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Posts posted by Richy

  1. Usually at a hockey game a fight will break out,

    It used to be that way, but nowadays, your more likely to see a display of another fashion accessory: handbags.

    The fighting has really gone downhill.

    A good weekend all round so far. I'd even forgotten Friday evening when my neighbours 17 year old daughter wandered into the kitchen while I was chatting wearing a pair of knee length River Island boots with 11cm stiletto heels.

    Incidently, the game ended up 3-0. It's what happened in between is still a bit of a blur.

  2. And a very interesting fashion shoe broke out.

    I haven't been to a game for over a year and a half but there was always a variety of heels on view amoungst the woman. After all, it's natural to go to an ice rink in boots because the floor gets very wet and cold. Tonight was exceptional though.

    Sat in the row across the aisle were two young ladies in their early twenties. The one caught my eye immediately because her heels were the highest I've seen worn in a long time. Unusually, they were peep toe courts, very heavily embroided and not hidden by jeans as normal as her jeans were tight around the ankle stopping them from sliding down over the heel. I estimated them to be a 12cm heel, up in designer show range. It was difficult to take my eyes off them for the whole game, particularly as every so often she, like the rest of the crowd would get out of their seats if anything started in the corner of the rink. Despite the height, she was even able to still raise her heels off the ground another half inch or so, which surprised me until I saw how well she managed to walk in them. I asked her privately in the bar afterwards where she bought them from, which was Dune, one of the smaller retailers, and found them on their website.

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    It wasn't so obvious what her friend was wearing, and she was wearing longer jeans, but I finally caught a look at what I thought were boots. They were also, in fact, court shoes. Not quite as high, (about 11cm's I would estimate, but still towering for most woman. This is the make, again from Dune, that I think she was wearing.

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    Coupled with another young lady wearing low cut pink cardigan, black leather knee length skirt and black PVC pull up over the knee boots, it was quite an enjoyable evening.

  3. Came across these today. Only short videos but her ability to walk in ballets is superb. (assuming of course it is a she!)


    The photos are thumbnails from each of the videos.

    ballethumpel (ballet shoes and hobble skirt in a supermarket)

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    bb_Mini_P (locking ankle ballet boots outdoors with mini skirt)

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    bb_Mini_S (close up of locking ankle ballet boots outdoors with mini skirt)

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    17cmMiniMD (17cm court shoes)

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  4. Any of the British TV viewers noticed that Cat Deeley has been wearing a very nice pair of 4" gold double ankle strap stiletto T-bar sandals for this series of Stars in Their Eyes. I think they are made by Gina, but haven't been able to find them on the net anywhere. Taking photographs off the television is almost impossible for me so I can't unfortunately provide any photos. Any links gratefully received

  5. Any of the British TV viewers noticed that Cat Deeley has been wearing a very nice pair of 4" gold double ankle strap stiletto T-bar sandals for this series of Stars in Their Eyes. I think they are made by Gina, but haven't been able to find them on the net anywhere. Taking photographs off the television is almost impossible for me so I can't unfortunately provide any photos. Any links gratefully received

  6. This photo also appeared in the Daily Mail, but in that shot, you can see that her left hand in resting on a table. In fairness to her, it is only her fingertips that are actually touching the table top so it's more for balance than support. At least she didn't need to be physically held up like Liz Hurley.

  7. There was a full page advert in the Mail today for what appeared to be a footwear retailer, under the heading of "Killer heels". It was a full page advert of a man, impailed on the stiletto heel of a very oversized shoe. What was the company website address please. I stupidly left my paper on the train home.

  8. Has any one else got a problem with the fact that this website is charging a fairly hefty subscription for portraying images of people, when the person running the site hasn't even got permission of, or taken the photos with the knowledge of, the people appearing on the site. I've no problems when someone set's up a pay website using models who receive a fair rate. This however, appears to be using images which he does not have the models permission to use, for his own financial gain. That seems to be highly immoral. PS. Regardless what you claim on the front page, if your're charging a subscription, therefore, it is a commercial site.

  9. Seems the first lot got so well received, heres a few more examples of the styles of the early 50's including a couple of the famous Betty Page. Interestingly, while watching the video, it becomes apparent that although she was always associated with wearing extreme heels for photo shoots, she wasn't that good when it came to walking in them.

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