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Funny story


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I stopped at the gas station on my way home tonight where my X gf works. We are still friends and her and my wife get along fine. I stop there to get coupons she saves from the Sun. paper , for my wife every Monday. She was telling me about one of her male friends that stop in every morning that she gave one of our business cards to and told him a little about our store. He passes it all the time and told her that he was driving by on day and seen a guy with muscles wearing high heels setting out the garbage and almost ran off the road as he turned back to take a second look. ;) She said, yep! thats him. He asked if I was gay and she said , nope!, he just likes heels. I then asked what his reaction was then and she said there was none. Kind of like, O Well and they went on to another subject. No big deal. Moral of story: There apparently are a lot more people in this town that have seen me in heels than I know.:cool1:

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real men wear heels

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Another moral to the story might be that the trash still must be emptied even if the guy is wearing high heels. ;)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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like you do, just another day.... i will regale the story... one of my customers rang up my ex.. "Excuse me, does your husband wear leather trousers?" "Yes", my ex sullenly replied. "Oh thats good", my customer replied, " I cant remember his name, but I know he wears leather trousers," she replied, " can you get him to ring me, i want him to do some more work for me" "It's not what you do ,but the way that you do it!" bananarama Ipsi dixit....

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like you do, just another day....

"Excuse me, does your husband wear leather trousers?"

"Yes", my ex sullenly replied.

"Oh thats good", my customer replied, " I cant remember his name, but I know he wears leather trousers," she replied, " can you get him to ring me, i want him to do some more work for me"

"It's not what you do ,but the way that you do it!" bananarama

Ipsi dixit....

Great story. And what a great way to network for a job.

It reminds me that I need to wear my leather pants more. I want to see his job application filled out: "Q: How did you find out about this job? A: My leather pants!":clap:


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