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Daily Telegraph - 4th April 2008


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The above links to an article in the Daily Telegraph of the 4th April 2008.

and then on the 7th april a rehash of the original article


No pics this time, but two mentions in a major daily UK newspaper.

Has been picked up by the Hindustan Times and others around the world. Too many to list/link etc. If your interested, and why wouldnt you be, then Google phrase Sarkozy effect heels gets them for you.

Well done Daily Telegraph.

However, draw you own conclusions.

As teacher would have said in school - Discuss.


Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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Now the BBC had a piece about Men's HH shoes on Breakfast this morning, Tuesday 8 April.

I thought it was a rather negative piece tbh :roll:

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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