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My plan this spring

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Hey. Thought I should just bring up a plan I just recently thought of. I wanted to tell you all before I either forget it or forget to try it. So here: I was planning to take my 4-in "cork" wedges to school (NOT wear them there; wouldn't be any to). I was hoping to be taking them on a "Jeans Day," cause I go to a private high school, so we wear uniforms on a daily basis. After school, however, I would deny getting a ride with the parents and go with riding the city bus home, from school to the bus station, then straight home. I'm certain to run into ALOT of people, including teens probably around my age. So, it could be an experience, a first outing, to be reckoned with. What do you all think? It'll be lots of pressure on me (especially where i live), but I think I can do it.

Formally "HHDude"


Just be yourself and don't think everyone is staring at you and be prepared for a few snickers and off beat looks. You should be fine. It will be a great experience that you will have forever. Good luck.

real men wear heels


If you're comfortable with doing that, then, by all means, do it. The first time is always the hardest. While people will take note, they probably won't make any comment. After all, long trousers and wedge heels go together very well. (Ask me, that is a combination I wear out and about about 90% of the time.)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

  Bubba136 said:

After all, long trousers and wedge heels go together very well. (Ask me, that is a combination I wear out and about about 90% of the time.)

Ohh, do I see another fan of wedges? ;)

As I said, this'll be in the spring, as the weather is a little too cold and too many slips I could make outside, injuring myself or damaging the heels in some way, so I'll play it safe from that. But otherwise, I can't wait!

Formally "HHDude"

  • 2 weeks later...

Spring seems to be coming slowly. What was the news on Mr. Groundhog, if anyone knows?

Formally "HHDude"

  HighHeelDude said:

I was planning to take my 4-in "cork" wedges to school (NOT wear them there; wouldn't be any to). I was hoping to be taking them on a "Jeans Day," cause I go to a private high school, so we wear uniforms on a daily basis. After school, however, I would deny getting a ride with the parents and go with riding the city bus home, from school to the bus station, then straight home. I'm certain to run into ALOT of people, including teens probably around my age. So, it could be an experience, a first outing, to be reckoned with.

What do you all think? It'll be lots of pressure on me (especially where i live), but I think I can do it.

I would advise caution.

You will be in a place you can't move away from. In a bus, you are effectly trapped. Should your fellow teens decide they want to make fun of you, there's no way for you to leave the situation.....

Why not consider walking around the Bus Station in your wedges, and see what the reaction is? If everything goes well, keep them on for the last part of your journey home?

There is a problem that worries me about wearing heels amongst my peers. [Friends, family, work and recreation colleagues.] I know for sure it wouldn't be welcome, and I'd be subject to no end of ridicule. Once word got out, they'd all know quite quickly. It would affect my life, and not in a positive way. The worst of it would be that it would be an event I couldn't undo.

It's way I advise caution. This will be a 'one-way only' trip if you wear heels amongst peope who know you, and people who will be seeing you regularly after you appear in heels. Often it's not a problem, and those around you might well take it in their stride. But if there is one group I don't expect to accept it, that would be a group of hormone filled teenagers.

Along with many others here, I would encourage you to get out in public and 'strut your stuff', but only if it's safe to do it. Wear your wedges at home, and see how your family feels first, if you haven't already? If they are happy with you doing this, perhaps they can take you to a mall away from home where you aren't known? The idea is to get you out in public in a safe environment, with some immediate support if you need it.

The Baptism of Fire you have planned is great if it works (and if it's what you do, I wish you well with the adventure), but if it goes badly it might be a hard experience to overcome in the future.....

Good Luck with whatever you decide. ;)


Thanks freddy. I am quite aware of the consequences, with another being some 'curious Joes' asking me "Why???" or "Why are you wearing those heels?!" As for the teens, -sigh- well, us teens will be teens. And if I MUST fight/argue, then let it be. The worst-case scenario I'm hoping from the teens is arguing about whether I'm gay or not, which I'm not. And I'm also hoping it's only female teens, NO males, because males have a harder time taking something like this from a fellow male, accusing it immediately as "You're gay!" I'll just tell them I'm not gay, and hope those few words do it. As for the adults, they can ask questions and wonder and stare. Won't bring me down none. My city's full of crazy's anyhow, so it should be nothing to them.

Formally "HHDude"

  • 3 weeks later...

When I've worn high heels in public, I've been accused or asked if I'm gay. I just tell them, "I'm not gay. I just enjoy wearing high heels." Simple as that and I walk on. Whatever you decide, the best of luck on your decision and I hope it turns out positive for you.;)


I just thought of it: I have some obstacles standing in my way: First, I just got my license (actually, just weeks ago) and it'a matter of time 'til I'm driving my own set of wheels. Thing is, I might not be getting a car 'til I move. My family's plan of moving has been up since the beginning of this year, and we've done nothing to improve in our plan (we haven't even moved!). So, until we move, no car; which brings me to my next obstacle: I'm currently being picked up by my step-dad. Been like this since the beginning of my 2nd semester, and it continues. It greatly saves my mom money , so riding the bus may not even be an option anymore. Spring's here, and I get this. o.o

Formally "HHDude"


all i can say is that once the cat is out of bag,he is gone. once they see you they will not forget. also,make sure you take another pair of shoes with you if the heat gets too hot. a good trooper always leaves himself a path of retreat

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