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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. On March 6, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Thighbootguy said:


    White bikini, shirt and your white heels... The combination boggles the mind.

    yes:  white bikini, white shirt left unbuttoned and to hang open, white high heels and...

    a really good tan!  now that would indeed be a great combination.  (i'll try for that this summer)

    • Like 1
  2. On March 4, 2016 at 11:13 AM, wilecoyote said:

    You are going out with that look :shocked:


    would you like to post a general pic please too see :)




    no general pic:  sorry!  (there are a few in the gallery that are basic)

    in preparation for spring time and sweet summer i decided to air out my closet yesterday afternoon and get my white heels dusted off.  sadly i noticed my favourite pairs are beginning to look very tired and maybe ready for retirement.  several years ago i did a major purging of my 6 inch heels but i'm not ready to give up my 7.5 inch heels even though they are way past their "best before" date.  Sunset Strip brand was my favourite but i can't seem to find them anywhere online anymore, the type of 7.5 inch heel with the "D" shape at the tip.  if you see them anywhere let me know and i will retire the ones i have.

    also in the closet, stashed in an old shoe box from what seems like another life time ago, the famed "white bikini" swimsuit i use to wear when i was in my early teens...  i still have it, after all these years.  i can't toss that out as there are so many amusing memories attached to it!

    anyway: here is a photo of my well worn and nearly used up white heels including my white sling backs and double buckle beauties from FOH and 2 pairs of 7.5 inch heels from Sunset Strip.  this photo was taken a year ago, maybe two, which goes to show you just how used up they truly are!



  3. On March 2, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Steve63130 said:


    I like your style. I like your attitude. And I admire your ability to walk in heels like that without killing yourself! LOL

    Stay cool (which is easy in Canada)! LOL



    thank you Steve!  and yes the ability to walk in heels that high is indeed a well oiled machine.  (truth is though i've fallen off them numerous times!)  and of course i always get the butterflies before i start my adventure: thus the sitting in the car for extended periods before getting out.  so even though i love my outfit, style and attitude...  there is still that anxious moment before i actually go.

    what i forgot to mention was the exciting events in the coffee shop!  i mean, while waiting.  after i'd taken a seat, i waited and of course i was acutely aware of the coffee shop staff all staring at me.  and the few patrons as well, gawking.  i took a seat next to the window in hopes of seeing my friend approach and while waiting, managed to calm myself down and sit in a relaxed manner.  i've attached the gallery photo below, to show you how i was sitting.  after i'd calmed down i started up with the shoe play:  the twirling, the clattering of my 7 inch heels on the tile floor, and the ever popular sound of a spike heel dragging across the tiles.  thank goodness for super stretch jeans which permitted me to sit in a comfortable manner for the 15 or so minutes that i was in there, alone and waiting.


  4. hi there guys.  it isn't bad.  in fact it is beautiful and very sexy.  i don't know why girls can show off their curves with no problems but the second a man does it, its an uproar.  the male body done up right is a work of art.  

    and i'm not going to apologize for my beautiful slim sexy figure that is hairless (excepting that long black mane of mine hanging down my back!) and my smooth, tanned and hard, ultra exotic body which seems to fit so well into those girl's skinny jeans.  same  goes with my narrow and tanned foot that fits so well into a gal's size 10, 11 or 12 shoe.  and gosh i don't care about heels that are lower than 6 inches!  in my wild adventure, if you don't go all the way:  stay at home.  i won't be seen in anything but 6 inch heels and up!  and i get that my super showy jeans don't hide anything, but if you had a flashy car with a big 454 and a straight stretch a hundred miles long, would you drive 55?

    so there you go.

    (ha ha:  i'm just kidding about those flashy descriptions of my body: really i'm just a regular guy!)

    looking forward to your feedback.

    in friendship: w6



  5. 7 hours ago, MackyHeels said:

    Show us the street pic of your emailing friend let her send it to you. Intrigued of the jeans you described and fit.


    ah ha ha!  there is NO WAY the folks here at hhplace are going to let me post that photo my new found friend took of me on the street.  it is a full frontal shot, in a blaze of sunshine with very bold shadows: a brutally sexual photo.  sorry Mac, it aint going to be shown here!

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  6. sorry about that guys, i've just had way too many hands on my time this past week.  anyway.  the adventure last week, two amazing things happened.  first off what i was wearing:  last summer i found these jeans, a different brand, not Bluenote, that are super skinny, very light blue, super stretch and very soft to the touch.  no back pockets and fake front pockets.  when i tried them on in the store i could not believe how they fit me perfectly!  like painted on jeans.  they have a super tight seam on the back so it wears like a thong and the look is pretty cheeky!  the front is absolutely outrageous.  the super stretch fabric leaves nothing to the imagination on the front!  i loved the look and feel of these jeans so much that i bought 5 pairs of them, knowing i would save these for my special occasions with my special gal pal friends.  i decided to wear these jeans last sunday with my black vest.  no belly flab thank goodness!  and i took my grey/black pleaser sandals with the 7 inch heels and wore them with double black knee high nylons.  i had two black jackets to choose from: jacket 1 is my high cut leather jacket and jacket 2 is longer, down to mid thigh.  i was nervous about meeting this long lost friend of mine and wasn't sure how showy i should be with her even though way back in the long ago past she saw everything.  i stood in front of the mirror and tried on both jackets and the long one was conservative, hiding all the fun stuff so i decided to just go for it and wear the high cut leather jacket.  

    i got to the city, parked the car and sat there, in the car, for about half an hour, trying to get the nerve up to actually walk down the street in these painted on jeans that show everything.  and i was very nervous about meeting up with my friend.  1998 is a very long time ago!  a lot of beautiful memories though.  

    i finally got the nerve up, looked around to see if anyone was coming along, the coffee shop was not on a main street so there weren't many folks around.  i saw one couple walking their dog and another man walking along talking on his phone.  that was pretty much it.  so i took a deep breath, and got out, stood on the side walk and looked at myself in the car window reflection.  i have to admit i did like the way i looked but i was a bit worried about the enormous bulge in the front of my jeans, gigantically obvious, and started thinking maybe i should have worn the longer jacket.  i took a few deep breaths, calmed myself down and started out for the coffee shop which wasn't far away, at the corner, across the street.  as i walked down the sidewalk i could feel myself "jiggling" in those jeans!  of course i had to look at my reflection in the big shop windows and i did indeed, love the way i looked!  my 7 inch heels looked pretty awesome too!  

    i got to the corner and a woman rounded the corner just as i arrived to cross.  she looked me up and down and immediately said:  oh my goodness!  i know exactly what she was looking at!  then she said:  do you mind if i take a picture of you?  i thought that was friendly enough so i said go ahead and i stood there on the sidewalk in a rather sexy pose while she snapped a photo with her phone.  of course i was very nervous but very excited as well.  i looked at her and she was a very attractive woman, if i had to guess, in her 40's.  she put her phone away and looked at me top to bottom and said:  you really do look great.  i thanked her and started across the street and she walked along behind me.  when we got to the other side she said:  hey you!  here is my card.  call me.  

    wow!  can you imagine that!  (i did call her this week and spent time emailing with her yesterday!) 

    i got to the coffee shop, ordered up something full bodied, and parked myself at a table and waited.  it wasn't long before my long lost friend arrived and she looked amazing.  she really was a beautiful sight and after all these years i felt that fire inside sparking up!  we had a chat session there in the coffee shop and then went out for a short walk down the street.  that is when she finally got a good look at me and said:  holy smokes you have really filled out nicely!  we took a drive north of the city and got out to hear and see the sights and sounds of the beautiful spring like day.  by the this time we were both back in our old groove and she said:  i love your jeans and your shoes!  then she put her hand on my jeans and said: these are so soft, i could touch them all day!

    what a day!  i finally got myself put back together and hit the road out of the city at 5 a.m.!!!  needless to say we agreed to rekindle our old friendship and see each other more often and in particular, this coming summer.  so it was a grand and beautiful adventure last sunday and this other gal i met on the street, she, it turns out, is quite a character too!  so i think i did the right thing by wearing those show all light blue jeans with my grey/black 7 inch heels and the high cut jacket!  

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  7. an amusing adventure in the development stage!  after a day out fooling in the oddball winter weather i got home around 9 to find the house empty and quiet.  i cracked open a tasty red vin and started going through the day's emails and found a friend request on my Facebook, definitely a fake name but it caught my interest.  once i saw the photo attached to the page i immediately recognized the gal from my long ago past!  i sent her a quick Facebook email asking her what was happening, why out of the blue, is she calling me up?  (a loaded question yes)

    to my surprise she was online and emailed me back immediately and we got into an online chat about what has been happening since 1998, the last time we spent fun times together.  we had a beautiful conversation and got to the heart of the matter after a half hour and so long story short, i'm going to jump in my car and take a drive down to the city this afternoon and visit her!  1998 is a long time ago!  i have to admit i'm a bit nervous around seeing her again.  back in those days she was a very sporty and super hot gal who liked her stretch black pants, her hair long and her bling out in full force.  she was never much of heel wearer though.  i know in 1998 i was wearing my 6 inch heels in white with my black exercise tights with a high cut suede jacket and i know that always caused a fuss with her.  

    perfect day for it too as the weather in Toronto is suppose to be a balmy 6 degrees and sunshine!  now what to wear?  of course i'm going to wear my show all skin tight Bluenote jeans, my black vest, my high cut leather jacket and possibly one of my funky black hats.  if i had the right boots, i'd wear them but i've decided that the jeans tucked into the Cupid boots does not look cool.  (wish i had of bought the knee highs when i had the chance!!!)

    i'm thinking about these 7 inch heels in black and grey, with some ankle length nylons doubled up.


    what do you think?  wearing high heel sandals in the winter?

    i'll let you know it goes.  i'm out the door in a few hours.

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  8. i started my 016 year with an amusing adventure over the past weekend with a trip to the city.  first off, the mild climes up here and lack of snow on the city sidewalks makes for easy going in my 6 inch heels.  it is boot wearing season so i dusted off my sexy Cupid boots and tried them with a pair of my super tight skinny jeans.  at first i tried to pull the pant leg which is tight at the ankles, down over the boot and the look was stupid!  next i tried the boot over the pant leg, with my snug fitting and high cut black leather jacket.  the look would work if my Cupids went up to the knee but unfortunately they go up mid calf.

    said boots:


    i wasn't happy with the pant leg in and the blue jean black boot contrast. (i should have broke down and bought the knee high Pleaser taboo boots last autumn but nope!)  

    what i ended up doing was purchasing a pair of super skinny jeans in coal black!  now those skin tight beauties on my sexy figure is definitely the look i wanted with the black boots and the high cut leather jacket: that "body suit" look i love so much!  perfect for a night out with the gal pals!  definitely not a day time look as i just don't have the guts for that, but at night, perfect!  

    when i parked the car for the night i took a couple of deep breaths before getting out: no matter how many adventures i go on with my high heels, i always have the butterflies right before taking that first step into the public domain...  

    i was soon walking through the car park and enjoying the sound of my heels echoing through the building!  i went down the stairs and onto the street which were alive with Saturday night activity.  the club where i was to meet my gal pals was five blocks away so i told myself to be cool, be confident and enjoy the walk, and enjoy the reflection in those big shop front windows.  the only spooky part was walking past a group of men standing out front of one of the clubs, all smoking cigarettes and carrying on.  but they didn't look at me, their attention was focussed on the tv screen you could see from the street.  

    so i quite enjoyed my walk, i loved my outfit, loved my 6 inch heels and loved walking with confidence, down the city side walk!  i made it to the club, found my gal pals and so began the evening with them and was quite at ease in there.  i hadn't seen some of these gals since the famed xmas party so it was a good time, lots of touchy feeling things going on and of course many wonderful and positive comments about my black boots and wild and showy jeans!  

    i hope to have many fun adventures this year and if this latest trip out is any indication: i think i'll do alright.  so long as i watch out for those "feelings" i sometimes get between two and five a.m.   


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  9. i had some strange mixed emotions and feelings the other night, in the city, when i walked from visiting my friend, from her apartment, to my car, which was parked a long way from her place.  we had spent a few fun hours together and i was dressed in my usual high heel wear including my very sexy 6 inch heel Daelyn shoes by Jessica Simpson.  but today, as i was the past few days, left with strange feelings.  do i share those strange thoughts and feelings here?  

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  10. On December 13, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Steve63130 said:

    Cool looking sandals from the top. Give us a view from the back at a lower angle so we can compare the heels.


    hi there Steve, i'll snap a few photos of the two pairs of shoes side by side and you'll see how gigantic those Daelyns are next to my Sherberts.  

    On December 14, 2015 at 7:10 PM, pebblesf said:

    too bad you had such a lousy time at the party!

    that xmas party was a bit more than what i was expecting!  

    On December 14, 2015 at 10:41 PM, maninpumps said:


      I really like your styles and taste in heels .  I checked out your gallery and was very impressed . Please keep posting . I wish " Jessica Simpson " would go to size 12 as well .


    thanks for those kind words and thanks for looking at my gallery.  it has been a very wild and fun adventure over the past 20 years.  i only wish i'd take more pictures.  


  11. thanks guys.  i have to add:  those shoes are Jessica Simpson Daelyn size 10 and although i've complained about them being maybe a half size too small, i still love the look of them on my feet.  but i won't wear them during day light, regular business hours as i've seen myself in a few pictures and the shoes do look super huge!  next to my Sherberts which are size 12, the Daelyns look like tanks!  and i have slim legs.  

    but the Daelyns are just as comfortable as my Sherberts and i can wear them for extended periods, upward of the entire night!  and i do love the quality of the Daelyns with their thick leather vamps and ankle straps.  


    a fun pair of shoes.  too bad they didn't make these in white leather!


  12. okay so i at last have a few minutes to share some of the INSANE adventures.  to start with last Saturday was a glorious day of sunshine and mild climes.  up here in Canada in December you're usually dealing with snow.  but last Saturday was like a day at the park in late September.  fab.  i was hot to trot but like i said after the 014 Xmas party and its bizarre goings on i told myself that this year i was going to take a pass.  i would have too if the party hostess didn't email me asking why i wasn't going.  then she called!  well that does not happen often in my camp.  she called and begged and pleaded for me to please come to her party.  i said no amount of begging or pleading was going to work.  

    but then!!!  she reminded me of how i begged and pleaded to please see her one evening not too long ago!  and she did!  she interrupted her dinner date to come and see me in the parking lot of a diner and she reminded me after that visit that if she called me in a time of need, i had better show up like she had that evening.  so i was cornered.  and so i went!

    i dressed in my sickest skin tight skinny jeans that were a tell all, a black t shirt, black high cut leather jacket, and i wore my very sexy black Daelyn 6 inch heels from Jessica Simpson, with a doubled up pair of black nylons.  i love those Daelyn shoes even though i think they are a little bit on the big side and so now only wear them at night.  but they are very quiet on the street.  those rubber soles make for some very quiet night moves.  

    i parked my car in the garage like last year as the situation on the street is unchanged.  and before i went to see the hostess, i stopped at that little club for a quick splash.  no sign of Tracy, the shoe horse i met in there last year!  in fact the place was almost empty!  so i walked in there, stood at the bar, had me a splash and enjoyed the amusing show going on in there.  

    i walked all the way to the building where the party was and like i said, i drew zero attention with those super quiet shoes.  i kind of like that.  in my Sherberts or other shoes there would have been that distinctive sound.  none of that with my J/S Daelyns.  one lady passed me but she was so busy on her phone she didn't see me or my shoes!  so it was a fun and very casual walk which i enjoyed.  

    i got to the party and i don't want to get into it here but it was in full service when i arrived.  there was only one other guy there an he was some cheap excuse for a man:  horse shoe hair do, unibrow, nose hairs, ear hairs and ridiculously dressed and a stupid looking pot belly.  same age as me but out to sea.  i think he was acting as life of the party until i walked in.  all those party goer gals were the same gals from last year and of course i hadn't seen any of them since the last party so you can imagine what a wild scene started happening and fast!  the poor boy was cut loose quickly and i could see he was none to happy about that!  the hostess took my jacket and sat on a small foot stool next to the couch and put her hands on my knees and asked me:  what took you so long?  

    of course she looked me over starting with my shoes and i saw her eyes rove over me and when she got to that special package in those brutal jeans, i saw her reach her right hand up behind her head and scratch...    

    oh boy...

    here are the shoes i was wearing:


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  13. the WILD xmas party!  i survived another one!  i'm just in the door and this boy needs to get cleaned up!

    but i will be back with the many amusing details!  i swore to never go back to the xmas party after last year's mad capped events but the weather was unbelievably mild, beautiful, and i just could not resist.  and so i made a day of it!  and almost a night too.  let me know if you want all the details!

  14. 10 hours ago, LuvsStiletto said:

    I would like to share some of my experiences concerning former girlfriends, who were cool with my heel wearing. However, before I add any of those posts, I felt it was important to share my state of mind regarding something that is often discussed in these forums (how the wife/gf feels about the guy wearing heels and seeking "permission" from her, to wear them). Simply put...I'm pretty much "type A". Actually, there's no "pretty much" about it...I'm a full-fledged, my way or the highway, type guy, who is used to getting what I want, without asking anyone's permission. This is why I will not date (or even consider dating), any woman who is not on-board with my heel wearing! And it really doesn't go just for heels, as I don't ask for permission from women to do anything...If i wan't to do something, I just do it, and if they don't like it, they will be replaced! I've dated, and have had enough long and medium term relationships to realize, that there are enough women who are cool with me wearing heels, that I don't need to waste my time and efforts with the ones who are not. Now, I realize that some guys have known their wives or girlfriends for a long time, and the heel thing was never brought up in conversation at the onset of the relationship, and that some guys not only have their spouse or girlfriend, but there may be others to consider, such as much loved children, and I get that! I really do... But for me, heels are a significant part of who I am, and I would sooner torpedo a fresh relationship, than to ask some girl for "permission" to wear heels! Women have always been striving for equality with men. And yet, can you even imagine a scenario where a woman asks "permission" from her man, for her fashion choices, or to wear heels? Heck no! In that same light, I refuse to ask permission from a woman to wear heels, if I so choose. I get the heel topic out on the table, very early in a relationship (practically immediately), and if the woman seems to have any issues with it, then I don't waste my time; I really don't care how gorgeous she is, or how sweet she seems. I need to have the freedom to be myself, and that can't happen with women who are too judgemental, structured, and finicky. I simply don't have time to deal with the consequences of getting involved with someone who is going to be a pain in my you-know-what, about the heel thing. This is just how I am, and I realize not every guy is in the same situation, or has the same mindset about this. And that is understandable. It's just that, one thing you will never hear from me, on this board, is: "my wife/gf won't 'let me' wear heels", or "I need to ask my wife/gf if I can wear heels, (or these types of heels)"! I just don't keep them around long if I sense it's going to be an issue.

    Nice work!

    that's what i would do!

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  15. thanks for you kind words pebblesf!  Toronto isn't far from where i live so maybe we can hook up sometime when you're at YYZ.  

    and i am going to buy those black boots!  maybe a little 20th anniversary gift to myself!

    but for today: even though i have no events planned, i might just get dressed up anyway and go out!  if so, i'll snap a few photos along the way.

  16. tomorrow is my 20th anniversary!  it was 20 years ago tomorrow that my first pair of heels, white 6 inch spike heels with a 2 inch platform, arrived from Frederick's of Hollywood! that is a day i will never forget: i was so happy my white high heels arrived as ordered and that they fit perfectly, like they were made just for me!!!  maybe i should do something tomorrow to celebrate that wonderful day 20 years ago!  what do you think?

  17. hi Steve,  i know my style at present is a bit outrageous.  my white 7 inch heels and black tights do attract a lot of attention.  as does my show all skin tight jeans.  and worn with a high cut black leather jacket, yes, being noticed goes without saying.  but for some reason wearing black patent knee high boots with 7 inch heels, over my jeans...  hmmm.  i don't know why i'm having troubles seeing that outfit.  

    i don't worry about the heel or platform height though as i have a lot of experience in heels that high.  heels that high are dangerous!  the view up there is beautiful.  

    but yes...  it is a B/S thing going on, why i tell myself i can't go out in that outfit.  especially with my many years of mad capped adventures.  

    as for a jacket: i'm thinking that high cut black leather jacket done up tight.  it might look good with my super skin tight light blue jeans, and the knee highs (i guess in black patent!!!) as shown in Thighbootguy's post.  and of course my long black hair hanging loose out back.  how does that sound?

    (night wear only!)

  18. hi Steve,

    i know this sounds like a B/S story but the truth is:  i'm not sure if i have the guts to wear those shiny and very flashy boots over my skinny jeans!  i can see those matte black boots over my jeans but those flashy black patent boots...  i don't know...

    also:  if i were to get those black patent boots:  what style jacket or coat would i wear?  any suggestions would be appreciated!

  19. long story short:  the Pleaser brand taboo boots, 2021 in matte black, in size 12: are no where to be found!  so i'm going to wear either my white 7.5 inch spike heels (which folks have seen a lot of over the years) or i might dust off a pair of black 7.5 inch heels i purchased years ago and give those a go.  of course if i'm feeling like being discreet about it the black ones are the way to go but if i want to stand out, it has to be the white ones.  at least i have the shoes figured out!  now to figure out the rest of the costume.  still: i am bummed about missing out on the taboo 2021's as i know i would have fun with those.

  20. pebblesf:  i agree-most guys do have a thing for high heels.  i know a lot of men stop and stare at me and a lot of them use their phones to take pictures of me, but more women stop and stare and i have to admit i enjoy that.  sometimes though i don't know if they are staring at my sexy shoes and skin tight jeans or the sexy gal i keep company with.  i like to make way for the lady: so if she wears 6 inch heels, i like to stand back and watch.  that goes for my sexy number one or my young gal pal with the super expensive italian heels.  

    i will admit too, wearing heels in the company of a few sexy ladies is a lot easier than wearing them solo!  i always get the butterflies when i go out wearing my heels but it does take the edge off a bit when a glamorous lady is near by!  indeed: confidence in numbers!

    maybe we can meet up in the good city of Toronto sometime.  it would be fun i'm sure.  i'd dress up!

    bnchmrk:  i did take a look at shoe freaks and they might be able to help me out.  never heard of them until you mentioned.

    it definitely is boot wearing season here in Ontario!  but i think i can squeak a few more outings out of my sexy Daelyns and Danys if i can just make up my mind which ones i want to wear!



  21. with Halloween not far away i am ready to place my order for a pair of Pleaser Taboo 2021 boots in black!  knee highs to go over those super tight jeans i'm going to wear to the party!  i will be sure to get some pictures of this!

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