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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. well as it turned out i made the trip with my number one gal pal and she wore her brand new Jessica Simpson brand Daelyn 6 inch heels: all the time!  whew!  fun shoes on a sexy lady:  what a show!  a guy can't compete with that so i just left my Cupid boots and other heels in their travel bags and went flat footed the entire way!  Super Hot! 

  2. stealhers:  i had to let the young lady take the spot light!  but the truth is it was my shoes, my white 7 inch heels that caught her attention in the first place, way back when we first crossed paths at a party.  so your thinking is correct!

    i'm on the road again today, back to the city for another adventure.  definitely taking my 6 inch heel Cupid boots along for the trip and maybe a few pairs of those black sandals of mine.  i'll be sure to get some pictures along the way.

  3. i made it home after the all night drive out of the city: what a trip!  one of the interesting things about the trip was this:  my gal pal is a petite and stunning young lady.  when i first met her, way back when, she was wearing flat sole black boots.  when i saw her on the street the other night waiting:  she was the complete image of sexiness as far as i was concerned.  she was wearing a pair of 6 inch or higher...  what are they called?  a sling back with no ankle strap, is the word:  slides?  made of wood, leather upper, 2 inch platform and the heel end of the shoe slapping her foot with every step, and made in Italy.  wow what a look.  i was captivated.  she said:  i have you to thank for giving me the courage to wear these.  

    the next day i decided to put my heels away and stand back and watch the show:  we went out and spent the entire day on the streets looking at things. i watched as she walked down the streets: those 6 inch heels were an absolute show stopper.  men and women stopped and stared.  

    i was staring the whole time.  gosh she was hot!

    for dinner we went to a quiet Italian diner and she wore another pair of these Italian 6 inch heels only this time with an ankle strap very similar to my double buckle beauties.  hers though had black leather straps and vamps, and natural wood finish 2 inch platform and 6 plus inch heels.  holy smokes!

    she asked why i wasn't wearing my heels and i said nothing can compete with that look of yours!  it was true.  that was the hottest of hot looks in my books.  but when it was time for me to leave she said please wear your heels when we say good bye!  i brought my white ones along but never wore them and she insisted i at least wear them to the car as she walked me out.  what a sweetie.  

    still though...  a man in high heels is absolutely nothing compared to a hot young lady with a sexy figure and super high heels!  whew!  what a show! 

  4. had a very interesting day and night!  i decided to wear the black heels in my profile picture.  yesterday was very hot and last evening was warm and quite splendid on the streets.  she insisted we meet downtown so instead of me walking to the main square  (i just didn't have to guts to make that walk dressed as i was!) i drove in there and kept riding around, cruising!  of course my gal pal stands out in any crowd and as soon as she appeared, i saw her, pulled up, said hey good looking!  she smiled and jumped in and away we went to that diner where i had a table reserved!  no problem.  

    we have one more day together so i hope to make the most of it!  more to come.

  5. well i'm going, and i'm going as me, in those super showy jeans, the 6 inch heels, and all the fun, but my thing is this:  can we not meet in a quiet part of town?  can we not meet in a diner out of the way?  please see me in a dining room i have saved just for us, the two of us, in a place priced away and a room full of flowers?

    my wild outfit and hers too, is not for dundas and yonge....  

    she is so young!

  6. i'm off to the good city of Toronto tomorrow and my gal pal asked if we could meet in of all places: Yonge Dundas Square...

    there is NO WAY i have the confidence to meet her there, at 7 p.m., wearing my super sexy show all skin tight jeans and my black 6 inch heels!!!  that square is one of the busiest places in all of that grand and big city!  

    (i was hoping for a tasty diner on one of those little tree lined side streets away from the wild downtown...  )

    i'll let you know how it goes.  i'm on the road in the a.m.

    (not sure which 6 inch heels in black to wear either, i have several pairs and my fave pair are worn out!)

  7. thanks guys!  i have a pair of white sling backs from Frederick's of Hollywood that i haven't worn in a few years but i think, with these new jeans, its time to take them out of the closet and get them back in the rotation.  also:  time to buy more pairs of these longer leg slim fit jeans!  i'll post a few pictures of my white sling backs with said jeans: very sexy 6 inch spike heel with a 2 inch platform.  

  8. i'm on my way out the hotel room door but before i go i wanted to snap a few pictures of these famed sling backs of mine with what i consider the right pant leg length for slings.

    it took awhile to find a pair of bluenote jeans with right length but these i think are perfect.
    i love my sling backs in black and of course i had to purchase a pair in white but i didn't bring the white ones along on this trip.
    well i am ready to kick up my heels!  i'm out the hotel room door for the evening: wish me luck.



  9. i am on the road again this week so i'll snap a few photos along the way and share a few here.

    of course there will be a few high heel adventures along the way and for those of you hiding:

  10. i read with a lot of interest and got a good laugh too.

    you have to be honest.


    don't lie to anyone: especially you're old lady.

    fun stuff.  let me know how it goes!

  11. pebblesf:  thank you for those kind words!  i am looking for a pair of knee high boots.  what i want though are knee highs on these heels and platforms:


    those are my super sexy Cupid Boots, same heel and platform as my Sherbert sandals.  i've been wearing my Cupid boots for how long?  has it been 10 years?  i take very good care of them and they still look great.  but i would love to have a pair of these in the knee high version so i could wear them over my super skinny jeans.  i think that would look pretty awesome with the right black leather jacket.  any recommendations as to what length for the jacket?
    i do have some exotic gal pals and we have many fun times together.  i know for certain it is a man in super high heels that seems to attract their attention.  but then a well kept body and the long hair plus my charming personality (ha ha) seems to help.  
    i planned on writing this the other night but i didn't get home until 5 a.m.!  i got out the door at 9:30 and roared down to my gal pal's place which is a bit of a drive.  i had wiggled into my very showy bluenote jeans, a black t shirt and my black vest and strapped my white 7.5 inch heels on, from Pierre Silber.  those shoes are almost done!  i've worn them so much over the years that the vamps have stretched and the ankle straps are showing signs of serious wear.  wearing them in bare feet though is alright as the seriously worn footbed can get very warm and sweaty and my foot seems to stick in there keeping me secure.
    i was not secure though when i arrived at my gal pal's place.   there was a mixed group of people out front on the steps smoking and carrying on and i definitely did not want to walk past them.  i could see they were drinking and this was not the crowd to go walking by while wearing my blaring white heels.  so i waited in my car.  i thought maybe they were just having a smoke and going back in but they were out there for ages and i sat in my car for 45 minutes waiting for them to clear out.  so you see i am nervous after all these years and i think its safe to say its pretty easy to spot trouble.  i never carry a cell phone so i wasn't able to get a hold of my gal pal, but when i finally knocked on her door she was glad to see me and let me in.
    after fooling around in there we hit the open streets for a ride around the city and that was filled with amusements.  and she LOVES my great big white high heels.  i enjoyed seeing her staring at them.  we would drive a short ways until she saw something she wanted to take a look at, we would pull over, get out, look around, walk up and down the sidewalk, and then get back in the car and drive away to another location.  there are a lot of things to see in the good city of Toronto at that hour.  
    an amusing adventure and a bit messy at one point: we came to a place where the Canada geese had taken over and the goose poop was everywhere on the sidewalk!  splat!  i think i stepped on about 50 piles of goose poop going through there.  
    turns out it was quite warm and i didn't need my jacket, which was kind of fun.  my sexy bluenote jeans left nothing to the imagination which my gal pal enjoyed watching and it was exciting for me to be out walking around the city streets in what seems like a body suit!  
    fun times! 
  12. after my wild weekend i spent the past few evenings quietly and alone.  i did enjoy a few late night drives through the country, stopping along the way to enjoy the night sounds and starry scenes.  i thought i was going to make it through the week on my own but the phone rang this evening and it was a gal pal of mine who wishes to see me!  it's 830 now so i'm going to get dressed in my sexy Bluenotes, not sure which ones i'll wear but which ever pair, they'll be fun and revealing!  it is a bit cooler this evening so instead of the vest with no shirt i'll likely wear a black t shirt underneath and maybe bring along that little Guess jean jacket just in case.  i hope to be out the door for 915.  

    as for the photos from last weekend: most of them were a bit blurry and not worth sharing here.  i did get one fun video out of ii though!  too bad we can't share that one here!  

    i'll let you know how it goes!

    oh yes!!!  for shoes i'm going to wear my great big white 7.5 inch heels from Pierre Silber!

  13. thighbootguy:  i've seen that video and i'm quite attracted to the idea but reluctant to go out on a crowded street like that: painted on.  but i might go out to a special club though in painted on jeans!


    i'd like to find a pair of knee high boots that would go over my skinny jeans: that might be a fun look!  stay tuned as it might just happen!  


    well i am home now and completely tired.  i'll share the details tomorrow once i get a decent night sleep.

  14. happyinheels:  thank you for those kind words.  i love my outfit from top to bottom.  great idea about the "heel bag"!  usually i carry mine by their ankle straps if i have to give up!  (which hasn't happened in a long long time.)

    Toronto is a good town for high heels: but today it is up around 30 plus C., and it is just way too hot to be out there right now.  but we are going out around 9 when the streets cool down.  i'll tell you all about it when i get back.


    going to wear something like this:

    not with my sherberts but with my black sling backs on the same heel and platform and some slightly longer pant leg length.  
    photos to follow soon.

    Sunday morning: for a change-my feet are absolutely killing me from a 7 hour evening of wearing heels!  right now it is 7 a.m. and i'm wiggling and stretching my poor bare feet.  i know they'll be fine but there is something about those sling backs, which is strange as they are on my favourite 6 inch heel with 2 inch platform and have never in the past given me any trouble.  or maybe it was just the mileage we covered in the outing.  

    we were out the door around 10 p.m.  the plan was very simple-we were going out for dinner and we were going to take it on one of those little outdoor patios under the trees, in a quiet part of the city.  everything went smoothly, dinner was wonderful and the walk to and from was very sexy.  it was dark by the time we hit the streets and my black sling backs didn't get noticed at all!  usually i see people stop and stare but last night there was none of that.  i was pretty at ease while walking even though my bluenote jeans were tight down to the ankles and were very showy on the front and back!  i had a basic black vest and no under shirt (lots of tanned skin!) and my little Guess high cut jean jacket which i didn't need but carried anyway.  it has pockets and i kept my money in them as there is no way on this earth i'm ever going to try and put anything in the tiny pockets of my bluenote jeans.  

    after dinner we took a drive out by the airport and watched a few international and national flights coming in, enjoyed a couple of american cigarettes out there and walked around an industrial park area which at that hour was deserted.  then she got the idea about going further out of the city, into the country on the east side so we took the 407 across the city and ended up in the boon docks near a town called Brooklin.  lots of green space and fun places to go for a late night walk, which we did.  

    after seeing the boon docks we returned to the downtown and went for a walk along Queen Street West and the Trinity Bellwoods Park where we were busted in the rain last time!  

    all in all a fun evening and especially for me-wearing my black sling backs all the way, beginning with walking out of her apartment, down the hallway (very loud!), down the front steps, to the parking lot and away on our adventure.  that first bit of walking was filled with butterflies as the usual "what if someone sees me and makes a big deal out of it" thing was happening.  but after i calmed down i was fine.  also: wearing an outfit that is completely skin tight is a funny feeling.  being so showy on the front of my jeans is always sexy fun and a very erotic feeling.


    photos to follow soon!

  15. i'm back in the city for the weekend and it is so HOT down here: my brand new sling backs on the Sherbert 6 inch heel/2 inch platform, feel like they are glued to my sweaty feet!  

    remember how i said my skinny jeans didn't have the right pant leg length for those sling backs?  well i did find a pair of skinny jeans that have the right length and so here i am, wearing my sexy sling backs.  

    photos to follow soon!

    (otherwise at this time there is not much to report!)

  16. you were right Steve, one wetting did no harm.  truth be told they are now clean like the day they arrived in the mail.  very nice!  and bone dry once again which is great because here we are getting ready to go on another weekend!

    and i have to admit: it was fun and pretty sexy running in a pouring down rain wearing my skin tight outfit and those sexy 6 inch heels!

  17. it was a highly charged tease and of course a lot of fun, and gave me quite a bit to think about!  but what i didn't detail was that scene in the rain!  we were walking along a section of the old city street looking at the window displays and having fun with our conversation.  it was a bit breezy and i said to my gal pal:  pretty sure its going to rain.  she said it wouldn't and we kept walking and got to an open area where there is a huge green space/park along side the street.  so we decided to go walking through there.  once we were good and far in the open air, of course that is when the rain started.  

    now you know i'm awfully uptight when it comes to my shoes:  i like them clean, and well cared for: the vamps and buckles looking like the shoes just came out of the box.  not much you can do about the footbed once you've worn them for a million hours but still, i like them as clean and neat as possible.  of course i don't care how messy the bottoms of my heels or platforms get, its the tops i want perfect.  

    well this rain started and she said it will pass quickly so we kept walking.  at first it was a few drops.  then a few more.  the next thing you know we were caught in a torrential down pour!  we were both soaked to the core, top to bottom!  (good thing it was a warm August rain!)

    we tried to run for cover, me in 6 inch heels!, but soon gave up and agreed a summer rain was a good thing.

    it was the first time my Sherberts were wet: i mean soaked!  the leather was soaked, the foot bed was soaked and i could feel my feet squishing inside them.  

  18. i'm out here on the road and alone on a Sunday morning.  i thought i would take a little me time and see what fun adventures i could get in with.  last night was what i needed:  a fun conversations with an old gal pal and some high heeled adventures.  after our time in her place we went for a drive through the big city streets of Toronto and pulled over at numerous addresses along Queen Street to view the shop window displays.  the town was closed so we had a chance to walk in privacy.  i was wearing my skin tight blue note jeans, my black t shirt and my blue jean Guess high cut jacket, and my very sexy 6 inch heel Sherbert heels in black.  i know this outfit is quite sexy as a lot of girls do stop and stare!

    of course it is August, I'm tanned beautifully, my toe nails are painted with Revlon, and my hair is long and black, so its quite the look!  

    no stripes unless you consider the white zipper on the front of my fully packed thong!

    it is a fun look and if you want to see the idea of it, you can see the photos i posted in my gallery.


    bring on more summer and more hot and sunny days and nights!

    home now and spent pretty much the entire weekend wearing my very sexy 6 inch heel Sherberts: through sunshine and through rain!  but it was a lot of fun, had some fun visiting times and of course loved wearing my heels, my slim fit bluenote jeans, a basic black t shirt and a simple jean jacket when needed.  something very similar to this:  


    you put that together with a decent tan and you'll attract a certain kind of gal!  fun stuff!  also quite fun:  visiting little cafes and taking a seat, watching the scenes unfold, folks coming and going, young ladies and their fashions, not any of them suspecting what i am wearing, somewhat hidden by a table.  i will also add: my gal pal was jealous!  she wished she could wear the slim jeans and the heels and have her hair hanging long and walk with confidence.  but it was the 6 inch heels that seemed to bother her the most.  
    i have to admit i quite enjoyed her reaction.  
  19. hey i made it!  what a wild 48 hours.

    i will say this much:  i put my Sherberts on at noon on Friday and didn't take the off till noon on Saturday!!!

    there was a line across my foot!!!  it was the vamp!

    quite sexy when they came off later that evening.  

    at any rate:   i have pictures!

    the video is already posted.



  20. i spent from noon onwards in my dark blue Bluenote jeans, tight right down to the ankles!, and my black Sherberts with the very sexy 6 inch heel.  all the ladies came up with the same comments:  wow!  those are some fancy shoes!  or:  wow!  those heels are high!

    all the usual stuff along the way.  i had a great evening as well, and a very good dinner with wonderful company.  

    my Sherbert heels i think i love more than my Daelyns.  the heel is not as thick as the Daelyns, and generally the whole shoe is not as big as my Daelyns.  i think if i had big fat legs the Daelyns would look fine on me but i have long slim legs and those Daelyns are big and heavy!  

    so today i'm going to wear my Sherberts again and thank goodness for them!  they do look hot for a hot summer day!

    i'll drop you a line when i get back.

  21. i'm on one of my adventures and on the road for the next couple of days.  i started out with my bluenote jeans and wore my very sexy Daelyn 6 inch heels!  they're still quite snug.  i'm hoping they stretch!  wore them through the night drive with several stops along the way.  none of the gals working the all night counters seem to notice!  just another customer coming and going i guess!  i only brought two pairs of shoes, my Daelyns and my super sexy Sherbert sandals in black.  both pairs work well with my second skin blue note jeans.  the adventure is just beginning so i'll let you know how it goes!  and hopefully get a few pictures along the way.

  22. well guys i guess i'm going to go out tonight:  i've been working for the past 10 days and i need a break.  so i'll switch gears and wiggle into my skin tight jeans and i'm not sure what shoes i'll wear but you can be certain they won't be any less than 6 inch heels.  


    i decided not to buy those tan shoes and dye them black, but i thank you for your input none the Less.  


    so i'll stick with my collection and see if we can make a decent 5 hours of it.

    i'll write you when i get back!

  23. Anyone have any tips/suggestions on what is the right way to "colour" a pair of shoes?  I'm looking at a pair of very sexy 6 inch heels: leather uppers, wood heel and platform.  They're tan and I want them in black which of course, they don't make them in black...


    Anyone changed the colour of their shoes with success?


  24. thank you pebblesf.  i didn't hear anything from anyone about my shoes on my last outing!  usually i hear something but on this one: nothing!  so it was a lot of fun wearing them without all the attention.  even at the club: the gals working didn't see them, or if they did, i didn't hear anything about it, and i keep my eyes open to see if anyone is staring.  fun stuff.  

    but yes:  some of those gals in the early stages definitely did not like my 6 inch heels!  and they did not like it when i wore them with my black exercise tights!  this was back in the days before those super stretchy jeans.  and i believe too, the early days of 6 inch spike heels, normally associated with hookers and strippers.  i didn't care!  i wore them anyway!  

    what i would like to do is see some of those old gal pals today-with me wearing those super tight and very showy jeans with my new selection of high heels!  my thought is back in those days: those gals were jealous of my shoes!  i'm sure it would add to the excitement if they also saw that huge bulge in my jeans! 

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