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Well here we are so very close to spring and I cannot wait! I have bought new sandals just for spring and I cannot wait to get to walk with them on down the road! I will post a few of my new sandals that I have bought recently.

I do not know if it is just me getting older or what, but I have been getting a lot more bolder in wearing my heels and such out in public. Used to be I would wear my booties or heels with my jeans worn over them like many of us do here. Then when I hired a stylist to help me to wear women's clothing correctly and with style, I now wear my heels much like women do in that I wear my jeans tucked into my boots or the cuff of my jeans end at the top of the shoes. Not perfect yet, but I am working on my outfits.

The question that rises to my mind is, "Why do we try to hide our heels from public view?" I mean don't we love our heels, think they look good on us, make us feel good? Then why aren't we more bold in wearing our heels? I know it can be intimidating to wear your heels for all to see, but how can we make progress and advocate men wearing heels if we don't show them off on our feet? As for me I am going to wear my heels loud and proud.

And for those people that tell me I must be gay or less than a man to wear heels and women's clothing, I tell them this. I am not gay, I am still a guy.  I am a freestyle fashion man and I wear what feels good on me, fits me and it does not matter if the clothes or shoes are made for a woman or a man. Besides, who said that this item of clothes is just for a man or a woman? The fashion police?!  Some old clothing maker that would freak if a guy even thought of wearing heels. It's time to change it up, time to be free to wear what you want without judgment from others. You are wearing your clothing not anyone else; be who you are instead of being what society says you are.

Well that's all for now. Just had to do a little venting. As always, keep strutting those heels!





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"Why do we try to hide our heels from public view?"

In the summer you will find me in shorts most of the time.  There is no way to hide your heels when you are wearing shorts. So I need to wear quality heels all the time and "wear my heels loud and proud." Even now when my pants are covering the top of my heels, women still asked to see the whole heel and compare them to what they are wearing.


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You are right, of course.  My levis are slowly creeping upwards and showing more of my boots.  Quite frankly, I don't have the !@#$s right now to wear my boots loud and proud, with jeans tucked inside the shafts.  But, I do wear my boots publicly, and get just a bit bolder every day.  Look forward to the day when I tuck the levis inside the boot shafts, and laugh off any negative comments...

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Keep it up, @pebblesf - everyone has to be comfortable with where they are at

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On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 11:15 AM, jeremy1986 said:

Keep it up, @pebblesf - everyone has to be comfortable with where they are at

Thanks buddy...I have come a long way from where I began a few years back, still more barriers to knock over though!  Wore my skinny 511s with my boots today, so it was near impossible to hide the heels...Wolfed down a cheeseburger at 5Guys with my heels straddling the stool, felt good...

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I just want to encourage every guy that loves heels to continue to grow in their confidence in wearing their heels. It is all about the journey,  we may have hard times and sometimes we will have amazing times.  But keep moving forward and surround yourself with people that will support you and encourage you.  Like being on this site. 

If I can encourage you or help you,  just give me a shout.  Would love to one day meet you all,  comparing heels,  sharing stories and good times.

Keep strutting those heels! 

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I would love nothing more that to go out in my heels, wedges, flats, boots or whatever footwear I have chosen to wear today. Unfortunately I will not let my family be ridiculed because that is what happens where I live. "The times, they are a changing," slowly but surely. Hope to see the day when prejudices remain a footnote in history and we can leave them firmly behind us. Also a massive "big-up" to those of you who can and do venture out in whatever you wish to wear. Indeed many thanks you are most definitely trailblazers paving the way for the rest of us to follow in your heeled footsteps.

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