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Posts posted by Richy

  1. Glad you like them. Actually she had to be carried (by me and her husband, lucky sod that I am) because she couldn't move an inch in the hobble skirt and heels combo. The shoes are a size 36 or UK size 3 which will give you an idea of the arch that she had to put up with. In fairness to her though, throughout the weekend, she was otherwise wearing 9-10cm thigh boots so she's not averse to heels. I've suggested ballet boots may be easier for her. It didn't go down to well

  2. Many, many years ago on Cardiff station. A business woman in her mid twenties wearing a pair of stilettos with about a 14-15cm heel. She was so far onto her toes, that she had to keep moving in order to keep her balance. They attracted quite a considerable amount of attention, even a father stood next to me asking his daughter who was about 14 whether she would want a pair of shoes like that.

  3. It's not often that you get an opportunity to photograph a woman in a genuine pair of 6" heel, so I want to share these.

    They were taken by myself at the Boundcon Fetish Fair in Munich on the weekend. No apologies for showing them full size. They deserve (I think anyway) to be celebrated.

    Posted Image

  4. There does seem to be a problem using Rapidshare for some people, possibly to do with Browser settings. I'm one of those that can't access Rapidshare and I'm loathe to pay for access, in case I still can't use the service. The other problem with the Rapidshare free usage is that you can only download once an hour. Can I suggest trying megaupload.com, which is still free to upload and you can download as well whenever you want.

  5. Thank you Jim. Congratulations Pata. Another first for the internet I believe. Can't ever recall anyone trying a sporting past-time wearing ballet boots, particularly one which demands that you balance your whole weight on one foot while swinging the other. Your sense of balance must be incredible.

  6. Likewise, I've had the same problem with Rapidshare.

    Is there any possibility of one of the succesful downloaders uploading the file to www.massupload.com (it's a free hosting site and easier to use than Rapidshare) and posting a link so that those who have problems with Rapidshare can download.


  7. If you knew I had posted the best, you probably wouldn't have looked at the others. :roll:

    Personally, my favourite was this one.

    Posted Image

    Not only for the looks of those 4" heels, but also the elegant way in which she wore them. Not a hint of hesitation in her stride.

    I did a small 10 second video of her as well, which I'm happy to share. It's a bit shaky because I was obviously moving as well, but it gives an idea of how easily she found walking in those heels.


  8. Took a trip over to Dublin yesterday. The hot weather meant that most women were in flip-flops or ankle tie espadrilles. However, patience was rewarded and I managed a few great street shots. Here's a small selection.

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    Larger version http://static.flickr.com/77/162251279_9480975caa_o.jpg

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    Larger version http://static.flickr.com/58/162231044_0f21f56929_o.jpg

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    Larger version http://static.flickr.com/52/162231039_ec37dcfb0d_o.jpg

    Those weren't the best either. For the rest, have a look at Firefox's flickr street-heels site http://www.flickr.com/groups/streetheels/

  9. Whichi pics ? and why please ?

    Taken from the board guidelines.

    You can discuss "fetish" subjects all you want till the cows come home and go back out to the fields for that matter. What we are NOT allowed to do is post porn pics, have nudity, porn links, gratuitous sexual material or anything related to those matters. Those are not our rules, they are made by the board hosts.

    A site which appears to be devoted almost entirely to publishing photographs taken up womans skirts, almost certainly without their knowledge, falls in the catagory of gratuitous sexual material. Not only that, I also would consider your site to be totally degrading to the female gender.

  10. Pata Judging from the two video clips that you've posted, the reason why people don't consider anything wrong with you wearing ballet boots is that you move so naturally in them. You probably receive far less attention wearing them than someone wearing a pair of 3" heels, that struggles to walk in them properly, simply because you appear so confident and relaxed in them. Wandering around with your hands in your pockets is not something that you would normally associate with a person wearing 7"+ heels. I can think of only two others who can move about so casually in ballet boots. One is Claire Adams, the bondage and fetish model. The other is the ex ballerina who was flmed for the Sat1 German documentary a few years ago. I, for one, could watch your videos for hours in awe of your abilities. Hopefully, you have a few more clips that you can post in the future.

  11. You can thank Firefox for that site. He was the one who started it off. I prefer to use it to this site for hosting photos because of Jeff's request to blur out identities on here. You've probably noticed that almost all of my shots will include the whole body rather than just the shoes or boots, which was one of the guidelines for the group (along with nothing lower than 3").

  12. That was the best of them bt if you want to have a look at the others go to


    I was impressed with her ability to move in them without any sign of hesitation. The last time I saw a woman wearing a pair of those, it looked as if she was trying to walk a tightrope, holding on to her friend for dear life. This young lady just took it in her stride as you might say. In fact, there ws no difference in pace between her and her friend wearing trainers.

  13. I've been watching the numbers of people on this board for the last few days and have noticed that the number of guests is almost invariably outnumbering the number of members logged in at any one time. The question I have is, Is the high number of guests due to members just reading the board but can't be bothered to login. Are there a significant number of people who read this board who aren't members for one reason or another. Is the number of guests indicative of the other problems that this board has at the moment. To give an example of what I'm saying, writing this there are at the moment 5 members logged in and 13 guests. A couple of hours ago, I noticed only 2 members and 15 guests. I've deliberately put the poll in this topic group so guests can actually participate.

  14. Name: Richy Age: 43 Gender: Male Location: Newport South Wales Occupation: Railman Height: 5' 10" Weight: Far too much for my own good Shoe size: 10 UK What's your favourite heel style: Stilleto What's your favourite shoe style: Ballet Do you wear your heels outside: Did for a couple of years but no longer What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 4 inches for comfort (:D Your highest heel height: 8 inches (ballet) How often did you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Frequently (:cry: Your highest heel height: Only occasionally Anything else you wish to add: I wore female design shoes for over two years, mainly because I wanted to be an individual, but slowly, the thrill wore of. I also realised, that it still gives me far greater pleasure seeing a female wearing a nice pair of heels than wearing them myself.

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