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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. thank you mtnsofheels.  i think though, until i can find them again in size 11, i'll save these shoes for those dark nights!  

    it is very cool to have several gal pals i can go out with, all of whom are use to seeing me in my high heels and fun jeans.  way back when i first started wearing heels i had a few gal pals who DID NOT agree with my fashion choices and long story short:  i have not seen them in many many years!  the gal pals i have now can't imagine flat footed!  i like that!

  2. my adventure last evening was pretty straight forward!  i slipped into some black skin tight Bluenote jeans, had my ankle nylons on, slipped my foot into those snug size 10 Daelyn heels, had fun with those thick ankle straps and was out the door and down the highway.  i got to my friend's apartment, visited with her for a few hours before we went out to a club that she likes.  my Daelyn heels are quiet on the sidewalk!  those rubber soles make for some quiet walking!  and being black leather they didn't draw attention like my white heels so really, very few people noticed i was wearing 6 inch heels!  which was kind of fun and very natural feeling.  after the club we went for a drive around the city streets, me at the wheel of her fancy Buick.  the fun and games were over around 1 a.m., we parted ways and i made the drive home with a few stops along the way of course!  


    i asked my gal pal if my shoes looked too small for my feet and she said they looked perfectly fine and that she like the look of them and maybe wanted to buy a pair for herself!  now that i would like to see!

  3. as it is now: there is no way i'm getting my foot into those size 10 heels without the nylons!  even with the nylons my foot looks just a bit too much over the heel but i ask you this:


    in the photo above: does my foot look too big for the size 10?


    i might have to save these for my "night shoes".  i do love my Daelyn shoes!  and i think i'm going to wear them tomorrow night when i visit my friend in the city!  

    wish me luck!  i'm on the road.  and wearing my Daelyn's with my black Bluenote jeans!  i'll let you know how it goes!

  4. it really is amazing what a few new pairs of shoes will do to boost your high heeled adventures!  some of you may recall i was complaining about wanting to buy those Jessica Simpson Dany platforms and how they only came in sizes up to a lady's 10.  i wear women's size 12.  well i finally said that's it!  i'm ordering them, picked up the phone and ordered my Dany platforms in black, size 10.  they arrived one rainy day in April and i immediately tore them out of the box and tried them on.  snug!  but i wiggled into some black nylons and they slipped on alright.  and i went for a walk in the city and loved how quiet they were:  rubber soles! 

    i of course wore them with my Bluenote super skinny jeans!

    then i saw the Jessica Simpson Daelyn platforms advertised and i immediately picked up the phone and called Nordstrom shoes and in the middle of May i was wearing my very sexy Daelyn heels down the city streets!  


    photo of said outing posted to my gallery!


    i also purchased a pair of Dany platforms in white but i'm not sure where i'm going to wear those as they are a blaring white, bigger blare than my stripper/hooker heels.  so we'll see.  but many amusing adventures in the past 30 days and i shall keep you posted!




  5. thanks for those words guys.  i guess what i forget is i have to take the good with the bad.  i choose to focus on the good, but sometimes the bad is just plain weird and like what mlrose said:  sometimes the mental energy required to deal just isn't there.  


    at any rate, i won't let the bad keep me from moving forward.  i'm going back to the city today for some new year's eve festivities and i'm packing those 6 inch heel Cupid boots, my loose Guess jeans, AND a fun selection of my super tight stretch jeans.  that "high heel uniform" i mentioned earlier needs to see the light of day and night with me in it!  

  6. i'm off to the city this afternoon and spending the holidays there.  i am taking my black boots with the 6 inch heels and i hope to hit the streets tomorrow for a few amusements and who knows what all.  no lady friends, it will be a solo stroll and if the rain holds off, i'll be on the streets, if it does rain, i'm going into that great big mall downtown!  i will be sure to get some pictures along the way!  


    seasons greetings to all of you and we'll see you after Boxing Day!  

    many and very weird experiences in heels:  i was suppose to be in the city tonight but i had to stop in this back water town, "mining town" pop. 180 000, and wait for a few packages to be delivered.  well they never made it.  but we need them and the delivery folks say the shipment will arrive by 9 a.m. tomorrow.  so.  instead of going to the city tomorrow wearing my sexy 6 inch heel boots, i went out in this filthy city, tonight.  


    there is a diner chain up here called:  East Side Mario.  it's next door to the hotel.  so i checked in, got me some beers for later, came up here to my room, switched clothes, into the "high heel uniform", but as mentioned in the photos i posted, i wore my lame "loose jeans".  not my faves but i get that my super tights might go way beyond the imaginations of many.  


    anyway.  i got to the diner, got up to the bar and the place was empty except for a gal working the books at a table at the end of the bar.  to my dismay, the bartender said the bar closed at 10 p.m.!  Monday night football and closed at 10?  well that tells you what kind of town i'm in!


    so i was in there.  zipping a cold beer and watching the game.  pretty soon the gal who works the bar comes along with a broom and she is sweeping up the joint, and of course stops when she sees my slick 6 inch heels.  pretty soon her co workers are coming in there.  one of them, i think must have been the manager, came in to take a look for herself and she came up and looked at me directly.  i was watching the game, but i heard her say:  No.  


    what that meant?  i don't know.  but.  i do know she was a young gal, late 20's, and down the road, grossly over weight, as already she must have been pushing 180.  JUST like the 2 card sharks that came in and sat next to me.  great big huge fat people: he was bald and about 300 pounds.  she: tank girl.  big.  ugly.  massive.   


    they sat next to me.  they were gabbling away and enjoying a few drinks.  he left to use the can and she was alone and obviously looking at me.  when he came back they were talking for a few moments, but then quiet.  above the bar were 6 jumbo tv's, so i looked at the game they had over the tv in front of these folks and i could see he was using his camera phone to take pictures of me.  


    but this happens all the time with me: people are always taking pictures of me.  people are always stopping and staring at me.  some people are having accidents because they are not paying attention to what they are doing or where they are going, because they are staring at me.  


    now i'm not something or anything special.  all i am is a guy who likes to wear high heels.  and i know my heels, 99% of the population will never wear or would or could dream of wearing.  


    still.  it always gives me very weird feelings when "regular folks" go out of their way to make something of it.


    anyone know of this experience?

    hope to hear from you soon.

  7. i'd love to share all the Wild and Wicked details with you but it would read like the Forum section in Penthouse magazine.  and this is no place for an outrageous adventure like that!  but i will say this: it is amazing what revealing and skin tight jeans with white 7.5 inch heels will do in a room full of party going ladies!

  8. now that the dust has settled from the weekend xmas party i can share with you some of the amusements along the way.  first off i can report that the "fashion police" did not pull me over for wearing white high heels after Labour Day!  quite on the other hand it was the blaring white 7.5 inch heels that managed to do most of the tricks.


    instead of driving around looking for a parking spot near my friend's place i decided to leave the car in a parking garage over night and take a cab.  the echo in that garage was fun and the sound of my 7 inch heels on the cement was a definite thrill.  once i got to street level, instead of the cab right away i thought i would slip into a nearby pub.  we're not talking downtown here, i was in a neighbourhood and the streets were not overflowing with Saturday night party goers.  i looked both ways and saw one woman way down at the corner waiting for the lights to change.  i was nervous but thankful the streets were pretty much empty.  i also took a long look at my reflection in a store front window: my outfit was skin tight from the ankles right up to the collar.  my sexy stretch jeans looked like they were painted on and left absolutely nothing to the imagination on the front and back.  on top i had a high cut, black leather jacket, also very tight (and purchased at a 2nd hand clothing store!).  the over all tightness of this outfit felt like a body suit.  of course i love the look of my white 7 inch heels and i know no matter where i go wearing these shoes: everyone notices them.   


    so i went into this small pub for a quick drink.  right inside the door and to my right there was a table full of women and i heard one of them say: oh my god, take a look at that!


    i'm getting a lot more confident these days so instead of hiding in some dark corner i decided to stand at the bar right in front of where these gals were sitting.  i could see them in the mirror and there was a TV hanging from the rafters so i pretended to watch that even though i was watching those gals fussing over my skin tight outfit and my high heels.  i've also seen enough recent video of me wearing this outfit to know that the view from the back is quite good and something those gals might enjoy, including all the "shoe play" on my part.  


    pretty soon one of the gals comes up to me and says:  i hope you don't mind me asking, but my friends and i wanted to know if you are gay?  well that made me laugh out loud!  i looked at her, turned around and looked at her friends who were all staring at us, and said to the poor kid, no.  i'm not gay.  but thanks for asking.  so she returned to her group of friends and i stood at the bar, "posing up a storm".  i had a drink and it was fun, knowing those gals were all staring at me so i decided to stay for a 2nd and continue with the shoe play which i knew might be bugging some of them.  


    i was half way through that 2nd drink when that same little gal comes back to me and says: do you mind if i join you for a drink?  no problems, i told her to pull up a chair and if she didn't mind, i would rather stand.  we got into a great big discussion about high heels which started off with her asking:  why do you wear high heels?  


    it was quite friendly, she was very cute, quirky, and stylishly outfitted and wearing boots with what looked like a 3 inch heel.  turns out she is a shoe horse with 150 pairs of heels in her collection!  after she admitted this she added:  but i don't have anything like what you're wearing.  her maximum heel height was 4 inches.  i thought maybe this would turn into what sometimes happens on these outings: she would want to try on my shoes, but this didn't happen.  truth is i enjoyed some of her comments.  she said i had the perfect body for that style of heel.  she said i had beautiful, shapely legs and i was probably the only guy she knew who could wear skinny jeans and look that good in them.  and she loved my over the top 7 inch heels.


    soon her friends came along and said they were leaving but she decided to stay and continue our conversation.  i enjoyed her company, we went through a couple of more drinks and before we knew it, 2 hours has passed.  i told her i had a party to get to so we exchanged email addresses and she walked me out to the waiting cab and left me with the promise that we could get together again sometime soon to continue the conversation.  i'm thinking now that maybe we could go shoe shopping together!             

  9. Xmas party day!  Perfect weather for it too.  Not sure if I'm going to wear my white 7.5 inch heels or black 7.5 inch heels!  But I am going to wear my super stretch fun jeans and a high cut leather jacket so nothing gets hidden!  

    I am out the door!!!  Wish me luck!  

    p.s.  i decided to go with the white 7.5's!

  10. the weekend xmas party is coming up fast and it so far sounds like its going to be a good time.  the hostess has asked me to wear a pair of super skinny jeans and i am happy to oblige!  if the snow stays away i'm going to wear my white 7.5 inch heels:


    what i might end up doing though is wearing some black tights as the jeans the hostess has requested i wear have been trimmed off above the knee.  also a bit spooky: i heard from one of the gals going to this event, that i might be the only guy in attendance.  is that totally weird?!!!  
  11. Thank you pebblesf.  Folks like the ones I came across at the rest stop are everywhere.  Weird how they believe their world view is the right world view for everyone.  As far as their masculinity, my impression was those boys could use a lot less time in the donut shop and a lot more time in the gym.  

    Anyway:  I am enjoying the pre xmas party hype.  Seems the ladies attending this year are looking forward to seeing me again.  That's always nice to hear!  One of the gals attending, her boyfriend wants to tag along but wasn't invited... (Long story).  He wants to know why I was invited and he wasn't!  What to wear to a crazy party like this?  One of the gals I know and who is attending said:  Wear those jeans where I can see every detail of your body, front and back.  

    Needless to say this might be a lot of fun!

  12. not much has been happening in the past couple of week in the high heel adventures department, that's a downer!  and of course we were walloped with 10 feet of snow over the past few days so that's going to put an end to any outdoor adventures unless i visit one of those big super malls next time i'm in the city.  

    the good news is i was invited to an xmas party for Dec. 6th.  its the same long time friend who invited me last year.  that was a wild night complete with me arriving late, wearing skinny jeans that left nothing to the imagination and my sexy white Sherbert 6 inch heels.  her gal pals were all over me with their phone cameras and other devices, taking pictures.  truth be told i felt like a stripper as all the attention seemed to be coming my way.  

    things have changed though since last year.  one of the hostess's friends and i got to know each other over this past year and had fun times together, she will be attending and i think i have a special place in her heart.  so we'll see how that goes.  

    i asked the hostess what she would like me to wear and she replied:  just out do what you did last year.  

    sounds interesting...

    i think i'll wear my great big white 7.5 inch heels to this one!  and i'll take a cab to the front door as there is no way i'm walking down any snow covered city sidewalks wearing heels.  i'll keep you posted with what the outfit is going to look like, what shoes, and any other xmas party fun stuffs that might be planned in advance.  

  13. the last of the Halloween parties turned into a decent affair.  but i arrived at the end of a very long business day!  so i was tired and i almost called it off at 9:30 p.m.  i was in my car, wondering if i had it in me to make this party, when a song with some motivational and inspiring lyrics came over the radio.  i listened to the lyrics and thought yes:  you better get on with the living and you need to make it happen!  so i pulled over at a little industrial park to get changed.  the core of the costume was my levi skinny jeans, a black vest, a wild and crazy hat, and my white 7.5 inch heels, among other things.  

    i arrived at the party around 10:30 p.m., walked in alone and was quite amazed to see the club was only half full, mostly a 20 something crowd on hand to see the show.  i stood at the bar for awhile, watching the scenes and of course noticed some of the girls staring at my wild outfit and shoes.  the gals directly behind me, seated in the booths, certainly took in the view.  it wasn't long before my dance partner and her friends found me and we got busy with the evening.  many wild and crazy conversations took place and a lot of staring seemed to be going on.

    while i was with them, and knowing full well there were many eyes upon my blaring white high heels, i got into that "shoe play" routine:  dangling, twirling, etc., which i have to admit was kind of fun.  

    later in the evening a gal came up to me, if i had to guess she was no more than 24 years old.  she tapped me on the shoulder and i'll never forget her words!  she said:  you look absolutely amazing!  

    very sweet of her.

    because here i am closing in on a much older age.  

    at closing time we went our separate ways, i went with my gal pal who hosted the xmas party last year, for some late night amusements and fun conversation.

    at closing time it was cold on the street, i was wearing my white high heels with a barefoot and although in the club it was quite comfortable, on the street was another story.  i guess its time to give up wearing the high heel sandals until next May:  what a downer!  the good thing is of course i have my boots which are dusted off and ready to wear.

  14. the Halloween amusements continue!  last Saturday night i went out to a party wearing some wild and sexy clothes/costume with my white 7.5 inch heels.  always an exciting time:  walking down the city street alone, in fancy and wild attire and in particular, those great big white high heels that attract the attention of anyone within 3 or 4 blocks either way.  the party was in full swing by the time i arrived and all the usual comments started coming my way about my shoes.  2 gals in different incidents asked if they could try my shoes on!  i was happy to oblige and it was fun seeing the ladies fussing with the ankle straps and standing up with the help of their friends.  one of the gals thought she might take a short stroll around the dance floor and she looked great in them, seemed very happy to have such wild shoes on her feet and then it happened: Boom!  she fell off them and came down with a thundering crash.  

    the rest of the evening went without incident and i managed to get back to where i was staying without falling off my shoes, unlike last year!  last year i was wearing a pair of my black 7.5 inch heels and at 3 a.m., no cab to be seen anywhere, so we had to walk the 15 or so blocks back to our apt.  i got about half way and stepped on something on the sidewalk and that did it!

    so there is another party tonight, down there in the city, and i hope to go but i'm waiting to hear from my dance partner.  i hope she is good to go as i would love to go but its always a bit spooky going out alone in such an attention getting and wild outfit.  i wait for her call.

    i'll let you know how it goes when i get back.


    these are the white shoes i was wearing:

    i'm going to wear the same pair tonight if all goes well.  (different party, different crowd)
  15. Steve: wearing 6 inch heels is all about having fun!  but also the butterflies, those can be fun as well.  


    the first of the Halloween parties is this weekend!!!  i look forward to coming up with something crazy, an evening out, visiting with friends, watching the show, etc.  but really...  Halloween for me is just an excuse to wear my blazing white 7.5 inch spike heels on the street, on the bus to and from, and in the club, like its completely natural and something i would do every day.  


    i'll be sure to get plenty of pictures.

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