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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2025 in all areas

  1. Cowboy boots have heels, but those have their own particular following. But they do have heels. Although I like chunky heeled boots, I’m not a fan but very much prefer the more feminine styles
    1 point
  2. The only "heels" I know of today that is accepted in footwear for men in general terms is the "Logger Boots" that have a taller heel to them. I wore those for years, and probably still would if it was not for most having steel toes and being lace-ups. I have to wear safety toes, but they have to be composite and not steel because of the high voltage I work with, and the specific grounding situations inside substations. As for laces, I have just got accustomed to Sketchers slips in for sport, casual and work wear. It is interesting about the history of heels though and how it came about. You are right though, in fashion once something is given the stigma of feminine it is hard to get back. I do have another one though: leggings. They are slowly being adopted by men and women. It is more of jock wear then general acceptance but considered "unisex" now.
    1 point
  3. CrushedVamp, Shyheels, pebblesf - thank you for your answers. I do not know why i have not received any notifications about your replies. I noticed it yesterday totally by accident. It's really a little disappointing that not a lot of people are interested in the question "why" in this topic about themselves. Heels in fiction and movies are certainly interesting, but they don't provide any scientific answers, unfortunately. I spent quite a lot of time looking into this issue about myself and achieved certain results, and i wanted to move to a more serious level. CrushedVamp, Shyheels - unlike you, i'm not a writer. If anyone is going to write a book about heels and psychology, it's definitely not me.
    1 point
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