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Interesting And Positive Saturday Night

Mr. X

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I had a good experience Saturday night that I thought I would share with everyone here. I went to one of the local nightclubs/bar here in town. They always have a band playing on Saturday and the place is usually packed. Tonight was no exception. I had decided to wear my darker blue jeans, a dressier top, and my brown boots with a chunkier 3.5" heel under my jeans. Based on the length of my pants the heels were almost unnoticable. And in the darkened club it was even more so. Now for the good part. They usually play dj music during the bands sets and I was dancing to the beats. Out of nowhere A young blonde hottie who I pegged to be early 20's came up to me. And being less than ten years here senior, she was looking fine to me. I later discovered she had been sitting at a table near the dance floor. Anyhow, she came up to me and then she told me that she liked my shoes and that she wanted me to pose for a picture, which I did. This caught me off guard but I was intrigued at the same time. Because as I said earlier the heels where virtually unnoticable what with the lighting, my pant length, and my light blue stripped shirt which showed more than anything. I only wish I had had a camera to take here picture. And then to top it off she must have showed the picture or told her friend about it because she later came up to me and said that she also liked my shoes. I usually have a good time there on Saturdays but this night was off the charts. And the experience really gave me the motivation and the confidence to keep doing what I'm doing.

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X's story about the girls in the nightclub, parallels some of my own experiences. With long jeans over the boots, we think the heels are hidden and no one will notice. Wrong! While most of the time, no one says anything, we think the heels are unnoticed. After all, people have their minds focused on their own interests and concerns. But, folks do notice things, even when we think they don't. As a silly example of what people notice, I can tell you about an experience at my local Walmart store. I was just picking up some ordinary household supplies at the store. But the cashier, an African-American woman, who I did not remember from previous visits, mentioned to me that I was not buying any skirts that day. She said that she had previously noticed me buying outfits with skirts. And I thought no one paid attention to me. Skirts, heels, or whatever. Many people do notice things, even if they say nothing at the time. X should be pleased that the club girls liked his boots. And he might take note, that those girls were not likely the only ones, who saw he was wearing heels.

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This is so true. I know that a lot of people notice but don't know what to say to you or maybe afraid to ask so they just let it go until the right moment and then confront you. I have ran into a lot of people from my work and they have never said a thing that I know of to any one and I know they saw my heels because I don't hide them to well and they do make a lot of noise when I walk. Now, when I bring it up to them at work, they just kind of shrug there shoulders and say, what ever. Like no big deal.

real men wear heels

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lots of people see what you are wearing and dont pay any attention or at least dont see any reason to make a comment. if they do,i find that it is usually a compliment. i think some women admire the courage it takes to wear heels in public. but only a few will say anything,for many different and varied reasons. if they do,i value it highly.

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I agree that people probably notice more than we think... I've been out and about in my 3" cowboy boots (very pointed toes) and long jeans a good bit in the last week trying to see if people do notice.. Borders, the grocery store, the mall, ect... No looks that I caught, no remarks, nothing... The only look that I caught was my own reflection in a few windows in the mall, and I could definately see the heel as I was walking.. So I know they were at least somewhat noticeable..

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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I just have to say that I really don't try to hide the heel. The jeans I wear are women and they make my legs look skinny, so if you look at my jeans, then the only thing left to look is my heels. I wear my 4" heel pumps and I still get no comments. I think out of the last 4 days, the only response I have gotten is men just looking at my feet and not believing what they see, other than that, nothing.

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Maybe I just don't notice being noticed becuase I just don't pay attention to the looks, whispers or comments. I'm sure I'm being noticed but as one of our other friends said in this thread, wearing high heels in public is going to continue. I do always enjoy the possitive comments that I get from women. It's like hearing, "hope you're having fun sharing in the pleasure." ;)

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