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  1. Hello from Russia. I want to tell you a little about myself, I am a man, straight, I have a beautiful, loving wife and daughter. I've always liked wearing high-heeled shoes. I clearly remember that the first time I felt the urge to wear high heels was when I was about 2 years old, when I saw high-heeled shoes on my mom's feet. Therefore, I think that my love for high heels has been with me since birth. At first, I tried on my mom's shoes, but then, closer to the age of 14, my foot grew and at the same time I decided for myself not to wear high heels anymore, because I thought that this was not normal. But at the age of 16, I realized that I was depriving myself of some important component of my life, without which it would be incomplete. Closer to the age of 20, I met my wife, with whom we have been living for more than 20 years. I was afraid to tell her about my addiction right away. It was only after 5 years of a relationship that I finally plucked up the courage and told her that I would like to wear high-heeled shoes. She was surprised, but she didn't say a single negative word and helped me choose my first pair, they were 13 cm stilettos. The moment I realized that my wife didn't mind my fascination with high heels, I felt like the happiest man in the world. Since then, I have been constantly replenishing my collection, which now has more than 30 pairs. For the most part, these are shoes and boots with stilettos from 13 to 18 cm, mostly without a platform. I wear all my shoes exclusively at home. I really want to wear stilettos in public, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to decide on it. Thanks to you, the people who post on this site, I still plucked up the courage and decided to sometimes wear cowboy boots with 11 cm block heels in public, which I recently purchased for this purpose. I really wanted to go out for a walk in these boots with my wife, but she categorically refused. I took two short walks alone in these boots, about 20 minutes each, in the park, early in the morning, when it was still dark. Like many of us, I was very anxious to see the reaction of the few people who saw me. I was seen by a young man who was jogging, I got the impression that he didn't even notice my heels. Another day, a married couple with a dog saw me, it seems to me that they saw my heels and began to discuss me, but I'm not sure, because I quickly got into the car and drove away. After about 2 weeks, I had to make a trip to another city. I decided that on the way to this city I would drive a car in boots, and so it was, but I did not have the courage to get out of the car in these boots and show myself in public, before each exit I changed into ordinary shoes. Then I lived in another city for a few days. Every evening, after sunset, I walked through the dimly lit evening streets in high heels. The few people I met along the way didn't tell me anything, although I heard some of them discussing me, others probably didn't even notice that I was wearing heels. Then it was time to return to my hometown, and I decided for myself that I would be wearing heels everywhere the whole way back. I visited several gas stations in the daytime in heels and did not receive a single negative review in my face, I only remembered the look of one guy, we almost came face to face, but it was most likely surprise. And a few months ago, I managed to persuade my wife to go for a walk, during which I put on my cowboy boots. We were walking near the house in the park, after sunset, I don't think any of the passers-by saw my heels this time. Although maybe I was just busy talking to my wife. Walking together with a loved one had a relaxing effect on me and gave me more confidence, for this reason I did not focus my attention on the reactions of others. I told my wife about my feelings. She replied that she had experienced some stress during the walk, although I admit I didn't even notice it. Now we walk in the park from time to time, I'm putting on my cowboy boots, but only in the evening. I don't know when I'll have the courage to go out in heels in the afternoon. I apologize in advance for such a long post, but I couldn't get any shorter. I want to thank all the participants once again, thanks to your posts, I realized that there is nothing unusual in my hobby, I just like to wear elegant shoes with high stiletto heels, which historically society has called women's. I hope that my story will help other men to talk more openly about their desires and wear shoes, clothes and things that they like.
    2 points
  2. I have been thinking about this post for a while and promise to try and keep it on point. When I started wearing heels, the height of the heel was what was important – the higher the better and I always went for 4.5” – 5.” The style of the heel did not matter whether it was a stiletto, block, wedge, or some other form. I loved such high heels because there was a certain irresistible and indescribable feeling of just being able to walk on a heel that I found to be so horribly alluring. Fast forward to November 2023 when I started wearing heels out in public. I started with 4” block heels in order to get comfortable with doing so and to date, have only worn a higher heel out to an event just once. When I started wearing heels to work earlier this year, 3” – 3.5” seemed to be a good start but for me, 4” is the limit for my own personal reasons (do not want to restart the what is/is not work appropriate debate). I have always felt that I wanted that which I was wearing to compliment the heels I chose for the day. I never felt comfortable wearing “guy” clothing with heels and as a result, began wearing feminine clothing with any pair of heels while out in public. To me, and speaking only for myself and not to offend anyone, most heels are alluring but “guy” clothes are boring and drab, thus, the two types of clothing are not compatible for my tastes. As I realized that my style of clothing to wear with my heels was starting to take shape, I began shopping for heels that matched the outfit in terms of color, style, and practicality; heel height became secondary. Thus, the height of the heel started not to matter so much anymore. Not to get off-topic, I will wear “guy” lounging clothes around my place when I have a new part of heels that need a bit of “breaking in” time before they are worn out in public. Soon, I began to feel a sense of comfort and fulfillment in the entire outfit even if I was only wearing kitten heels provided that what I was wearing with them reflected my sense of ‘haute couture.’ I, for example, love the look of tailored wide-leg pants with either a kitten heel or a shorter heeled animal print pump. Such reflects a certain sophisticated and classic elegance, a ‘je na sais quoi’ about it. The summers in my part of the world, however, can be quite unforgiving on some days which wreaks havoc on my feet; heels that fit today will not fit tomorrow if it is hot and humid. Fun and useless fact – one acre of corn stalks releases 2-3k gallons of water vapor (humidity) when they are short of maturity. When the heat takes hold, I opt for my Vans as I have several pairs in many colors which allow me to easily match those shoes to either my pants/skirt or top. Likewise, I have a very comfortable pair of loafers that are probably one of the most comfortable pairs of non-trainers I own. When I go this route of shoe choice, I still feel as great as I do when I am wearing a pair of heels out in public provided that the outfit looks great and my accessories match. Thus, I have come to realize that as much as heels are an expression of whom I am, I can still do so without having to wear 5” stilettos or the like. So, I have to ask if the height of the heel really matters?
    1 point
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