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High Heel Shopping

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Went shopping for heels with the MRS today. Was in just the one shop in Rotterdam.(silhouette) Was strange at first but soon felt good to be with the mrs. Very good help in the shop. Got a pair of pumps and pair of boots. Not to expensive and not too high.

In the process of becoming the person I always was...but didn't dare to let her come out

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Went shopping for heels with the MRS today.

Was in just the one shop in Rotterdam.(silhouette)

Was strange at first but soon felt good to be with the mrs.

Very good help in the shop.

Got a pair of pumps and pair of boots.

Not to expensive and not too high.

Next time your in there, tell them HHPlace says "Hi"... I've been there and met the sales girl many years ago, I think it must have been around 2002'ish I think, was a long time ago... They used to sponsor the old version of HHPlace...

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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I haven't gone very high, mostly up to $100. But never any thing higher, surprising. A purchase I'm attempting to make via eBay is farrr over my limit, to me. Hoping to get a little help from a friend or two in paying it off.

Formally "HHDude"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All

I must be one of the luckier people as I fit a uk size 8, I can usually buy what I am looking for in Primark stores up to a 4 and a half to five inch heel, but i still get embarressed buying my self.:silly:

I always used to feel so nervous and embarrassed too, and only recently turned the corner. Reading all the advice and experiences on this forum was so helpful, and I think we each have to find the right answer for us inside ourselves. What made the difference for me was:

  • Should a woman feel ashamed going into a store to buy heels? No, of course not. So neither should I. There's nothing inherently wrong with liking, buying or wearing heels. If we're going to feel guilty it may as well be for something we should feel guilty about, like treating someone badly.
  • What can I do to make it a comfortable and positive experience for me? I made sure I was well-presented (as a guy) and wore mens bootcut jeans and a brown jacket which would look good with the brown boots I wanted to try. The other time I wore the same with sheer tights so it'd be easy to try court shoes on (and they'd look right). Both times I wore my women's flat biker boots so I felt I was half-way there already. Also, visit as many stores as you can at different times of the day just to browse and see where/when you feel most comfortable.
  • Can I make it positive experience for the sales assistant too? If you look like a suspicious shop-lifter they'll see you as one. If you look ashamed they'll assume you have something to be ashamed of. Instead give them something positive to latch onto. Smile, and be polite and friendly. If the sales assistant giggles then giggle too, it's supposed to be a fun experience. Have something ready to say to break the ice, like "you girls love your heels, I'm obviously missing out on something". And don't forget to say thank you, even if they've been a little cold/nervous about it... show appreciation and they're more likely to respond positively next time they're in that situation.
I've lost count of how many times I've walked out of a store because it didn't feel right, but eventually when the opportunity presents itself you'll be ready to grab it.

I hope I'm not sounding preachy or repeating stuff that's hidden away in other posts... just sharing my journey in case it helps someone else.

If you like it, wear it.

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We all need to have a more positive and friendly outlook for our desire to wear high heels, whether they are flats to very tall platformed heels or sandals to winter boots. If they are the footwear we have a desire for, then they should be part of our attiring selections. We define who we are, not what others want us to wear.

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  • 1 month later...

I mostly scour Ebay for great deals, but Snaz75, Pierre Silber, and the old Jante site are among my frequent shoe shopping. My GF and I do go out to the stores but most shoes are in her size or smaller and not mine. (I wear a size 11 to 12 though I can fit in some of my GF size 10's) I generally wait for the seasonal sales and clearances to make large purchases. Though recently I have bought a few heels because they are no longer being made. As far as buying them in public in a brick and mortar store. I suppose I could try those steps you do SleekHeels and try that some time. Maybe even do that when my GF and I go out shopping...

Men: Never ask a woman to wear a pair that you wouldn't! :silly: ~HnH83~

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