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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. There's some really lovely shoes in that link.

    Can you illustrate what's remotely hideous about the attached?

    I find your comment both offensive and utterly uncalled for.

    However, to answer your question - everything about those shoes is hideous. The designs are clumsy and unsubtle, the heels are badly designed for walking and are aesthetically unattractive. The platform examples are chunky and ungainly, most of the straps and ties are for too wide and lack any sense of design proportion or style. The colour choices leave much to be desired as most of them clash dreadfully. None of them do anything to compliment or enhance the shape of the wearer's legs or feet - and in nearly all cases they merely stand out as design exercises in themselves - not as tasteful accessories to the main outfit being worn.

    The overall impression given by this selection of heels is garish and tasteless. There is a complete lack of subtlety, elegance or grace in any of those designs.

  2. It's kinda easy to identify them by

    A) the cutting pattern near the foot

    :wave: the position the zipper ends (e.g. Pleaser ballet boots have longer zips...)

    C) the design of the zip slider

    However as you're telling your heels are all plastic I wonder if they are manufacturing different versions - my ballet heels - likely the same manufacturer - have steel reinforced heels. Weird...

    Yes - they are. I have already deduced that they must be 'Kassiopeya' boots - I got some other clues from some posts here a few months ago.....

    Oh...and the heel does actually have a steel rod up the middle..!

    Very nice boots pussyinboots :)

    I must say though; when were these photos taken? I can see VHS tapes in the second photo lol :)

    The photos were taken September 2009. We have hundreds of Grands Prix on VHS (my husband is a Formula 1 nut) - and he has loads of old movies on tape too.

  3. Please be my guest :-)

    Thank You.

    Here are my white Thighboots made by 'RedHeel' - which I found in a Store on EBay Germany just over 18 months ago. They are one of a Set of 5 styles that come in three colours - Red, Black and White.

    The styles are Lockable Pumps, Ankleboots, Calfboots, Knee-highs and these Thighboots. They are exceedingly comfortable and not too difficult to walk in. My only 'gripe' is that the heels are all plastic - no steel rods up the middle.






  4. ^^ If you look through the Website - you will find that EVERY SINGLE SHOE and BOOT is now marked as 'Sold Out'.

    Now......as all their shoes are hand-made to order, I suspect that there is something bigger going on here.....and that we may well see the Website disappear soon.

  5. Hi all

    Back in Feb 11 I was looking at purchasing a pair of shoes for my girlfriend from Burlesque Blue. As I was about to purchase I noticed that a "sold out" label had been applied to all of their 'Hand Made' shoe range apart from those from their ready to in stock range.

    Looking through the website I noticed they state "due to the volume of orders we currently have, we are unable to accept new orders for Made to Measure footwear at present".

    I have since inquired twice about about purchasing a pair of shoes from them and neither email has received a reply or acknowledgement.

    Before I ring them for info, has anyone else had any success buying anything from them, are they wallowing in the wealth of orders coming in, or have I missed something a bit more obvious?

    Not intending to create speculation, just wondered if they are now only taking volume orders only?

    You are not creating speculation at all. I have had terrible trouble with them over the last 12 months as well.

    Last September - I was contacted by their Marketing Department who wanted to 'sponsor' my 'Flickr' Galleries by supplying me with free high heels to model. To cut a loong story short - they started to 'back-track' right from the start, and eventually backed out of the deal.

    Subsequently, I wrote to them for quotes on several pairs of hand-made heels - including the 'Captivate' 6" clear upper mule which had been discontinued at the beginning of last year - but which they told me - had been reinstated in their range.

    That was just before last Christmas. Despite my sending a further 5 EMails, I have had no response whatsoever. I have given them up in favour of another manufacturer - 'Estresmodes' of Spain.

    If you intend to contact Burlesque Blue - I suggest that you do it directly by telephone - and ask for Janice Anderson - who is the Customer Services Director.

    Good Luck.

  6. Not much hope I'm afraid.

    They were from the Highest Heel, but I purchased them well over 10 years ago. The chances of you finding another pair now are very remote. I don't even know whether they had a brand name, because they were bought before internet shopping had really come into being.

    They'll be worth a few bob if they're still in good condition...!

  7. As high and beautiful as the heels Bettie Page wore were, I don't think she wore them outside of photoshoots. A true high heel icon wears them as everyday wear. I therefore voted Victoria Beckham. She even sticks to her Louboutins while pregnant.

    I agree.

    I would go even further and say that an 'icon' also sets the trend for fashion and style on a world-wide basis, and has a measurable influence on many people's lives. Far more so, than say, promotional photographs or internet websites.

  8. Dear Pussyinboots

    Well, I'm no fan of chav culture or yob behaviour but it's worth remembering that the 'gentry' as you put it have more than their fair share of drunken rape and pillage to account for... The Bullingdon Club at Eton survives to this day; encouraging young men with more money and privilege than sense to drink, fight, vomit and destroy the location of their meeting without compunction.

    The only difference is that their fathers' tend to square things with the magistrates and the local constabulary long before it becomes news. Novels such as the Hellfire Club and Brideshead Revisited affirms that such behaviour among mindless 'toffs' has been with us for a very long time indeed.

    I agree....it's her behaviour and actions that define her.

    I also take your point about the 'aristocracy/gentry' - however I think you get my general drift.

  9. Wow, what a bunch of fighting fools. Too many people running around in this world reacting to emotions of anger, instead of responding to the isolated event.

    I never have much respect for people who try to intimidate me with emotion. No one who is truly in charge (of themself) has to prove it.

    I'm probably one of the most laid-back people on the planet - however I am also two other things. I am proud to be British - and I am appalled and infuriated by atrocious behaviour like this. This is yet another example of just how far down the sewers this country has flushed itself.

    For years now, the so called upholders of 'political correctness' have been waging war against the 'Upper Classes', bemoaning their outmoded attiudes of elitism and their 'clique' society - and championing the cause of the 'Middle' and 'Working Classes' and how they should be treated just as importantly as celebrities and 'toff's.

    That's all well and good - until that is...we have an event like this - which shows us everyone's true colours - and shows us why the Upper Classes protected their small and private social circles so vehemently against yobs like these.

    At the turn of the last century - the Gentry, Artisans and Working Classes, all shared a joint love of horses and the turf - and they all gathered at race meetings and had a whale of a time without resorting to mindless brawling.

    If Political Correctness means allowing idiots like this to invade our lives, and having to put up with atrocious and disgraceful behaviour like this at public events - then we should be bringing back far higher and stricter educational and social standards, that teach people morals, self-discipline, self-respect and respect for others too. We should also be giving some teeth and claws back to the Authorities, so that Neanderthal behaviour like this can be made a true example of. Where were the Police whilst all this was going on.....??

    I would take a large bet - that most of those yobs would claim to be proud to be British and to Love and Respect our Queen.

    Like....REALLY...?? You're at ROYAL Ascot - and it hardly shows does it...?

    In truth, these people have no class at all - they are trash.

  10. But the platform pumps in the Shoe Dazzle ad on the page that came up when I clicked on the link are accepted as "nice" shoes. But make some cutouts to expose some of the toes and some other portions of the foot, and they become "slutty"?

    The difference in style between these and some Louboutin and Dior styles is fairly small considered analytically. I don't think shoes make the slut, and I'm not sure I believe in the word, either. It's more like bad taste, and it takes the look plus the body language and behavior to complete the picture of something associated with sex or sexy.

    It goes back to the belief that sex is dirty and sexy behavior by a woman is slutty. Humbug! That seems to be criticizing the Creator for what He/She created.

    I'm sorry if you are offended, however you have entirely missed the point.

    First, what I said was in jest - hence the smilies. Second, 'TopShop' has been renowned for selling cheap and 'tarty' clothes and shoes for young girls since the 1970's....in fact they have built their reputation on it.

    I made no reference to what makes a 'tart' or a 'slut' and what doesn't. I simply referred to the overall appearance of the shoe and what I said about 'TopShop' is a fact.

    Trust me, if a girl says that something is 'tarty'....and she isn't joking - then you are guaranteed that the object of her criticism is in pretty bad taste.

  11. You made me realize something that hasnt been brought up...

    You are VERY correct with what you say above. Most women arent into women, their usually looking for guys ( Not all, I said most folks :) doesnt matter either way, just using laws of commons here for numbers.. )

    Actually, you have slightly misunderstood 'Roxy's point Sweetie, so please allow me to explain a little more.

    Many, many women are very 'catty' and snobbish about other women's clothes and shoes - and they will criticise another rival female's style and wardrobe at any easy opportunity. This is especially true in Countries where old-fashioned views and strict morals still exist in society. Of course they see another woman as a rival as well. Under these circumstances, many women will therefore consider high heels to be 'slutty' or 'tarty'....(Only prostitutes wear high heels.......!).

    I believe that this is what 'Roxy' was alluding to, and I know for a fact that where she lives, it is the case.

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