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Posts posted by Richy

  1. Pete is having the plain courts, but I still have the courts with the cross abr. They are a size 8 and have a 4.5" heel. I've said to Pete he can have them for $40 (including the postage) so the same goes if you want them.

  2. Definately no problem. As far as heel size goes, I recently bought my first pair of mens shoes in over two years. I only bought them, because they had the same style as several pairs of womans loafers that I have seen in the shops and the same 2" heel as a pair of womens loafers that I have been wearing to work for over a year.

  3. I have two pairs of the Barratts courts in a size 8, one is the plain court, and the other with the cross-over bar, both in black. They have been worn once outdoors for a brief period of time, but the soles are hardly scuffed. Is it worth me getting a couple of batteries for my camera and putting them in the for sale section because they are just a little too small for me for comfort.

  4. Lee's loss was fortunately my gain. I already had one pair of size 10's from Faith, the style with the double zip, which fit me perfectly, and knew that Faith's size 9's fit for length but not quite for width, but I couldn't get hold of any more size 10's.

    They arrived on Friday morning and fit like a glove. I've already spent quite a lot of time in them, which included about a half mile walk yesterday and shopping in Sainsbury's this morning. They are very comfortable as well as extremely stylish.

    Thanks a lot Lee.

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  5. Leatherworks shop has a large variety of stock. I have always found them extremely welcoming to visitors and, provided that the phone is not red hot, are prepared to spend the time with you to make sure that you get exactly what you want.

  6. Driving down Station Road in Swindon last night on my way to work. Walking the other way, hand in hand with boyfriend/husband was a tall, slim woman in late twenties, wearing black minidress and red closed toe ankle strap sandals with 7" platform heels, the platform being between 3 and 4". Closest that I've come to vearing off the road in a long time.

  7. That kitchen looks very much like the kitchen that Heike walks around in in a free clip from one of her videos that you could download from her site a while ago

    Well spotted. Having had a look at Heike's video, it would appear that it is the same kitchen. At least, the layout, tiles, even down to the drawer and cupboard handles are identical. That pair of shoes is the only pair that Heike uses, however. I though the slides were the same but they're not. Heike's although similar in design had a gold vamp, not black.

  8. Didn't use the links folder as the last entry was in May and not sure who looks at it now. Can be moved if need be.

    Found a new site which has just started up. All of the site is free and includes photos and videos of this young German lady in heels up to 18cm and ballets, indoor and outdoor shots as well. Well worth a visit.

    Rather than break copywrite, here's a link to a few of the photos that caught the eye.





    The website home page address is of course.


  9. These caught my eye on ebay today while just browsing.

    Not everybody's cup of tea I know, (just like ballets aren't for everybody either), but no reason why anyone interested shouldn't be aware of the chance to buy, especially as Marquis are the only other Northern Hemisphere company making them and charging $600 a pair.

    The item numbers are 2845761197 and 2845761238 or search for ponygirl boots. The maker claims to have spent 36 hours in them doing normal activities around the house.

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  10. Took another trip up to the Brmingham Bizarre Bazaar yesterday. Not as many there as normal, being the east weekend, but still any number of 4" stilettos on show. Most notable were the organisers wife, wearing a playboy bunny outfit with white stockings and 5.5" white stiletto courts, one woman wandering around in a pair of 6" thigh high lace up boots (she was about a size 5) and another who had on a pair of Jante red strap sandals with an 8" heel and 3" platform. Noticable that the shoe stall there had as many men visitors trying on shoes as woman.

  11. I must be blessed with good neighbours in my street. Two nights ago, the woman from across the road called in wearing a pair of 3.5" stiletto ankle boots under long jeans. Now I've just looked out of the window at one of the 16 year old daughters of another neighbour, wearing a creme coloured jacket and mini-skirt with brown knee length 4" high leather boots, looking particurly stunning.

  12. I'll try and remember the newspaper and rice... what are they for?

    Easy. The rice is for the wedding scene at the start of the film, and the newspaper is to stop you getting wet during the storm scene. Retaliation is accepted if you happen to have a water pistol in your pocket as well.

    But beware, my last Rocky Horror show in the Bristol Hippadrome, someone had smuggled a stirrup pump onto the balcony. The newspaper kept me dry until the person behind accidently set light to it with his candle during "There's a light".

    Nothing like a good bit of audience participation.

  13. I probably wouldn't recommend Bristol, but appreciate the offer. I know that I have said a couple of times before that I would come out, but as always, work has got in the way. Being a relief man, you never know what shifts they are going to throw at you. I suppose as well, that I have also been a bit reticent because art galleries and such are not my scene, and I have done places like Oxford Street to death. Unless you wear a size 8 or lower, you are not likely to find much to interest you unless very lucky. My idea of a day out like that, would be to sit in a pub for a few hours, and just be able to talk, and exchange views on the world with like minded people, maybe even without mentioning heels in conversation. Call it more of a social gathering. Conversation in a group tends to flow a great deal more, if you start off knowing that you have at least one thing in common that you can relate to. It's how friends are made.

  14. I posted this on Jenny's old site after replying to what may well become an interesting topic on the acceptance of women in ultra high heels. Probably I should have posted it here first but.... While I was composing my (rather lengthy) reply to Jenny in the previous thread a thought occured to me. As I said to her, this group, the alternative men's group and the hhforum were set up primarily to offer a contact point for support of many who, knew that they had an interest in the wearing or admiration of the high heel, but thought that it was parculiar to them alone. The problem is that this, and the other websites have lost that focus now and anybody new coming in here looking for advice, such as jenny, is more likely to be hit with constant "please post a photograph for us" which tends to alienate anyone and push them away from the group. I'm also part of the BDSM community in this country, having recently found that there is an organised side to those aspect. They found that it was very difficult for new people, who may only just be discovering their own preferences, to get into the scene, mainly because of the fear of the unknown. So they set up a system, which they call "munches" where newcomers are have an open invitiation to come along and meet more regular members of the sccene in an informal, and no dress code situation, normally in a pub or club during the day, so they can find out more from each other, swap stories/experiences and generally meet a few people so that when they do take the big first step, they will at least have a few friendly faces to lean on. It's all very relaxed and to an outsider, you wouldn't notice anything different. In fact, the pub we use in South Wales, we have the lounge but have to go through the bar to get to the toilets but as we're in jeans normally, nobody knows any different. The men do, to a small extent, try to meet on a regular basis, but I suspect that many are put of joining them because they don't have the confidence to do what they do, which is wander around London or Birmingham wearing what they want. There is nothing done for the women who wish to wear heels but haven't got the confidence, or want to go higher but don't know where to begin, and there is certainly no means of the men and women of this group getting together. What I would suggest is that someday, we set up a meet for anybody who wants to come along, just to be able to put names to faces, ask questions, get ideas, and generally relax and feel good. If you want to wear heels do so, if you don't no problem. The difference is that you would be in a room where everyone has a common interest amd is able to interact. There are undoubtedly a number of couples where one partner reads this board, and would like to get the SO to share his or her interest but doesn't know how to convince them. This would be an opportunity. The predominant participant a first would alomost certainly be single males and couples, as it is with the munches, but as time goes on, things change. Over to the rest of you.

  15. At an ice hockey game tonight, one of the girls who sits behind me in the block turned up wearing an above the knee denim skirt and knee length stretch pvc pull up boots. The had a thin metal post heel of between 4" and 4.5" on them. She can walk about quite easily in them, but tends to take going down the concrete steps a little more gingerly. Not really helped by them being a little too big for her, probably about half a size, so the ball of the heel wasn't fully slotted home. You could see the heel moving under her.

  16. Went for a wander through Cardiff City Centre this afternoon, seeing if there was anything worthwhile in the sales, while keeping my eye on who was wearing what. The normal plethora of "pseudo-stiletto" heeled boots with what I describe as medium 3.5" to 4" heels being worn by anyone from the age of 12 years upward but nothing really special until I started back to the car. Half-way down Queen Street I noticed a middle aged woman (mid 40's) well dressed, coming towards me, and for some reason the reaction of a woman in front of me caught my eye. She actually turned and looked at this woman's boots. Of course, I did the same as she passed me. She was wearing , under a long coat and calf length skirt, a pair of suede leather half length zipped boots. The heel on them was between 4.5" and 5" high, about a size 5. What made them really noticable was that the shaft of the heel, from top to bottom was no more than 5mm thick. It was the ultimate stiletto spike, fortunately with plastic tips as metal ones may have done real damage. I finally recovered from the shock and turned round to follow her. Even though she was only about 20 yards ahead of me, it took me a good 50 yards to catch up, the speed she was walking. I followed her for about 200 yards, noticing that there were a large number of people, both men and woman, doing a double take as she passed them. I finally decided to do something that I haven't done for many years, and politely stopped her and asked her where she had bought them from. Far from taking offence, she told me that she had bought them from one of the local department stores (Howells) about two years ago, and we left the conversation like that. It's not often that you get to see a pair of heels like that being so well worn and with so much confidence.

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