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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2023 in Posts

  1. Oops, went Christmas shopping and forgot to hide my heels! [it's a skirt] Was wondering around the plaza for about 3 hours. No one said a word, although I saw some people do double-takes. Heels are 4.5".
    3 points
  2. Interesting! The first time I saw myself in heels - in my case chocolate brown knee boots with five inch stiletto heels worn over skinny jeans - I was unsettled. Not horrified, but definitely unsettled. It felt very strange to see myself in stilettos. Rather than get all self conscious about it, as I might usually have done, I studied what I saw and I realised that was unsettling about it was not that I looked bad in heels but the unexpectedness of it, the femininity of them as counterpoint to the rest of me. Considered dispassionately I did not look bad in stilettos. My legs are slender from being generally fit, and if one was to see an image of just my legs, from the thighs down, one would have made an assumption that it was a picture of a woman’s legs in high heels. It is only when one sees the male top half that the unsettling bit comes in. My conclusion is that men do not intrinsically look bad in heels - it’s just that it is unexpected, contrary to the norms and therefor unsettling. The more it is seen, the less unsettling. And perhaps the more minds open to the idea that men can look good in heels.
    2 points
  3. Such decisions are above my pay grade, and as we've discovered many times, this ain't a democracy, so consensus is irrelevant. I personally do not care about whether the above images are appropriate or not, I just had to give you a good poke in the ribs about them. And yes, we are boring here. And yes, you WILL have fun, dammit! 😆
    1 point
  4. In most of my preschool days, I was socially pushed to feel that I should have been a girl, because of my preferences to only wear the Mary Jane shoes (Sartorial AGP), like these: which I was forced to acknowledge these shoe styles were for girls only without any other explanation or counseling. Later I was told that my preference was a phase that I would eventually grow out of. However, it actually led to my preferences for wearing heel styles, like these:in my elementary school years. Ever since then, these are the only two types and styles of footwear I have really wanted to adorn my appearance. In my teens, I came to the realization that I didn't have to become a girl to wear my footwear preferences, because I saw society had to dictate, promote, and bully people to wear its socially assigned clothes. By researching, I came understand and was made aware of many appareling choices, practices, manipulations, and crossdressing activities through-out history. It's not very comforting to know we live under a system of appareling enslavement in our so-called free world.
    1 point
  5. This thread is starting off like a herd of turtles! Part of it is because I just don't have a lot of material at the moment. It's cold outside now, it's a busy time of year in general. I'm not really stopping to take pictures like I have in the past. However, I do have some news about the Nine West "Sizzle" oxfords in the original post. They have been resoled and reheeled (5th set of heels). I was beginning to think that the shank was giving out on the right shoe, but my cobbler thought it was all right, he said my soles were so worn out that he wasn't surprised that they felt a little "off." A 2 mile test confirms that they definitely feel way more solid now. Who knows, maybe they're good for another 200 miles! Not holding my breath on that one. I'm back to posting pictures from the top of my washing machine for now.
    1 point
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