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Road Trip to Shop!



Do you ever just on a whim decide that it is time for a road trip? Well I do! And this road trip took me over to Ft. Wayne, Indiana to seek out a certain shoe store. That’s right, time to do some shopping again!

If you have read my blog for any length of time you probable read the entry entitled, “Awesome Shoe Day.” Well if you haven’t, let me bring you up to speed. In that entry, I was talking about my visit to a local Shoe Show store near me and how I was happy to find had heels in my size (12’s). And during that visit the sales lady, Dana, was very helpful and offered up that the store in Ft. Wayne would have more shoes in my size, plus a larger selection. Well that is the reason for the road trip!

After plugging in the address to the store into my phone, I got out on the road! I am so thankful for GPS on my phone as I had no idea of how to get around in Ft. Wayne! Of course I was wearing one of my fav high heeled boots as it is still winter around here!

Took me just about two hours to drive to the store as I had to stop at a Kmart along the way. They always have sales and I needed to look at a few skirts and blouses. Side note here, but I had the sweetest older lady help me to find the items I was looking for. She didn’t bat an eye when I took the skirts and blouses into the fitting rooms to try them on.

Arriving at the Shoe Show I could see that it was definitely larger than our local store. There was only one sales woman in the store so I asked her if they carried size 12 women’s shoes. She told me that they have a good selection in size 12 and pointed me in the right direction. And you know what? She was right! Most of the shoes I looked at has size 11 and 12 available. Now I was like a kid in a candy store…which shoe do I try first!

After about a half hour or so, I finally figured out what I wanted. I had tried all of the shoes on (no not all the shoes in the store!) and had walked around the store, looking in the mirror to make sure I looked good in them and making sure they fit me well. So gathering up three shoe boxes I went up front to pay for them.

I always find the neatest people when I am out in heels. Keri my sales woman was no different. We struck up a conversation while we were at the counter talking about heels, experiences she’s had herself and what she has seen in the store. We must have talked for half an hour and it was so fun. As I was paying her I told her that I would mention her and her store in my blog which she thought was great.

So guys and gals if you are ever in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and want to shop for some shoes, stop by the Shoe Show store and ask for Keri, tell her Kevin sent ya! She will make you feel at home and will make your shopping experience great.

Oh, right, you probably want to see what I bought! I will just put a few pics in this blog, you can see all the pics I uploaded in the gallery.

Dominique Nicole_Side.png

Hot Tomato_Platform_Side.png

Hot Tomato_Sandal_Side.png

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All lovely heels - good choices!



what a nice story k2! Have only through Ft. Wayne, IN twice the last time I was actually coming from seeing Steve63130 near Columbus, OH. Took US 33 to US 30 and on to Chicago. Good to know for future reference. I'd wear something high if I go there. HappyinHeels



I've been impressed by the Shoe Show store on the east side of Columbus. I don't often get to Ft. Wayne, but next time I do, I'll be sure to stop in to the store there.


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