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Amanda suggested a thread where we can post about the latest sales, so here it is! Feel free to add sales you find as when when you find them :thumbsup:


One of my current favourite shoe shops based in the UK. There are some great shoes in this sale including courts, wedges and flats.


Lots of expensive shoes here, some with over £100 knocked off. Sale includes my two favourites of the moment, Louboutin and YSL.

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Amanda! Why don't you look up kneehighs while you're in NYC? I bet he would surely enjoy meeting you.

Thanks, that's very thoughtful of you but I'm already very busy enjoying meeting someone at the moment.


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I so wish I didnt have uk size 12 feet right now......


Thanks Roz for putting up the sales thread.

I'm over in New york at the moment where it seems like everything is on sale.

Anyway we're talking online, so here's a contribution for your new the thread:



Smile and the whole world smiles with you, Fart and your on your own!!!

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