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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Yea teem them up with a pair of knee high boots and they would look great.

    IMO the effect of the pants would be wasted with knee high boots.....those pants scream out shoes..! A pair of classic black patent pumps, 'fetish' ankle-cuff sandals, or even black toe-strap mules would be perfect.

  2. It reminds me of a certain chocolate bar which I've refused to buy since they adopted their "not for girls" branding ( http://www.virginmedia.com/homefamily/fooddrink/greatest-chocolate-bars.php?ssid=9 ), and if they launched a "not for boys" version I'd refuse to buy that too.

    I agree those Tetley beer commercials are awful... but others have played with gender in a slightly more sophisticated way:

    Yes. The 'Lynx' deodorant commercials are another one......and I agree with you about the 'Yorkie' ads (for it is they who are 'not for girls'). They are appallingly sexist.

    Just as an aside....has anyone in the UK seen the 'webuyanycar.com' adverts lately..? Since when did nice middle class folks start pulling 'gangsta' hand moves to describe their actions.......Innit?:):)

    Now...back to the original thread.....

  3. It's official - 6InchheelsForever is now PeterChu HighHeels.

    I found this out by accident when I followed a link on 'Flickr, for 'PeterChuHighHeels'......which took me straight to the old '6InchHeelsForever' website.

    So....the company is now known as 'PeterChuHighHeels' and that's what you will arrive at if you are using the 'Orient-Visual' URL.

    One good thing is that he is now offering unlimited custom sizing on length and width, so you can order a shoe made to fit your feet perfectly - even down to different sizes between left and right feet.

  4. Just shows how out of touch they are... lol

    It also shows just how badly the advertising industry is monitored these days. There are hundreds...probably thousands....of adverts now that break all the rules of sexism. The Tetley Beer adverts are one such series...aimed directly at sexist males, and using sexist taglines that denegrate women.

    Sexist stereotypes can be seen in just about any kind of marketing and advertising these days, and not only does it brainwash the less intelligent adult market, it's also poisoning the minds of the younger generations.

  5. I would have thought that you chaps would have the same the same physical experience. However the danger and excitement of wearing heels must be similar to my own having sneaked them out in a bag and changed into them at school.

    Something I still remember quite well.

    Your Guess is exactly right Ron. They were considered as Taboo.

    Boy do I remember this so well. I went to a very stuffy country Grammar School and high heels were still regarded as being very 'tarty' in those days - especially in the rural community that I lived in. Several of us flaunted the school rules, and secretly smuggling our heels out of the house and into school was almost a rite of passage for a lot of the girls there.

  6. I think that you are being far too over-sensitive and reading more into a perfectly ordinary situation than is necessary. I'm sure that your girlfriend's comments are perfectly innocent and well-meant. Her idea of a 'costume' is probably nothing more sinister than you dressing up as The Devil, a Wizard or a Pirate or some other 'character' role.

    I'm sure that the term 'costume' here means nothing more than 'fancy dress'. Besides, it's for a Halloween party remember, and really the whole point of it is to let your hair down, forget your own self-conciousness.....and have fun..!

  7. I agree with PiB, in particular I was amused by the novel use of the word "Endless" a few posts back. However, before casting stones,

    Actually she's in good company, you see a lot of phantom hyphens in many publications. I think it's due to problems with auto-hyphenation algorithms when transferring text between different bits of software.


    ..says she who writes in all bold italics. :)

    We're talking grammar, not typefaces here. However, it is no different than using a fountain pen with an italic nib.

  8. LOL! I had no problem with hhfan's posting. I'm used to dealing with people who have accents so it didn't bother me.

    Same here.

    In fact, I find it utterly hilarious - that all those who have criticised the OP's command of English - have ALL made basic spelling mistakes and rudimentary grammatical errors in their own posts.

  9. The next time someone says to me "Are you wearing girl shoes?" I will reply "I didn't know they had a _u$$y"

    One of mine and my husband's oldest friends from before we got married is a cross-dresser.....and whenever he is asked this question, he simply says "No, they're not girls' shoes......they're mine..!"

  10. What is so massively shocking about that article - is the number of people posting 'gay' comments - and MEANING it.

    It is ignorance at its' highest level.....and the frightening thing, is that it is silently infecting society more and more. Far from becoming more enlightened as we get older - it seems that the human race is actually filling itself up with hatred and bigotry.

  11. Personally - I think that the best EVER heels scene in a movie - is the scene where Marilyn Monroe's dress is blown up by the subway draft in 'The Seven Year Itch'........revealing a divine pair of 3.5" strappy heels......not to mention divine legs as well..!


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