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intimacy while wearing heels


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Personally, I would like to see this whole thread removed (along with the entire section on fetish wearing, but if that's not possible, then banish this thread to that section). Discussion like this only serves to set our cause for acceptance backward a few years. People (especially any curious spouses or SO's who lurk here) will say to their men, "See! I told you this is just a fetish thing! And you want to wear heels in public? With me? NO WAY! Get your boring flat men's shoes on now!" On the other foot, if we want to make real progress in being accepted for our "leading edge" fashion in footwear, we need to let go of the fetish angle entirely. I know this won't set well with those who are only it in for the sexual thrill, but for those of us who are beyond that and want heels for men to become mainstream, it won't happen until we drop off the baggage. And I know I'll irk a few people when I voice concern about references to crossdressing (i.e., wearing entirely femme clothes to appear as a woman, so that heels don't look unusual). I would like to see such references banned for the same reason. I would like to hear from the forum moderators whether they want to keep the fetish and crossdressing aspects alive, or would they be willing to take the bold step to ban them from further discussion in this forum, in order to promote this fashion becoming mainstream. I don't believe we can continue to have it both ways, so I'm looking for an official policy statement. If the decision is to continue to allow fetish (and crossdressing) postings like this, I'll accept that decision and shut up. If it's to ban them and further the cause, I'll be thankful and continue to be a vocal advocate. But I'd like to know where the moderators want to go. Thank you. GWL

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I totally disagree on your opinion about this subject. You have to be more open minded cause the world is changing and we have to keep up with the constant evolution. Well, i disagree with you because my thing about wearing heels grew during childhood, trying on my mom´s boots and whili i grew up it became more like a fetish. In the beggining, spoke with my gf about this fetish of mine and she accepted me like the way i am. Of course it started beeing a fetish and using heels during intimacy, but with the time it became more like a personal taste and a choice of style. I now wear my heels when i can and when i´m with her, even when cooking, cleaning or just seeing movies. I agree with this forum having a special part for fetichists, or our world would be so "without salt" (a portuguese way of meaning). And i fully support the crossdressers, because everyone should live the best way they can, cause we only live once, so why not taking chances and risks? It makes our lives happier and much more fun living!

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gwl1, I crossdress and i accept some of the points you make. The vast majority of people who post, advocate fashion freedom, free expression and acceptance of others choice. While it would be nice to remove any reference to anything remotely sexual, I don't see how a line can be fixed as to what is not controversial, given that many here believe men wearing footwear manufactured for women is in itself deviant behavior. I, amongst others, have overstepped the boards rules, and the moderators have quite rightly removed it, and when asked, given thier reason. It would seem that most members accept this, and are happy with the way things are. If this argument is to be pusued, perhaps it would be better off in the rants section.

totter along into history

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Personally, I would like to see this whole thread removed (along with the entire section on fetish wearing, but if that's not possible, then banish this thread to that section). Discussion like this only serves to set our cause for acceptance backward a few years. People (especially any curious spouses or SO's who lurk here) will say to their men, "See! I told you this is just a fetish thing! And you want to wear heels in public? With me? NO WAY! Get your boring flat men's shoes on now!"


I've said it before, and I'll say it yet again. HHPlace is NOT "the mens high heel acceptance society" Its an open website for ALL high heel "people" be it man, woman or something else.

While there is a CD/TV section (Dont ask me why, I inherited the structure, I didnt create it), we do not encourage actual CD/TV topics as there are far more suitable places on the internet for that.

On the other foot, if we want to make real progress in being accepted for our "leading edge" fashion in footwear, we need to let go of the fetish angle entirely. I know this won't set well with those who are only it in for the sexual thrill, but for those of us who are beyond that and want heels for men to become mainstream, it won't happen until we drop off the baggage.

If you want a proper "Heels for men" website without the "baggage" then there is already a website for that purpose. heels4men.org which can happily be called a place for guys to be caught browsing by there wives or partners as there is stricly NO fetish or CD related baggage at all. Its very much a "Guys that wear heels as guys"

And I know I'll irk a few people when I voice concern about references to crossdressing (i.e., wearing entirely femme clothes to appear as a woman, so that heels don't look unusual). I would like to see such references banned for the same reason.

Not going to happen. again, thats why I created heels4men, because a lot of guys dont want to even be seen on the same websites as CD's/TV's due to the impression it might give family and relatives who are not quite as open minded, or who may jump to the wrong conclusions.

I would like to hear from the forum moderators whether they want to keep the fetish and crossdressing aspects alive, or would they be willing to take the bold step to ban them from further discussion in this forum, in order to promote this fashion becoming mainstream.

Why would we ban them when its you thats barking up the wrong tree?

You cant come onto a "For everybody" website and demand that we turn it into a "guys as guys only" website, in the same way you cant go to amazon.com and complain that they dont sell domain names.

Our revitalised website and homepage make it CRYSTAL CLEAR this website is for ALL high heel folk. If you dont like it, or dont want to be creating any association with the more "liberal" members of society due to concerns about what other people might think, then leave, and go start your conversations at heels4men, where there will be NO confusion about genders, fetishes, or any other sexually related issues.

I don't believe we can continue to have it both ways, so I'm looking for an official policy statement. If the decision is to continue to allow fetish (and crossdressing) postings like this, I'll accept that decision and shut up.

I just dont get it. Why is it that soo many member want to keep HHPlace as a guys only website when it clearly is not, and has never ever been?

Which part of "High heel community" means for men only?

So yes, accept it and shut up. then get your ass over to heels4men and dis-assocciate yourself with the baggage here at hhplace?

If it's to ban them and further the cause, I'll be thankful and continue to be a vocal advocate. But I'd like to know where the moderators want to go. Thank you.

I think your barking up the wrong tree completely. HHPlace is for "Everybody" although we dont really like members with dumb ass usernames, offensive content in their profiles, or who want to keep starting in-appropriate threads about crossdressing and their panties(Underwear) thats about as far as I personally take it.

Bottom line is, if you want a guys in heels only website, your in the wrong place.

I know that sounds harsh, but its in-line with what your asking for.


I'm looking for an official policy statement.

Get real, this is not a "corporation" or business, its a fun place for like minded people to get together and share things. If you want policies and statements, call a shoe company.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!

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Fracken republicans....it's all there fault in making sexuality tabo.....:roll: ..... News flash!! Abstinence does not work, condoms do........ :o

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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I also disagree with gwl1. Membership here is voluntary by request. In other words if you ask to join you're accepted. If it turns out not to be what you expected you're free to leave. I don't necessarily agree with everyone here on all subjects but one thing I stand up for is everyone's right to state their opinion or position as long as they're respectful of other members, i.e. not attacking others for being different than they are. We're ALL different here. My suggestion for you is fire up your Google and find another board that is more to your liking or start your own.

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just trying to bring it slightly back onto the topic (but still reflecting on what gwl1 said)..... i know that quite a lot of (not all) women love wearing heels for the way it makes them feel... it makes them feel sexier, they are more powerful, they put on particular shoes and it gives them certain urges.... why can't men have the same feeling about the heels without it being a complete taboo.....

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Richie, I understand what you are saying, and I have no problem with any of it. I'm sorry if I appeared to be out of line, but I was quite confused about the nature and purpose of this forum. I was getting mixed messages from the guys that wear or want to wear heels in public (as guys) and the rest of the community that has no interest in doing that. I do appreciate your making clear what this forum is all about. We're on the same page now and I accept your explanation. GWL

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