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Week in heels


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I've been coming out a bit more in heels recently but always when I was unlikely to meet someone I knew. About a month ago I told a couple of good friends, the sort of people I knew wouldn't care. Anyway I they live in Aberdeen and I just got back from staying there for a week with them where I just wore heels the whole time. It was kind of strange being with people while wearing heels and it not being anything special. Just felt kind of normal after a while like the non-big deal that it is, if only the rest of the world could be like that. Now I'm back at home though trying to work out how/when to tell my parents etc...

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  • 3 months later...

Why tell them? Why not just show up one day wearing a pair of nice heels? Then, when and if they say anything, talk about your heels with them.

I don't know about that. I myself would sit down and ease them into the fact that you wear high heels, discuss it, see how the discussions go, and then if positive comes out of it, maybe show them some of the high heels you wear. That's my suggestion. You know your parents better than anyone.

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I'm with roniheels. I think I would have a little discussion with them before I gave them a heart attach by showing up in heels. That way you can avoid all the "are you gay,cd tv" questions.

real men wear heels

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Now I'm back at home though trying to work out how/when to tell my parents etc...

Why tell them? Why not just show up one day wearing a pair of nice heels? Then, when and if they say anything, talk about your heels with them.

My parents are so old, this sort of news might be something of conversation stopper? :D:o

I've been to the front door a couple of times in my wedges. I've even been inside for a couple of minutes with some other discreet boots, all during the hours of darkness.

Today I dropped off a jacket for Pator during daylight, having not long left the shops where I had been wearing my (girl) cowboy boots. Showed Mator the decorated top of the boots, [i'm so proud of them!] While father tried on his new casual jacket.

She looks at them and makes a comment along the lines of; "Why ever did you buy those?" And almost immediately tries to lift the leg of my jeans to see how high they are..... :roll:

Her age means she moves more slowly than I do. While she caught sight of my heel before I moved away, she didn't get to find out these boots are stretch-tight and finish just under my knee. A lucky escape?

I think she'll be keeping a close look on my footwear from now on. :-?


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Since everyone found this thread again I should probably give an update/history or so. You see my mum has been suspecting a bit for a while after a few years ago she found a pair I had hidden in my room but I wasn't ready to say anything about it then. A few days after I came back home I waited until a day when it was just me and my mum at home and walked downstairs wearing about 3" chunky heel boots under jeans. It took her some time to notice like she glanced across after a while and then took a long second look. Then she said, "are they new shoes, why did you get ones with a heel?" I quite nervously explained and she didn't really say anything else. It was a bit like she didn't really approve but accepted that if I wanted to then ok. A few times since then she has commented that maybe I shouldn't wear them casually and they might look better with a suit. I didn't repeat this heeling when I was back home over easter so I'm still not sure what she thinks of it other than the semi-acceptance or so. I'm also not sure if she told my dad or brother, neither of them have said anything so I'm guessing not and that would be another hurdle. My friends at university don't know yet either although that is almost entirely by chance as I have walked around Cambridge several times in heels so I'm sure I'll meet someone I know soon.

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Hello ; At first , i let my heels openly in my bedroom . Later ; my parents saw me in heels in my room . Since a few months , i wear them openly at home , no matter if they are there . Last 2 weeks , i went to the mailbos on the road side a couple of times . I need to go on the path for at lest 15 meters . No reactions received yet . Prutske255

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Then she said, "are they new shoes, why did you get ones with a heel?" I quite nervously explained and she didn't really say anything else. It was a bit like she didn't really approve but accepted that if I wanted to then ok.


My friends at university don't know yet either although that is almost entirely by chance as I have walked around Cambridge several times in heels so I'm sure I'll meet someone I know soon.

Sounds like your mother understands your taste in footwear isn't entirely 'usual'. I suspect she's young enough (you are only 20 after all) but worldly enough to understand what crossdressing is, or what it might be. You mention friends at the (Cambridge) University. As you don't say you're employed there, I'll make the (not unnatural) assumption that you're studying at Cambridge. This marks you out as being quite a bright fellow, and hopefully for the sake of what I'm about to write, you're not adopted.

So...... You and your mother share the same gene pool, which by default means she must be quite a bright woman. While seeing her son wearing heels may be neither her expection or desire, I'm sure she is smart enough to accomodate it.

Why not take her out to lunch somewhere neutral? [ie away from home.] Have a nice lunch, and briefly discuss your need to wear heels. Ask for her support while you work out what you're going to do next in progressing your interest.

There's no mention of your (any) Significant Other. Mindful of where you are studying, I'm a little surprised. <all the other young people around you> You've already gained acceptance of your friends in Scotland, a close ally might help you find your comfort zone at home, and at University?

I look forward to seeing further updates from you. :roll:


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You see my mum has been suspecting a bit for a while after a few years ago she found a pair I had hidden in my room but I wasn't ready to say anything about it then. A few days after I came back home I waited until a day when it was just me and my mum at home and walked downstairs wearing about 3" chunky heel boots under jeans.

Your story is pretty much the same as mine. I am also near enough the same age as you. I just graduated from Uni last summer and I wore my heels 2 to 3inch block type heels to lectures etc all the time. My Mum actually found a pair I had hidden and asked me about it. I sort of denied it for a while, then eventually one day I had to go to a big formal dinner thing and "she" actually suggested I wear my heels. So I did and Ive been wearing heels pretty much as a normal, regular thing now. I often get positive comments from those that actually notice which isnt many to be honest. So my advice to you would be to keep wearing your heels around your Mum etc and it will become just a normal thing. The only thing that would cause my Mum to say anything would be if I went out wearing pointed toe stillettos or stiletto pumps.

Hope it all works out for you, keep us informed on progress...

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Hello ;

At first , i let my heels openly in my bedroom .

Later ; my parents saw me in heels in my room .

Since a few months , i wear them openly at home , no matter

if they are there .

Last 2 weeks , i went to the mailbos on the road side a couple of times .

I need to go on the path for at lest 15 meters .

No reactions received yet .


It sounds like your parents accepted you wearing high heels. Let us know how it goes. It sounds like you are getting braver every day wearing high heels.

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Hello ; At first , it was difficult wearing heels with 4.5 in heels . Now i can manage 5 inch and som with higher heels . Some heels have a platform (those in my avator are the highest ones) . I wear those only in my private room (not with parents around) . Practise is the best for going higher . Prutske255

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