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WHen you need a good laugh


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I know there is a lot that goes into the making of quality shoes. So many factors that have to be considered for the potential purchaser. The cost should reflect the materials, tools, work, and craftsmenship with a bit of profit to make the business worth the effort. There is no way a pair of shoes, even custom made type with all the designed differences, should cause one to take out a home loan or mortgage the farm just to pay for them. Those who do pay those exorbitant prices usually have this vane streak to be able to have the bragging rights for their desired lavish life style. This is the real laugh or is it tragedy? They may not be able the pay for a good education, but they wear the expensive stuff that could loose its value due to fashion swings or use. Wearing high priced designer stuff may get you some status, but if you haven't prepared, your life could become like a Christmas decorated douglas fir tree in the middle of the Gobi Desert in July.

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There were some nice high heels, especially some of the pumps and ankle boots, but the prices were ridiculous. I almost applaud the knock off shoemakers who make similar styles for much less money. The only thing missing is the brand name which, like on many items, you pay for. I'm sure quality is probably superior to a more generic brand. But think of those who would pay that price to wear one of those pairs maybe only once.

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Top lables. I've never been really impressed by "lables" of anything. Two things do impress me, though. One is the price.....there is no way that I would ever pay those prices for shoes , some of which are, in my opinion, really very ugly. Secondly, the number of styles available is astounding. So many different models and styles...and colors. So many, that there is no way shoe manufacturers can possibly sell all of the pairs they make each season. (I wonder where all of the "unsold" shoes go after the season? (Is their a "bone" farm for unsold shoes? -- If there is, I would surely like to visit the place :roll: )

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1100 bucks for a WWII style combat boot??? What the hell are people thinking? Of course the prices on the other styles are equally ridiculous. It is quite obvious that there are many people out there with more money than brains!

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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I do believe that many times you get what you pay for, but that stuff borders on obsurd... I spent close to $400.00 for a pair of Old Gringo boots and I have to say for fit, they are worth every penny, especially when I compair them to the last pair of Durango boots I picked up for $100.00 which are absolutely worthless.. 1" heel, and killing me after 30 minutes...:roll:

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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