate. Heh.

  12. Kilty: Yes, fashion is indeed quite a complicated business, but fun to figure out.


    LuvyourShoes: Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.


    Jaunt #258, 4/11/2015:

    Every time I willingly venture out into the public fishbowl wearing women's clothes and shoes, I never know what to expect, to some, that might be seen as a nervous, perhaps scary experience. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the public at large doesn't pay me so much as a moment's attention, despite how I'm dressed, and that's more than good enough for me because I don't actively seek attention, I just want to go about my business and be respected as simply another human being, nothing more, nothing less, but today, I had a most unique and memorable encounter that I'll explain a little later. As for my outfit, even though it was a bright and sunny Saturday, it was also very gusty with a bit of a nip in the air, so I dressed appropriately in my blue denim jacket over a magenta mockneck, my 21 inch black denim skirt, black tights, the Payless "Karmen" pumps in black patent and a black handbag.


    My first stop of the day was downtown and my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, putting five bucks in the meter for nearly two hours worth of time, I hopped out and walked to the shop where I spent nearly half an hours and talked local sports with the staff, always an enjoyable thing, as I've said before, the staff of the shop are long used to the eclectic clothing I wear, so it's no big deal to them, I'm just a loyal customer, and that's good enough for me. Leaving the shop, I headed two blocks down into the Rittenhouse Square area and the Barnes & Noble where I spent almost another half hour perusing the magazine aisles and manga section before leaving with the latest Sports Illustrated, after I left, I crossed the street and entered Rittenhouse Square Park, crowded to the gills with people enjoying the nice weather, but I went ignored as I wandered about so I could be seen before sitting down on a bench to read my magazine, and be seen in a stationary location, no gawking, no double takes, no long glances, no pointed fingers, no giggles or chuckles, none of that stuff, just some pleasurable time spent with the public, and it was most enjoyable, just being able to be seen as just another person taking in the great weather.


    With fifteen minutes left on my meter, I left the park and returned to my car, whether or not anyone took pictures or video of me, I have no idea, don't care either. Back in the car, I drove over the Ben Franklin Bridge and into South Jersey, namely the Chick-Fil-A near the Moorestown Mall, and it was there that I had that unique encounter I spoke of earlier. The store was fairly crowded as it was just past 12:30 p.m., following a brief wait, I placed my order, got my meal and sat down at a table to eat. While I was enjoying a chicken salad sandwich and reading about Friday night's Phillies win over the Washington Nationals, someone lightly tapped me on my left shoulder, I turned to look and found myself facing a New Jersey State Trooper, a Latina in her late twenties, she had a sort of, well, melancholy look on her face and a small, brief smile, in a choked voice, she said that she admired me for being who I was, something her younger brother lost his life for being. At a loss for words, all I could do was thank her for what she said, with tears in her eyes, she pressed a Chick-Fil-A gift card in my hand, thanked me again and left the store. On the back of the receipt, she wrote the following: "Hi, thanks for being who you are. Lunch is on me next time. Have a blessed day."


    I was quite stunned, not knowing how to take it all in. Did she think I was gay? A transgender? I had no earthly idea. Look, I don't pretend to be anything more than just a middle aged male who wears women's clothing, nothing more, nothing less, but that encounter with the trooper left an indelible impression on my mind, hell, I've been thinking about it ever since. I guess I can occasionally promote strong emotions in people, simply by how I was dressed, something I never knew I had the power to do. Heady stuff indeed. From there, I drove to the nearby Best Buy, my last stop of the day to wander the aisles of electrical and electronic goodies for well over half an hour, always great fun before going to the register with a new keyboard for my computer. Another enjoyable outing, one made truly memorable after my encounter with that trooper. More to come....





  13. I was out shopping over the weekend in my boots, and didn't even get anything like a response - - - Nobody noticed.


    Had to sit and wait awhile in one mall, so I watched people on two levels of the mall. Only two pairs of heels in 25 minutes. Everything else was flats, sneakers and Ugg variants.


    Oh well


    Just wait until spring really kicks in and pretty much EVERY female is wearing those dreaded flip-flops. Urgh!


    I wore the same outfit to Remkee's grocery this afternoon.  The gal at the deli made a point of calling me "Sir", which is usually a salutation of disapproval when your a guy wearing a skirt.  As I was leaving an older guy nearly fell over his feet as he turned around to stare. I think the shoes caught his attention first and from there it was stark disbelief.


    I made another stop at my favorite thrift store and gave the impression that I had been wearing the skirt and shoes all day.



    Oh, I don't know about that. I've been called "sir" many times when out an about in a skirt and heels and was treated with respect. By the by, cool outfit there, TBG!

  15. Jeff, you inspired me to get a more stretchy type of pencil skirt, I bought some cute brown flats and asked my friend to take a picture of them with my new skirt. I think the watch is a bit bling bling but I was feeling daring :)

    Looking forward to your next jaunt :cheeky:


    The skirt looks nice, Kilty. Well done! As for the watch, you could try a slim women's style like what I wear on my outings.

  16. JeffB - Looks great.  The first adjective that struck me as very handsome, but I struggled with applying that description to a gal... but then I'm not... hence my quandary.


    I think the element that really made the outfit redandwhite posted was the black suede boots with the dark black hose/tights  The silver zipper gave a nice contrasting accent but the key was the matt finish of the boots not contrasting with the hose.  They have a nice heel too.  It was almost like the boots didn't stop.  Someday I'll find a pair of suede thigh boots. :penitent:


    I didn't expect to see you posting for yesterday with all the Final Four Madness on TV.  I don't normally watch basketball but I took your enthusiasm to heart and watched both games.   I figure if you're going to watch any sport, wait until the end of the season when the best teams are left playing each other.  I made some popcorn and opened a beer and actually enjoyed both games. :lurk:   Like I said I don't watch much basketball and I did catch myself looking for the two minute warning. 


    It did occur to me as I was watching, I'll bet JeffB is doing the same thing.  :beers:


    Nothing wrong with being called handsome, heck, that's what I was, a handsome guy in a skirt and heels, nothing more, nothing less. As for Saturday's games, they didn't stat until six p.m., so I wa back in plenty of time for a nap prior to the opening tipoff.


    TBG:   These boots look like your style, although they seem to be stretchy matt fabric material rather than (faux) suede.   Perhaps you prefer something less clingy?   Nice though!


    JeffB:   You might like them too.   I'm sure they are available in the US




    Hmm! Nice boots there I must say!


    Fantastic outfit again Jeff! Love the stretchy skirt! I bought a blue chino one that was a 23 inch stretchy number. Looking forward to your next jaunt :wink:


    I've had that skirt from Old Navy for well over a year and was looking for just the right time to show it off. Glad you liked it!

    Those boots look fantastic on you buddy!


    Good to see you out again doing your thing Jeff

    Thanks for the kind words!
  17. Jaunt #257, 4/4/2015:

    A combination of blustery weather and a picture by redandwhite in the Gallery section gave me the inspiration for the outfit I wore on my latest outing, that being my denim jacket over a black mockneck, a 21 inch stretchy denim pencil skirt from Old Navy, black tights, the Payless "Tara" boots and a black handbag. Even though spring has arrived, it was cool and gusty, so the outfit I put together made for a good choice, especially after how I liked redandwhite's combination of a gray skirt, black tights and matching boots. Regarding the skirt which I bought well over a year ago, it was comfortable and stylish with a rear slit (or, as they call it in the industry, a walking vent) and matched well with my tights and boots. The only thing more important to me than feeling good when I wear women's clothes is looking good and being appropriately fashionable.


    My first stop of the day was to a branch of my bank to hit the ATM, parked half a block away and drew the curious stare of a homeless man sitting on a bench as I passed, after getting some cash, he stared again at me as I returned to my car. from there, it was off to my local comic shop, managed to find a spot less than half a block away from the store, I did get a couple of stares here and there, but that's okay, you have to get used to stares when out in public or you can't make freestyling work. After nearly half an hour in the store, including some chatter about the local pro sports teams, I indulged in a two block stroll through always busy and crowded Rittenhouse Square where I drew little attention, and that was cool with me too, being able to go about my business like everyone else. I swung by Barnes & Noble, spending close to half an hour there and leaving with a couple of sports magazines, returning to my car, it was over the bridge and into South Jersey, going to Wendy's in the Moorestown Mall area where I enjoyed a Baconator. Yum!


    My last stop was to Sears for more shopping as I bought a nice blue twill skirt that came with a slim tan belt, I can see myself pairing that with a beige or tan top and those tan Payless loafers I bought a few weeks ago. Just like with most women, a man can never have enough skirts, and, as I probably mentioned previously, with winter looking to finally be gone, I'm eager to break out my spring and summer skirts for the season that's developing. More to come....





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  18. Wow, TBG! That outfir certainly did push the envelope off the proverbial cliff! However, you should've saved that ensemble for Easter Sunday where you would've fit in just fine with all the ladies showing off their finery. Still, well done, my friend!

  19. Thanks for all the kind words, folks! Much appreciated! It certainly was great fun to wear that short skirt with my thigh boots, a fabulous combination to say the least! Meanwhile, I hope winter is finally on the way out so I can swap my heavier fall and winter skirts for my lighter spring and summer skirts. Wearing skirts has become intrinsic to my freestyling, case in point: despite how chilly it was on Sunday, it never occured to me to wear anything but a skirt, and I purposely went with that denim mini which worked well with my thigh boots to keep me nice and warm. In fact, late next month will mark my second anniversary of having gone "all skirts, all the time", and I couldn't be happier with that decision I made.

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