Not to get "too" far off topic... I also have come to loathe traveling. I usually enjoy the place to which I am traveling but getting here is often such a headache! I am sure we all have horrible stories of severally delayed/cancelled flights, lost luggage, lack of service, etc., and my list of that which bothers me about it is quite extensive. Not to disparage anyone who works for the travel industry in any capacity, but it seems that any way every last nickel can be squeezed out of the traveler is going to be done. This fee for that, that fee for this, a fee for charging a fee...
I did, however, enjoy traveling in heels and, in particular, strolling around the terminal in a skirt and boots for all to see. As much as I wither at the prospect of the next flight I have to catch, I can not wait to do it again!
Nope - AA from BOS -> STL.