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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. i started my 017 adventures on Thursday night!  glad to have done it.  i was suppose to be going out on a little dinner date and other things with a gal pal so i certainly dressed for the part:  i wore my light blue, tight to the ankles, super stretch and show all jeans.  a black t shirt.  my high cut black leather jacket.  and my black 7.5 inch spike heel Pleaser boots that i bought from Maya shoes all those years ago.  foolishly i neglected to put in the footbed padding i bought for them...  so two hours into my outing my feet were absolutely killing me!

    the city streets were beautiful, no snow, it was mild with people everywhere.  i decided to cancel my dinner date as i just wasn't in the mood for some reason,  i went out anyway, on my own.  of course all the usual things happened beginning with me and my bad case of the butterflies to all the slack jawed gawkers on the street, many who snapped pictures of me with their phones.  not sure how much i like that.

    one man approached me and asked in a friendly manner, how on earth could i walk in heels that high?  an older woman approached me and said she admired the spirit of my outfit.  it was a young lady who really struck me though.  she approached me asked:  are you a model?  i thought that was a pretty cool question!  i of course replied no.  she looked me up and down and said:  you have beautiful calves.

    i never heard that one before!

    • Like 5
  2. i'm on my way out the door (in heels and show all jeans of course!) to a New Year's Eve party so i'll see you next year!  thought i would leave 016 with this fun photo from November.  a wonderful afternoon with a gal pal:


    fun stuff:  black leather jacket, skin tight blue jeans, black 6 inch heel boots!  perfect for a walk in the park in autumn!

    see you next year!

    • Like 4
  3. 11 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    Interesting photo, W6. I like the composition as well as the subject role reversal. Good job.

    I echo your wish for 2017 being as good a year! Happy Heeling!


    the role reversal i always find interesting!  but of course i love the look of those vamps and ankle straps on my tanned feet!

    35 minutes ago, pebblesf said:

    Will look forward to hearing about more adventures in 2017!

    and i hope to have some photos to show you of my wild adventures!

  4. looking back on the sweet sweet year of 016:  many amusing adventures both near and far in high heels and fun jeans, long hair and tanned skin.  i can definitely say i took it to the next level this year and i'm thankful for my gal pals!

    one of my fave pictures from August:


    that is me of course at left, wearing my super sexy Sherberts with the 6 inch heel.  gal pal at right with flats.

    ah yes many fun times indeed!  i hope 017 is just as exciting.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Steve63130 said:


    You wear those styles well!


    thanks for those kind words!  i do love those shoes even though they are heavy, big and yes, a bit clunky on my slim legs.  

    i'd like to stay with this look:


    that is my personal fave (with the tight jeans!)

    but i love my shorts with 6 inch stilettos too!


    now that is fun!

    (with many adventures too!)


    • Like 3
  6. 10 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:


    Upon second glance you're right. Dany was never made with studs around the vamp of the shoe. But the Dany, while looking clumsy, is actually very comfortable and oh sooooo retro!  We like a lot of the same stuff. Keep struttin' your thing!  HappyinHeels

    here are my Jessica Simpson Daelyns:


    very sexy and wearable for long periods of time!

    and here are my Jessica Simpson Danys:


    also very sexy and wearable for long periods!  and quiet!  those rubber soles make for some quiet walking.

    i prefer my stilettos but sometimes the venue and the company calls for this style.  

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  7. the party this year i decided i would only stay an hour and thank goodness i did as the past few years things have gotten a bit on the wild side as the evening progressed.  i very much enjoyed wearing my Steve Madden pumps!  they were a hit.  the ladies really liked my combination of skin tight jeans and black pumps!  fun stuff.

    • Like 2
  8. On December 3, 2016 at 10:48 PM, HappyinHeels said:


    Noticed the "Dany" (A Jessica Simpson style) platform in your November amusements photo. I love that shoe and have it in cognac and tan suede. The nice part of that I have two bags which match each color. The shoe looks clumsy but it very comfortable indeed. Great with jeans of any type which is what I wore mine with. Definitely a statement shoe!  HappyinHeels


    those are Jessica Simpson brand heels but that style i'm wearing is called "Daelyn".  i do have the Dany platforms as well, in black.  i think you're right though, the shoe is big and clunky.  i prefer my stilettos!  

  9. wish me luck!  i'm on my way to the annual xmas party which in the past few years has been a very WILD adventure.  all of the usual party goers are expected.  i think i would like to arrive late!

    i am wearing a basic black super tight t shirt with the bottom cut off, my light blue painted on jeans (no tucking and no gaff, ha ha!  there is way too much there to tuck anyway so it will be displayed proudly!) and my black Steve Madden Dejavu pumps.  i have a new black leather jacket that is high cut so the outfit makes quite a statement!  looking forward to some amusements!

    wish me luck!

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  10. oh yes!  i forgot to show you my new Steve Madden pumps.  finally found them in my size.  they work wonderfully and look great on me!

    well not new actually, i got them back in late May and they got a work out through the summer with said jeans and other fun jeans, leggings and jeggings.


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  11. sunday night and back to normal!  my feet are fine: that "thing" isn't.

    which of course is the whole point of high heels!  

    as for you fools with this "fools rush in", "fool's errand", or "fools paradise", you fools should try going out with some real women!

    my little super sexy gypsy queen is far and away from anything foolish!  and she is so real!  i prefer her words much more:  she called me: an exotica.  elegant.  and with her new camera said i was at my:  most gorgeous sexiness.  

    turns out those second skin jeans with the big jiggly bulge is something some gals like to watch!  and!  my super high heels are a thing a  lot of gals are attracted to!  my gypsy friend with her tiny hands LOVED my image.  and so she had to bring her friend along for proof!  her friend, well, we won't go into that.  but my touchy feely gal loved me from top to bottom and everywhere in between.  i like how not shy she is.  in the jazz club she ran her hands all over me, below the navel.  her tiny hands of course makes everything on me look much bigger and a gal who was  sitting in the back of the club was watching me, well she was also watching Chris and she wasn't happy and said so!  so she came up to Chris and said she did not like me in my high heels nor did she like Christie's blatant hands on with me!  

    i love Chris.  she told this gal in her 30's to F off!!!  with that Chris ran her and down my body and over my very sexy you know what!  

    long story short:  we got kicked out of the club!  me, Chris, and her new friend.  so the 3 of us walked around 20 blocks to her Chris's place.  my high heels clicking all the way!   Chris's friend with the camera stayed back around 20 paces and took some very interesting pictures.  i would like to share with you those experiences but since this is hhplace i can't!   but i will share that story as siennaBOY on solo touch.  

    Chris rocked my world.  and i loved her reaction to my super high heels.  she called me a super B!!

    and her new friend was great with the video camera.  

    MUCH amusements!!!  no fools like Thighbootguy or anyone else.


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  12. well anyway:  i made it home safely at 230 a.m.  WHAT a wild... has it been 48 or 36 hours?  all i can tell you right now is i'm just in the door and i have nothing left.  but i'll come by tomorrow (Sunday) with the semi fun details.  

    i'll say this though: a very exciting trip and i can barely walk!

  13. i am on my way!  perfect day for it too as there is nothing but sunshine and mild climes ahead of us.  i'm taking my brand new black Damelo shoes, my Daelyns just in case and if i'm really feeling in the mood: my white double buckle beauties!  i just hope i have the guts to get out of the car and walk down the street in those painted on jeans!  

  14. i'm getting excited about the weekend!  don't know if you remember me mentioning her before, i call her my "touchy feely gal".  the gal who hosts the outrageous xmas parties introduced me to this gal way back in 2014 and let me tell you she is quite the character!  small, quirky, aggressive, we've had some very fun times together.  i haven't seen her all winter and was kind of wondering if my times with her were over.  

    she has called me to come visit her this Friday night.  there is a club she wants to take me to for a night of music and i am very much looking forward to going, seeing her again, and wearing my brand new Jessica Simpson Damelo heels in black!  i'm also going to wear my super fun "painted on jeans" which i thought she has seen me in but she told me in an email that she has not.  like i said, she is aggressive and said:  wear sexy stuff, your new shoes and your new jeans as i want to touch them...  yes indeed she is very touchy feely and i am so excited about another high heel wearing adventure!

  15. my adventure from a few Sundays ago went without too much excitement.  by toning it down a bit in the jeans department the whole experience seems to move down to a different level which definitely has its place as well.  personally i prefer the painted on jeans as the look is so much fun but also brings on the butterflies in a serious way.

    i guess the only thing that bugs me these days about going out wearing 6 inch heels is the number of camera phones.  folks just don't care, they'll start snapping pictures.  one old grey haired pot bellied grease ball was lining up to take my picture at a book store and by that point in the day i was getting tired of it, so i gave him the finger when he snapped his picture!  ha ha!!!

    on the plus side i ordered two new pairs of Jessica Simpson shoes.  both of them on the 6 inch heel with a 2 inch platform.  pair number 1 is in white and has the same heel and platform as my Dany and Daelyn shoes, and pair number 2 are in black and called Damelo.  very much looking forward to having both of those for my upcoming heel wearing season.

  16. On March 22, 2016 at 7:49 PM, pebblesf said:


    I truly appreciate your honesty, admitting to the same nervousness and hesitating like I know I do.  Although it is hard for me to imagine that a guy who has a truly amazing androgynous look (and body attributes to back it up) could ever possibly be nervous when in public.  I LOVE it when I get comfortable enough in a public situation that I forget about my 5" boots, but that has only happened a few times. 

    I really enjoy reading about your adventures, and don't mind admitting that I am truly envious.  But, I realize you have worked hard to maintain your nice figure, and truly deserve all your success!  It would be so cool to get out publicly with you, confidence in numbers really helps me out....


    Thank you Don, as always it is a pleasure to read your posts.  

    And so today is a beauty sunny day, warm spring climes!  I've got the day to myself so I'm going to take a ride into the city.  I think its time I take this fancy number out for a spin:


    Those are my sexy Sherbert 6 inch heels and I'm going to wear them today as my poor grey and black Pleasers have gone over to the "night shoes" category.  Since my feet are not tanned and looking wonderful I'm going to wear a single layer of black ankle nylons.  Those jeans are my Bluenotes, much more tame than my painted on jeans from my last adventures.  The jacket is Guess and I have a simple black t shirt underneath, trimmed just around the navel.

    I have no agenda today, meeting with no lady friends, just me and the open road.  I'll let you know how it goes when I get back!


  17. i have to tell you about yesterday's high heeled adventure:  a perfect blue sky, sunny and gorgeous out there.  i had the day to myself so i thought i would take a ride into the city with absolutely no agenda.  but i did want to wear the same outfit that i wore when i went out to see my long lost friend back in February:  the painted on jeans, the black vest with black shirt, and black high cut leather jacket and my sexy grey/black Pleaser brand 7 inch heels.  what a look!  and what a feeling too, to be wearing something so wildly revealing with such outrageous shoes.

    i drove around for about an hour wondering if i had the guts to get out and see something or maybe visit a book store, coffee shop, anything where it wouldn't be jam packed with thousands of people.  the place i ended up going into was one of those new age shops:  beads, incense, exotic jewellery, self help books, tarot cards and so on.  pretty kooky shop with no customers.  the little area where the shop was located, also quiet.  easy enough i thought.  so i parked my car and watched the scene for several minutes: no one went into or came out of the shop i was looking at so i got up the courage to get out of the car and go in there.  i was parked right in front of the place so it wasn't a big walk and i made it in there with butterflies.  i said hello to the little lady who was at the desk, a tiny thing, likely in her 20's.  she remained seated and so didn't see my shoes.  pretty sure she noticed the front of my jeans.  she gave me the usual: if you need help with anything just ask.

    i nodded and went in to see what they had.  they had rows of book shelves so it was pretty easy to hide.  of course i noticed all the cameras watching my every move!  i did find myself interested in their books and so started snooping through them, kind of losing myself a bit, forgetting for a change how i looked or what i was wearing...  

    i did hear the door chime going and so i knew someone entered the shop but i didn't look or pay any attention.  i was looking at a book called The Ultimate Kiss and was getting into what that was about and soon found myself very excited.  i took a quick peek in one of the many mirrors in there and thought, yes, these painted on jeans really do show everything!  i went back to the book and it was an instant later when i felt the presence of that other customer, standing right next to me!  i didn't look at them but i could tell they were very close.  soon i could feel the temperature going up and knew it was time to give that person some space!  i put the book back on the shelf and moved away a few feet to look at something else.  when i did i took a quick peek and saw it was a gal in her 20's.  she was big!  not fat, not tall, but thick!  like a big game hunter. she had thick legs, big body, athletic all the way.  she was wearing tight jeans that flared out at the bottom, a blouse, scarf and jean jacket and definitely knew what she was doing.  i could tell right away she was aggressive.  so i gave her the space and moved away.  at this point in time she could only see me from the back or the side, i didn't give her the front view and i could tell she was looking me up and down and was staring at my 7 inch heels.  

    i moved to the end of the row and took another book.  pretty soon she was back in my space.  so i put the book back and went to a completely different aisle, the ever dreaded:  Self Help section.  i thought she'd be crazy to follow me down that lane but she did!  i started thinking okay, so you want to give me a look or something so i grabbed a book, pretended to read it, and slowly turned to face her.  she just stood there with her book and that feeling of being watched was tremendous!  so i took a quick peek and she certainly was looking.  our eyes met so i quickly looked away.  but the way she was standing spoke volumes!  this wild scene went of for several minutes before she moved away and visited with the gal at the desk.  it was pretty clear they were friends.  i remained hiding in the book rows.  and wondered how long they were going to be at the desk and how i was going to get out of there without looking like the old deer in the headlights thing.  

    two books did get my attention so i grabbed both and made my way to the desk, my heels thundering on the hardwood floors.  i approached the desk and got the old: did you find what you were looking for?  etc.  that big girl, she didn't move when i went to pay for my books!  what a gal!  

    as i was walking out the door i got that twinkling feeling of: lets have a little more fun with this.  i knew they were both in there watching me so when i was on the street i pretended to be making a cell call.  i put my books on the roof of the car and had a fake conversation and walked around on the sidewalk directly in front of the store and of course i saw my reflection in the window and that did it!  i very much enjoyed how i looked!  i also leaned back on my car so the both of them could get a nice frontal view of me in the blazing sunshine!  what a show off!  i also had a little shoe play going.

    pretty soon though i could see some people coming down the sidewalk and that was my cue to get in the car and take off!  what an awesome adventure!  (quite unlike the one from March 13th, where nothing happened!)  i was so excited from my adventure that i had the shakes while driving away!

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  18. 10 hours ago, CPB said:


    Amazing adventures & heeling 8-). You have absolutely gorgeous legs, man, you look amazing in those jeans & heels :thumbsup:.

    Thank you CPB!

    not sure which one was asking but the mix in those jeans:  62% cotton, 29% poly, 7% viscose and 2% spandex...  that would be the jeans i wore from a few Sundays ago that look like they're painted on.  when you see them hanging on the rack you tell yourself:  there is just no way i'm going to fit into these, even though they're advertised as size M.  but surprise surprise!!!  when i wiggled into them i KNEW i had found the ultimate pair, much better than my Bluenotes.  and so wonderfully soft to the touch! 

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