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Walking the Talk, Talking the Walk, and/or is it vice versa?


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Today, I spent a little time looking back into some earlier posting mainly about our perception of what a man in heels should stand for or exemplify. There are some very intellectually brilliant individuals posting in the HHP and most of us guys are right up there, too. Often I find myself marveling over the many discussions, each with valid points of perception and insight. We are not an organization or institution of sorts, but we have a certain commonality of an excessively raised heel footwear and the importance of wearing our choice of foot adornments.

As to whether or not heeling will be accepted even in the near future is any body's guess, but when that time should come I expect that many of us will hardly notice the difference. That is if we will take the reigns of our lives and start incrementing some steps to our high heeling goals. Nothing is achieved by doing nothing. You have to methodically work at increasing the awareness of male heeling and your desire to be a heeler, especially in most situations where your family, friends, and associates think such an idea is unbecoming of the male persona. Wy, even in our ranks certain types of heels are considered too feminine to be worn by males. However, they kind of understand that it's an individual's choice or a personal right of preference. This same idea of a person's choice needs to go forth.

By the way, there are some things that you should to do before you try to convince anyone or everyone of your heeling desire.

1. Your demeanor has to be beyond reproach.

2. Good personal grooming and hygiene must be a regimented procedure.

3. You should become civically involved, whether in your neighborhood, community, various governmental aspirations, or other reputable causes, such as MADD, BACA, helping the homeless, and/or etc.

4. It wouldn't hurt, if you could raise your education level, either, along with everything else.

5. More importantly, you should be concerned about the well-being of people, including yourself. Show them you care. Volunteer when appropriate. A smile with a friendly hand is more appreciated.

Now, I have put together somewhat of a to-do list, but it probably needs some input of improvement or amending. Personally, I already have to put a lot of this into practice for I haven't measured up, yet.

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Basically be a decent person to mitigate any perceptions that you might be some kind of weirdo. Perhaps we should aim for "Eccentric" rather than "nutter". Only respectable people can ever be called the former.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I'm going to have to vote against trying to be the 'perfect' person, before I allow myself to wear heels. What I'm like as a person, doesn't "allow" or justify my taste in footwear.

Conversely, if everyone we met while wearing heels had achieved the position described in the original post, none of us need worry about adverse reactions..... :cool1:

I think it's perfectly reasonable that we should all aspire to being good citizens of unreproachable character, but this has nothing to do with footwear...... ;)

As a 'technical' response <to the question raised originally> .....

One might say; 'He/She can "talk the talk", but can they "walk the walk"?'

[Meaning they sound like they know what they're talking about, but can they actually perform as well as their 'talk' seems to indicate?]


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No, I'm not saying before... I'm saying "during"... However if you are already known for being a "normal" person then you will be forgiven almost anything except paedophilia and country dancing.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I didn’t realize that I had to be socially acceptable to wear heels. However the standard Histiletto sets is an admirable goal and it gives the rest of the world an interesting conundrum. How do you react to a guy, who is a pillar of the community, that wears high heels? If your choice of footwear is the only stumbling block (;)) to being an otherwise super hero, are others going to complain? I prefer to have the confidence to wear what I like and let that confidence carry me through and reactions I get from other people. I still rely on my full length mirror test... If I like what I see, and, I am comfortable presenting that image, go ahead. That test has a lot of flexibility. There are days when I am not comfortable with anything less than spit and polish, and others when thigh boots and a short skirt and a T shirt are just fine. I do enjoy going to the Art museum because I enjoy the art, and also it is a good venue for wearing my thigh boots. There are a lot of folks there that don’t know what to make of a guy who is enjoying the art (sketching like mad) and wearing thigh boots with 5” heels. What if we applied Histilettos standard to females? How many gals could wear heels (or thigh boots)? I think there is room in the high heel world for the socially acceptable, the nutters, and us eccentrics. :cool1:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Don't you think that we are carrying this a little bit too far? I agree whole heartedly with a nice presentation - but I never thought that I (we) would have to be pillars of the community - truly exemplary fellows!

For me, that is the challenge (with no real current solution) as my position both at work and off the job precludes the heel thing (not even talking about my wife yet).

It's all about the heel!

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The more upstanding a member of society is the less people find wrong with them real or imagined. To the other direction the more others look for flaws in their character. Thus doing something out of the norm becomes an obvious way for the critics to have their day. One does not have to be a "saint" to meet the former criteria.

classic style high heel boots

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we are not clones.... we do our thing as trendsetters.... people have all kinds of interests and hobbies, far more eccentric.... like collecting postboxes or going potholing,,,, so please whats the prob..... we are just extra normal and sensitive..... no beating yoself up, i get pist with alll this selfdeprocation (and it took me ages to type that so get da message !!!!)

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I agree with thedesigner. We are sensitive, eccentric, trendsetters, risk takers, fun lovers, feel gooders (if that's even an expression), and whether we heel in private or public, were dare to be a little different and enjoy it. Again, to each his own. Public or private, cowboy boots or thigh boots, wedges or stilettos, Brooks Brother suit or Pairs designed skirts, we all have commonality in the fact that we're saying, "here I am, as I am, take me or leave me.":anxious:

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