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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Is their a way we can find out who makes the heels for Elite.They are made in Italy.And speaking from experience 40 years in heels,after some 200 pairs from all over.I bought a pair from Elite the black 6 inch peep toe.They are the best fitting shoe bar none with a beautiful arch..I love them and going to buy several more pair...

    I also have 3 pairs of 6" mules from 'Elite-Heels' and they are by far the most beautifully made extreme heels that I own.

    I THINK that they are made by 'Heels And More' who are based in Italy.......I am happy to be corrected however.

  2. Well, I finally bought a pair of Ballet Boots! I have always liked the way they look but never saw myself buying a pair let alone standing up in them. I now wonder why it took me this long to buy a pair, I simply love them!!!

    They look fabulous...!!

    Can you tell us who makes them....and where did you buy them...?

  3. Burlesque Blue were in Southgate and then changed the address to Scotland. I have a catalogue somewhere with the Southgate address on the back.

    I had to phone a London 020 number to reach them a few years ago.

    OK...I stand corrected.:smile:

  4. FF and BB sell some almost identical shoes and the heels look the same.

    On FFs about us page it's stated that the company is headed By Cos K. I spoke to Cos a few times when he ran BB.

    It looks like they have revamped the website and hoicked up the prices, whilst forgetting to improve the customer service.

    I personally would think very hard before ordering anything from them again. It was bad enough when BB sold on Ebay and the shoes were only £30 to £90. Now they start at £130!!! At the new prices, customer service should be immaculate.

    'Burlesque Blue' have always been based in Scotland:


  5. There has been a lot said about the click of heels on hard surfaces - both pro and con. Personally, I like it. Having recently taken to wearing a concealed plat of a little more than one-inch, I have noticed the "click" followed by a combined "slap" and "thud" sound, sometimes sounding hollow. A friend said that she purposely declines to wear plats because of "sounding line a horse," but I disagree.

    What does anyone else think?


    The 'click' as the heel tip goes down....then a kind of hollow 'clock' sound of the platform. It's odd when you have been used to the 'click clack' of ordinary stilettos.

  6. I wish Cheryl would just go away and leave us alone. I can't stand her and her stupid hair and tears and false drama rubbish.

    Actually... U turn. There's jobs available in our local Wickes DIY shop. I'd love to see her do a full day's work in dungarees and steel toe caps, mind the forklift trucks Cheryl!

    She would be right at home in a Wickes store....seeing as she has sawdust for brains.

  7. It's no secret that on a normal, healthy person, high heels will be an aesthetic asset....and a fitness disaster. It's a well known fact that high heels alter the posture to the extent that hip joints, the lower spine, knees, ankles and feet all suffer damage if high heels are worn regularly over a long period of time.

    However, it's also a well known fact, that high heels (on a woman at least), bring out the best of her waist, hips, legs and feet, by emphasising their shapes, and by giving her a posture that 'shakes them all about'.

    I'm sure that nearly all the men...and the women here, will understand what I mean, when I say that my husband loves me in high heels, because, he says, when I walk, they "make my 'derriere' bob about like a bunny rabbit's tail".

    Enough said.

  8. I believe mine were a pair of Nine West Kimberly 3" ankle strap sandals. I saw a girl in the office come in one day wearing them and had to buy them as well. My first pair is black, but I also got it in red (pic attached), then again later in brown.

    They are very pretty...and very elegant. Nine West used to make such lovely strappy heels.

  9. I have no knowledge of Cheryl Cole so I don't know whether or not she is capable of designing shoes. However, I know that for the longest time designers seem to have been licensing their name out to most anything for a buck. Some more so than others. I remember many years ago that Yves St. Laurent was thought of as a top designer. I think his clothes were sold at high end stores but I wouldn't have any personal knowledge of that. Eventually, one started seeing goods bearing his initials in the biggest discount stores.

    I remember rolling my eyes in disgust (picture your teenage daughter) when I finally saw YSL socks. What in the world, I thought, could he do to add value to a pair of socks. They looked for all the world like inferior versions of the "Gold Toes" I had worn for many years. I had the same question about a YSL wallet of nail clippers, for that matter.

    My wife bought a pair of Carlos Santana shoes a while back. They were pretty shoes but my immediate reaction was "what value could Carlos Santana possibly bring to a shoe design other than capitalization of the company. If he had any involvement at all in the design they would probably have looked more like a Paul Reed Smith.

    I feel the same way when I see an ad for "Brittany Spears perfume." Does Brittany really have a chemist lab in her back room? I can not visualize her adding drops of scented oils to a mixture and sniffing it to decide if it will sell to a million women. I think the same argument can be made for almost all celebrity, signature products. Any one here ready to shell out big bucks for a Louboutin blender?

    The point I want to make is, don't be too surprised about the story on Cheryl Cole shoes. I would be interested in going back to the original press release to see if it reported she will actually be designing shoes or that it stated she will simply be marketing a line of shoes with her name. I have a long history of completing projects where, suddenly, bosses come out of the woodwork reporting that they were instrumental in its success. That is true but only because they took a long vacation near the end so I could get it done.

    Couldn't agree more......And so the Corporate Money-Machine rolls on and on, beating it's inexorable path towards Society's spiritual doom......

  10. Seems like I have heard of this seller before, but not knowledgeable about them at all.

    The shoes look very cool though.

    They sell 'Leatherworks' designs....and also 'Little Shoe Box' copies.

  11. They're not actually pumps, they're sandals. They have an opener/fastener, pumps do not.

    I was referring to the Amazon website description of the shoes....

    "Velvet Angels Women's L'Auberge Pump"

  12. Last 2 pairs.. I TRIED to work the controller with.. Had some problems but..

    One is a pair of Lace Booties that I have absolutly NO idea where they came from! Might be Darians? Dunno. The other is a pair of ' Classic ' pumps with a heel thats a bit thicker then a stiletto. The Booties have a small platform in them and no flex to them, makes it hard to step on things..

    The lace booties are fabulous....! Yes...!!:)

  13. Boots.. Hmm.. Maybe a pair of UGGs? IM JUST KIDDING FOLKS! :)

    I would REALLY like to wear something with a traditional stiletto on it but.. for safety reasons, and having to work pedals and a midi controller, it would be a task that Im really not up for. Lighting is going to suck! I need to be sturdy and a bit cautious :)

    I absolutely HATE these ' boots '

    No...sorry babe. They look awful, and just prove my point really. A pair of girly stilettos, or a pair of 'Domme' fetish sandals would be the way to go. Or.....classic black pumps (or even 'peep-toe' pumps), with a high, thin heel.

    Like these........




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