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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. 15 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    But then there is the "Hurtles of high heels" that we all encounter.


    I think we could have our own HHPLACE event.  We could award points for style, degree of difficulty (based on heel height), and inversely for speed (more point the longer your in heels).  There would also be additional points for venue: zero for staying at home, -1 for going out on a dark street at night, a bunch for going to a mall, a bigger bunch for wandering around downtown as @JeffB and @CAT do  , and a huge bunch for going to a motorcycle rally like @mlroseplantdid. :penitent:

    Heh! Sounds intriguing!

  2. On 8/15/2016 at 0:40 PM, Thighbootguy said:


    The numbers are great but they give a misleading picture.  Try running the numbers for just 2016 and I think it will give a completely different picture of what your wearing and point out that your thigh boot wearing has been woefully neglected. :penitent:

    Hmm! You may have a point there. I'll see about correcting that oversight come fall.  :-P

  3. bluejay: What can I say? I'm a nut for numbers, that came from my years in the Navy where my job required me to inventory stuff and do lots of counting, so numbers were important to me, and remain so today. Besides, this is fun for me!  :-P

  4. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Perhaps I was the best dressed person in the area! Far be it for me to deny the all to obvious! HA! And since that was my 325th outing, it's time for....NUMBERS!!!

    2008: 10
    2009: 42
    2010: 28
    2011: 61
    2012: 34
    2013: 33
    2014: 45
    2015: 46
    2016: 26 (as of 8/6/2016)

    SKIRTS: 241 (above knee-165, below knee-55, at knee-21)
    JEANS: 63 (tucked-39, untucked-24)
    SKORTS: 9
    DRESSES: 6
    CAPRIS: 4
    PANTS: 1

    OTHER SHOES: 130
    BOOTS: 111 (knee-64, thigh-45, ankle-2)
    PUMPS (including wedges): 99
    LOAFERS: 37
    SANDALS (including wedges): 32
    FLATS (including wedges): 24
    SLIDES (including wedges): 22

    SKIRTS: 74.4
    JEANS: 19.3
    SKORTS: 2.7
    DRESSES: 1.8
    CAPRIS: 1.2
    PANTS: 0.3

    BOOTS: 34.2
    PUMPS: 30.5
    LOAFERS: 11.3
    SANDALS: 9.9
    FLATS: 7.3
    SLIDES: 6.8


    • Like 1
  5. On 8/4/2016 at 6:14 PM, inquisitor said:

    I finally hunted down a pair of heels I've wanted for at least the last three years. Kelsi Dagger 'Linzy' platform pumps in black patent. I used to have a pair of Aldo Franchette's that were similar, but those, even in the Size 11 (41), didn't fit. These fit perfectly. And now I'm eyeing them in two other colors (slate patent and lilac patent).

    2016-07-31 15.46.19.jpg

    2016-07-31 15.46.47.jpg

    2016-07-31 15.46.58.jpg

    Interesting! Do they have hidden platforms?

  6. On 8/2/2016 at 6:45 PM, heelsrus2000 said:

    I didn't mind the stocking tops being seen, it was just the slit in my skirt was high and the skirt is one of those you have to keep pulling down when you've walked a few metres... but asidd from that, it was okay :) 

    Hmm! Perhaps you might want to double check your appearance before going out so you don't encounter any....complications.

    On 8/3/2016 at 1:30 AM, bluejay said:

    Nice looking ensemble, JeffB. It looks great on you!

    Tonight I went our wearing my white mini skirt, with a raspberry colored polo shirt, my new Michael Kors, "Damita" wedge heel, front zip sandals, 4-1/2" heels and a 1" platform, in a raspberry color. I also carried a Vera Bradley, matching cross body bag, in the raspberry color, that matched my shoes and shirt perfectly. Got a few compliments on my outing, tonight.

    I like to wear lots of jewelry. Necklace, matching bracelet and matching anklet, with several finger rings. Adds a lot of pizsass to an ensemble, IMO. I don't have to wear glasses yet, but I do have women's sun glasses that, I wear out in the bright sunlight.

    Happy Heeling,



    Thanks for the kind words. Sounds like you struck quite the colorful appearance. Even better that you got compliments as well. Good for you! As for jewelry, I need to invest in more than I currently have, however, I do have women's sunglasses that I enjoy wearing.

    Jaunt #325, 8/6/2016: Seeing that I hadn't worn a proper pair of heels since early June, and since I'm still on my current sandal fetish, I satisfied both urges by wearing my newest acquisitions, the Payless "Summer" sandals in white with a four inch, espadrille styled wedge heel. Cute, stylish and comfortable, I paired them with a brown, v-neck t-shirt, a tan pencil skirt and a white handbag to match with the shoes. Once again, the advantage of wearing a light, airy skirt on a sunny and hot day couldn't have been more plain as it kept me nice and cool during my outing, my first stop was to the man branch of the Post Office to buy a money order, after a ten minute wait in line, I made my purchase, filled it out and mailed it off, then I headed off into South Jersey for the first time in a few weeks, as it was close to lunch, I headed to Boston Market where I enjoyed their pulled BBQ chicken carver sandwich with a bottle of water. Mighty tasty if I do say so myself.

    From there, I headed to the nearby multiplex at Moorestown Mall, arriving just in time to catch a showing of the latest superhero movie, or rather, in this case, super villain movie, Suicide Squad. I had to wait in line over five minutes and I did get a few stares here and there from both passerby and people waiting in line for tickets, but, nothing more than stares, as for the movie itself, I went in with low expectations, still, it was pretty decent, Jared Leto's performance as the Joker was spot on I thought. The lobby of the multiplex was crowded to the max when I left the theater, so I got some more stares, still, that sort of this was to be expected and, for the most part, I'm used to the looks, to some, the sight of a man in women's clothing is considered odd, I get that. My last stop of the day was to the nearby Best Buy, but I didn't buy any movies, rather, I purchased a battery charger and rechargeable AA batteries for my remotes. After nearly two months, it certainly felt good to be wearing true heels again, and my passion for sandals remains strong as summer continues. More to come....



    Jaunt #325, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #325, outfit-2.jpg

  7. TBG: Thanks for the kind words. I keep saying I'm going to invest in more jewelry but haven't gotten around to that yet, but I will. Ditto on the glasses, that's also a good idea. Meanwhile, it's one thing to get rained on which I don't like, but quite another to get rained on when it's muggy as sin. YUCK! I'm glad you enjoyed your restaurant outing, sounds like you had fun.

    heelsrus2000: No reason to feel self-conscious unless you have a reason to feel that way. Always dress appropriately for your surroundings and have fun.

    • Like 1
  8. Jaunt #324, 7/30/2016: Hard to believe it's been a day under three weeks since my last outing. Well, that's what happens when the seemingly endless heat wave we've suffered from made me too lazy and sluggish to want to do any jaunting. However, the weather today was not quite so miserably muggy, so, with a forecast of afternoon thunderstorms lurking, I headed out on an outing in a blue shirt with the lace front, my 17 inch gray skirt with the distressed hem, the Payless "Stacey" low heeled wedge sandals and a black handbag. Because of the warm temperatures, the short skirt was an absolute treat to wear as it kept me cool and comfortable, and it's plenty stylish too, meanwhile, my fondness for wearing flat (or, in today's case, nearly flat) sandals continues. I have to say I've had a lot of fun wearing these shoes, I haven't worn heels higher than an inch and a half (the height of the Stacey sandals) since early June, and, for the present, I'm perfectly content to continue wearing my sandals.

    My first stop was center city and my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, not just for picking up the week's newest books, but to talk sports, mainly the Eagles with the staff, always a good time for me. Then it was off to Rittenhouse Square and Barnes & Noble where I spent a good twenty or so minutes before leaving with the newest issue of Sports Illustrated before retreating to the park read my magazine, as usual for a late Saturday morning in the middle of summer, the place was pack, but, as usual, no one paid me a moment's attention, a half hour later, I went to McDonald's for lunch, got a couple of glances there, but it was no big deal. My last stop of the day was up the road to Radio Shack where I bought a new pair of headphones to use with my computer so I don't disturb the neighbors when I'm listening to Internet radio at four in the morning. While my outing was short as I was leery about being caught in a storm, it was still enjoyable, the fun of being able to come and go as I pleased, dressed the way I please is extremely liberating.

    Jaunt #324-outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #324-outfit-2.jpg

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  9. 9 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Hey JeffB - With the Democratic National Convention in Philly this week, I keep looking at the crowds to see if I can spot you. :penitent:

    I'll bet that convention has made a mess of Philly.

    Other than protest marches around the center city area and vehicle restrictions in South Philly where the convention is being held, it's been okay, nowhere near the mess that came from the Papal Visit last September.

  10. 11 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Dresses may be easier, but a skirt and top can give more variations.  I have been attributing the lack on my seeing elegant dressing on the places that I frequent, as elegant dressing would not be appropriate.  However, lowering the bar a little, I don't see much "neat" or "coordinated" dressing either.  You and @JeffB put most of the folks I see to shame.  I do try but I really don't have a good eye for it.  I normally start with "what boots do I want to wear" and work my way up from there.:penitent:


    Well, that's a bit of a bother for me as well since you rarely see people of either gender dress up, at least not on weekends, save for Sunday morning when people go to church. But, there is a sense ease and simplicity to wearing a dress since it's just one item, put it on, add and accessory or two and it's off to the races.

  11. Sorry to hear about your troubles, TBG. I mentioned on my thread how I haven't worn anything higher than an inch and a half for over a month, but, in my case, it was by choice, not so much for you, I can imagine this must be hard on you. But, I can only suggest you take things slowly while you build up your strength, it would be foolish to try and get back in harness too soon as that might result in a setback. So, take it easy.

  12. On July 12, 2016 at 2:32 PM, RonC said:

    Thanks TBG.  However, I am a bit too old and out of shape to be even thinking about shorts and heels.  If that look wouldn't look good on a woman my age, it sure as hell wouldn't look good on me!

    Age ain't nothing but a number. Pay no attention to that and just wear what makes you feel good, regardless of how old you are. You only get one ride on the roller coaster called life, make the most of your trip while you can.

    • Like 1
  13. Thanks for the comments, everyone. As for TBG, well, you can't please everybody. Heh! 

    heelsrus2000: Nice outfit. As for outdoor shots, that's not a priority with me, I just go out and about, nothing more, nothing less.

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  14. Jaunt #323, 7/10/2016: After a positively wretched week weather wise, what with temps in the mid 90's most of the days, a quick hitting thunderstorm Saturday afternoon knocked the temps down to manageable levels on Sunday, I headed out on a jaunt, deciding to dress up a little in a black tank top, a lined, below the knee printed skirt from Sears, my newest footwear acquisitions, the Payless "Noble" flat sandals in white and a matching handbag, because I always make sure my bag matches my shoes. I think I've reached yet another level in my journey as a fashion freestyler because I not only looked forward to wearing flat sandals, I actually LONGED to do so, and the Noble shoes were very stylish. In fact, I haven't worn heels higher than one and half inches since early June, and I'm perfectly cool with that, I've found that it's very....liberating to wear flat sandals like the multitudes of girls and women out and about during spring and summer, that I don't need to wear high heels to make a fashion statement, and that's rather empowering.

    As for the outing, armed with my Barnes & Noble nook e-reader in my bag, I headed into town and my usual haunt, Rittenhouse Square Park, after a thirty Knute hunt for a parking spot, I jumped out, fed the meter and strolled to the park some three blocks away. The temps were not only comfortable, there was a good breeze blowing which gently whipped the light fabric skirt about my shins as I walked, and that felt kind of daring to me while the sandals were comfy and easy to walk in, and, of course, no one paid me so much as a moments worth of attention on my way to the park and after I arrived, even though the park was packed with people, I've gotten used to that, thought that disappoints as I'm always eager to engage with people who engage with me about my attire. Seated on the bench with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on my e-reader, I was an hour into my reading when an older couple sat next to me and fiddled with their smartphones, then, the lady let out a little Yelp, I turned to see what had happened, she had a dollop of bird crap on her bare forearm, something that amused her more than angered her, fortunately, I had gotten into the habit of keeping a packet of tissues in my bag and gave one to her to wipe away the offending goo. She thanked me, then chuckled, saying she had that happen to her a week ago and joked she was a bird magnet, the couple and I got a little laugh out of that before they up and left.

    Not one mention from the couple about my attire, the brief chatter was all about the bird poo. Predictably, I looked up in the trees out of mild concern, though I've yet to be bombed by birds while in the park, though I suppose it's only a matter of time. Funny, isn't it, how life works? Anyhow, it wound up being a pleasant outing, something I've come to expect, but I never take anything for granted. More to come....

    Jaunt #323, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #323, outfit-2.jpg


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  15. Thanks for the kind words, guys! I suppose men might well know, or have an idea about how comfortable a skirt is in the heat of summer, but they wouldn't be caught dead wearing one. As for men in kilts, I've yet to see one, but I'd be interested in catching that sight.

    Jaunt #322, 7/2/2016: With this being Independence Day weekend, I thought I'd go the patriotic route by sporting a red shirt, a white belt and a blue denim skirt which I paired with the Payless "Stacey" low wedge sandals in white and a matching handbag. My goal with this outfit was for it to be fun, and I think I succeeded in that goal as I went downtown to be seen, spending a good twenty minutes at my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, then strolling down to Rittenhouse Square park to get in a little reading on my trusty nook e-reader for nearly an hour. The weather was sunny and pleasant with a refreshingly cool breeze that made things feel quite nice, of course, no one paid me a moment's attention in the park, crowded as usual with people, but that's okay. I also enjoyed some people watching, and EVERY female I saw wore some variation of flat shoes: sandals, sneakers, slides, slip-ons, and yes, the dreaded flip-flops, no heels of even modest or minimal heights (save for what I wore) were seen, which made my choice of footwear all the smarter since I enjoy blending in with my surroundings.

    After a walk a couple of blocks down the street to have lunch at McDonald's, I returned to my car and drove to the northeast and Parx Casino, yeah, I know it hadn't been all that long since my last trip there, but payday was on Friday, so I thought I could spare a couple of twenties here and there for some fun tackling the ol' one-armed bandits. Like the park, the casino was packed for an early Saturday afternoon, and since everyone was busy working slot machines or rolling dem bones, I went ignored as I had fun on a few machines of choice, I won as much as around fifty bucks on one machine, gave most of it right back on another, then won about forty on another, ending my day there with just under thirty bucks. You don't get rich playing penny slots, but that doesn't keep me from having fun, and that's why I go to the casino, but it's more fun to go there while on a jaunt. And since I wore a fun patriotic outfit, that made my day out even more enjoyable. More to come....


    Jaunt #322, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #322, outfit-2.jpg

  16. On 6/30/2016 at 10:48 PM, Thighbootguy said:

    I don't think an eye doctor is in order, rather it is a matter of perception.  When you look in a mirror before you go out, as I'm sure you do, your eyes see JeffB because that is what they are expecting to see.  However when a total stranger sees someone wearing a dress, sandals and with a matching belt and bag, unless there is something that totally contradicts the image (like a beard), they are going to initially read that image as female.  When you also have short graying hair that is common on females, there isn't anything that would initially contradict the female image.  Now on closer observation, as you do in a mirror, they may notice something that makes them rethink their first impression, but in today's society, how many people bother with a second look (or even a good first one for that matter)?

    Just for grins, the next time your dressed and looking in a mirror, see if you can sell yourself on the idea that you are looking at a female.  It will surprise you when one time when you try this you really will see an image that you read as female.  When this happened to me I was almost dumbstruck.  There was a combination of clothing that I strongly read as female and it carried the rest of the image right along with it.

    It is a real challenge to look in a mirror and try to see through someone else's eyes, but doing it can be a real game changer.  It would probably make it easier to put an outfit together.

    Most interesting, TBG! I agree that perception is important, and for people who'll pass me by on the street with nothing more than just a glance and will never see me again, I can see where they might take me for being female. As for your suggestion, I will give that a try prior to my next jaunt. Definite food for thought! Thanks!

    Jaunt #321, 7/1/2016: An emergency of sorts popped up Friday morning. The UPS (uninterruptible power supply) my computer is hooked up to gave up the ghost and wouldn't turn on, so I had to go to Best Buy after work to purchase a new one, but, on the spur of the moment, I decided to turn that into a quick outing, sporting a quickly put together casual outfit consisting of a blue t-shirt, an 18 inch Old Navy denim skirt, Payless "Margarita" low wedge slides in black and a matching handbag. Again, the goal was for a casual outfit for a quick outing, and it worked well as I drove into Springfield where the closest Best Buy was to where I lived in the city. Despite how sunny and muggy it was, the short skirt kept me nice and cool while the new slides were comfortable and easy to wear, I've found it remarkable how much I've come to enjoying slides and sandals of varying heel heights at this time of year while the notion of wearing enclosed shoes (a.k.a. pumps) has become a non-starter, I simply have no reason to wear such shoes. Quite the paradigm shift from when pumps used to be all I wore all year 'round. Meanwhile, I wasted no time finding what I needed after arriving at Best Buy and making my purchase, then I stopped off at an Acme supermarket on my way back home for a couple of odds and ends. A quick outing to be sure since thunderstorms were in the forecast and the skies darkened considerably on my way back, but it was still enjoyable. More to come....


    Jaunt #321, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #321, outfit-2.jpg

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