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Heels seem to be the only sexy feeling I have?

Sarah G

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Hi all I wear really high heels as I love the feeling and to keep me feeling sexy, but as I get older I seem to feel less sexy a girl thing, I bet the boys know this one. what I need is a pill or two to up my hormone levels and turn me back into a , I want sex again person, until then heels seem to be my only sexy feeling I have. Is it the same for you out there? any good pills for females? Ha Ha? Love Sarah G

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Hello Sarah G, You are only as old as you feel. I am 44 but still feel 23..... I am not a very sexy attractive person when I see myslf in the mirror, but who give a heck.... I can't see myself and I feel sexy and if you feel sexy there is an aura around you that attract others around you. Hopefully the opposite sex. When you can't heel that feeling of "I don't feel sexy anymore", you only have to think positive. Hope this helped a little, it does for me... Merry Christmas FL


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Went to lunch at a restaurant today and walking out a group of 4 men just stared at my wife's shoes (5" bone colored sandals with 2 very narrow straps, one across the toes, one across the instep. She noticed and put on a show for them going into sexy walk mode. I think the ugliest girl in the world could have guys chasing her if she adopted high heels and the right attitude. Guys go gaga over sexy heels on anyone. CJ

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Hi all

I wear really high heels as I love the feeling and to keep me feeling sexy, but as I get older I seem to feel less sexy a girl thing, I bet the boys know this one. what I need is a pill or two to up my hormone levels and turn me back into a , I want sex again person, until then heels seem to be my only sexy feeling I have.

Is it the same for you out there? any good pills for females? Ha Ha?


Sarah G

Yes, there are natural supplements for women also. My wife uses them at times and they do work. Ambiance carries a few different choices over the counter and I get all my vitamins and supplements from www.swansonvitamins.com. They have some really good stuff , all natural for men and women.

real men wear heels

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was searching for another of your threads to relay a meesage, when I found this one. So I'd like to reply. It has been a while since you posted this thread and it sounds like you were a little down. If so, I hope you have been renewed in spirit and can declare to the world I am woman watch me do my stuff. Some times just knowing some one cares can lift a burden or send the stars a flyin' just for you. In a few of your post, you did it for me, so I want to give you my thanks and take care.

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I feel sexy in high heels - much more so than normal. Next time you are out and about, say shopping or in a café, try this: Just sit innocently dangling your shoe, rocking it back and fore while you are reading a magazine or drinking a coffee. The amount of times I've caught some guy looking at my feet - it seems to drive them nuts!! And it makes me feel sexy too :santa_hat: I often wear four inch classic black stilettos, sometimes five inch - usually with black nylons, that's what makes me feel best. Just realise how much power your feet and heels hold over guys - that should pep you up a bit!!!

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Hi all

I wear really high heels as I love the feeling and to keep me feeling sexy, but as I get older I seem to feel less sexy a girl thing, I bet the boys know this one. what I need is a pill or two to up my hormone levels and turn me back into a , I want sex again person, until then heels seem to be my only sexy feeling I have.

Is it the same for you out there? any good pills for females? Ha Ha?


Sarah G

If you do manage to find the right hormone pills and continue to wear heels then you might want to consider investing in some appropriate pain killers too.

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