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New sandals! :)


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Hello, everyone! ;) After quite some time, I've finally bought some new sandals! Yay! :cool1: And no, much as I'd like to, I didn't buy all six, just one of each model. ^_~ I expect to receive them next week, just in time for a prolonged holiday when I'll have the apartment all to myself! :wave:) As usual, I'll post some pics as soon as I get my hands (and feet) on them. K.



If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Hello, everyone! :cool1:

Hi kennard. Nice sandals. I just bought a pair very recently similar to those and they are very comfortable. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. Enjoy your new shoes.;)

Thanks! I haven't bought anything new recently, and these came at the just the right time. They were at a discount too, which helped me decide. :wave:

Hi kennard, it's good to see you around!

Congratulations on your purchase, I liked a lot of the strappy model.

Yeah, I haven't been as active as I'd like to, both here in the forums and in real life. Felt like I needed some fresh blood, or fresh heels in this case. B)

Unfortunately, things didn't go as well as I wanted... :) My intention was to buy the strappy sandals in silver and the other in black, but sadly the store informed that they were out of that particular black model in my size, same with the silver, which left with no choice but to buy the bronze (golden) one. Ah well, at least they had it in my size... :)

BTW: flavio, and whoelse might be interested, they're from Casa Eurico.

As I mentioned, I'm expecting to receive them before the next week's holiday/weekend, when I'll have at least 3 days to wear them freely around the apartment (my sister will be away on a trip). I also expect to get better pics this time, courtesy of a new digital camera I bought last year but hadn't had a good chance to use yet. :)

Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted.


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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BTW: flavio, and whoelse might be interested, they're from Casa Eurico.


Many many thanks Kennard. I'm very fortunate to have Casa Eurico's store very close. I was there several times to buy "men's" and "women's" shoes. The staff is really helpful and don't care if you're a guy in high heels. A large amount of their customers are men, travestites and crossdressers, so they really don't care and, if you ask politely, they have a part of the store so you can try on your purchases away from the view of other customers. But I tryied heels in front of everyone once and nobody took a second glance ;)

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Hello, everyone! B)

Many many thanks Kennard. I'm very fortunate to have Casa Eurico's store very close.

You lucky bastard! :cool1:

I was there several times to buy "men's" and "women's" shoes. The staff is really helpful and don't care if you're a guy in high heels. A large amount of their customers are men, travestites and crossdressers, so they really don't care and, if you ask politely, they have a part of the store so you can try on your purchases away from the view of other customers. But I tryied heels in front of everyone once and nobody took a second glance :)

Ah, that's a bridge I still have to cross! :wave: The "most daring" thing I've done was just pick up the shoes from the rack to look at the size and price. ;)


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Hello, everyone! :cool1: Well, good news and (kinda) bad news! :wave: The good news is: yes, they've arrived! Yay! B)) The not so good news: I won't be able to take the pictures at this time, because my sister, who's away for the weekend, took the camera with her... ;) Well, I did a little "test drive" last night, to see if the sandals were a good fit, and the answer is "yes, they are!" :) I specially liked the fact that the ankle straps fit around my ankles without a problem, with room (or length) to spare. The golden color will take some time getting used to, because it's just so... glittered. :)) They both look and feel great, and starting tonight I'll see if they're comfortable for longer walks. More on that later. :D Again, sorry for the lack of pics. My cell phone camera just isn't good enough... :) K.

If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Hello, everyone! :cool1:

Well, good news and (kinda) bad news! :wave:

The good news is: yes, they've arrived! Yay! B)) The not so good news: I won't be able to take the pictures at this time, because my sister, who's away for the weekend, took the camera with her... ;)

Well, I did a little "test drive" last night, to see if the sandals were a good fit, and the answer is "yes, they are!" :) I specially liked the fact that the ankle straps fit around my ankles without a problem, with room (or length) to spare. The golden color will take some time getting used to, because it's just so... glittered. :)) They both look and feel great, and starting tonight I'll see if they're comfortable for longer walks. More on that later. :D

Again, sorry for the lack of pics. My cell phone camera just isn't good enough... :)


Hello kennard,

Great news! I love them too. I wish I was able to fine the ones here in the picture, they are Gorgeous and I'd love to get them.


I also feel it's time to end gender based clothing that men should have the same fashion rights as the woman have enjoyed for 60 years. Equality in Fashion!

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Hello, everyone! ;)

They both look and feel great, and starting tonight I'll see if they're comfortable for longer walks. More on that later. :)

So, after a couple of days walking around the apartment all I can say is: they're GREAT! :cool1: I had absolutely no problem with the sandals, other than the fact I can't wear them more often. :wave:

(...) The golden color will take some time getting used to, because it's just so... glittered. B)) (...)

Again, sorry for the lack of pics. My cell phone camera just isn't good enough... :)

Well, I just couldn't help myself, i had to take at least a few pictures, if fact I took them just a few minutes ago. :) Enjoy!







If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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