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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2024 in Posts

  1. So here is my first of many to come! Boots by Aldo, dress is Lululemon Define, wristlet is Guess My usual Chicago to Tampa trip. Kinda bummed, only 2 comments about my boots, both in the TSA line, no negative comments. Look forward to talking with people. Will post some more pics soon!
    2 points
  2. Ah MDW - my old neighborhood - off the NE corner of the runways! Boots - Inferno from Raye (top)/Sorbern (bottom w/black & white skirt). Thanks for the vote! Gorgeous outfit - I guess I am going to have to step up my game! 😁❤️
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. From Midway or O'hare? Love those boots!
    1 point
  5. A few months ago I was making small talk with one of the excutives. She always compares heels with me. I had a pair of blue faux suede impo short sitlettos on (3.6 inch) and she said she wish she could find a blue boot as well. I told her that years ago when I got these, the style also came in black and red, but I only bought the black. Her responce, "Why didn't you get the red?" I have three heels in red, two slitghty different styles of Jessica Simpson red suede stiletto booties (1.5 platform, 5.5+ heel) and a burgany Nine West leather knee high booties with a stiletto-ist 3.9 inch heels. I have to pick the time and place to wear them, but I do wear them.
    1 point
  6. I'm constantly replacing tips, be happy to help
    1 point
  7. My entry for April, 2024. Wearing orange in celebration of Koningsdag (The King's Birthday in The Netherlands).
    1 point
  8. Here's my first entry....a work outfit
    1 point
  9. Even though I am a newcomer to this forum, I hope to be a serious contender. To start, a post Valentine's day dinner outfit for a fancy dinner with an old friend (Red) and a Friday "work at home outfit" (Black/white). And this Saturday is Drag Night in town!
    1 point
  10. Here is one I took recently while I was out and about
    1 point
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