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My first experiences in public (with 4 inch heels)


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I am reading posts in this forum for a while now, mostly posts covering experiences in public. Time to share my first outdoor high heel experiences now:

I am wearing high heels (4 to 5 inch) for a couple of years (indoor). Reading some interesting stories on wearing heels in public, I planned my first trip out.

A couple of months ago I went out in my 4 inch pumps (this model: http://www.fuss-schuhe.de/hhfc/pu-1919-311-Anero.htm), starting from my home in the middle of the night, heading towards a cash point, approximately 500 meters away. Nobody was on the street as it was raining and pretty late already. Back home I was kind of proud having completed my first trip out in "public", although nobody recognized my trip (at least I think).

Last week on Saturday I went out for my second trip. This time near the inner city, not too late around 10pm. First I walked to my office in "normal" men’s shoes, as I had to do some copies. To this time I was the only one in the office building. I left my car approximately 1000 meters away in a small street. After finishing my work in the office, I finally decided to switch my shoes and put on my pumps (see link above). As it was raining again, the people I met on the streets on my way back, hardly noticed my shoes. The heels made a noticeable sound, but nothing really unusual. I actually own some business leather shoes which are even louder. Additionally I was wearing long black trousers, covering nearly the entire heel. Back in my car, I was kind of disappointed that my second trip was all over so soon. But as it was pretty bad weather, I decided to drive home and continue my trip on another day.

This day then came pretty soon, as I decided to go out on the day after (Sunday) again. This time I went out in the afternoon and realized a trip which I had thought/dreamed of many nights before. I went to a local museum a little off from the inner city. I like the idea going into a museum, being forced to stay on your heels all the time once you’re in, as you can't "escape" that quickly. The museum was just perfect. I left my car just 50m from the entrance and waited for "clear streets" before finally going into the building. The hallway was completely covered by stone, so my heels were easy to identify (by the way, I went in the heels I used above). In the entrance area there were two security guys, a lady selling the tickets, as well as a family drinking coffee at the local museum coffee shop. Before buying a ticket, I went to the cloakroom and put off my jacket. To this point in time I don't know if the people already noticed something. As I went to the ticket counter the sound of my heels called the attraction of the family right behind me. They talked to each other, but I couldn’t identify what they said. After buying the ticket and heading for the entrance (another 25 meters on stone), I am sure that the security guys and the ticket-lady all recognized my heels. Not looking back, I can’t tell you how the reacted though.

After showing my ticket and entering the main door, I was a little relieved, as the entire museum rooms were now covered by carpet, which made it pretty comfortable and unrecognizable to wear the heels. During my stay in the museum I met 10-15 people, mostly the older generation. I can hardly tell if they all noticed something. In the middle of the exhibition though, too rooms were connected by a stone covered stairway, which I had to descend. Right after taking the first step, a young couple (my age, around 25) was walking towards me. Because of the sound, the two immediately stared on my heels, but didn’t say anything, even after they passed by. The girl was looking kind of surprised, nothing more. I continued my way through the museum until I reached the exit and had to walk across the hall again, in order to catch my jacket. This time the ticket lady was heading directly towards me, but didn’t show any reaction. On my way out I said good bye to the group (the ticket lady was standing together with the security guys) and left the museum. I am pretty sure that they had a chat involving my heels, but again I was too far away. To sum it up, I experienced only neutral and maybe sometimes a little surprised faces, while going out with my heels the third time now. There wasn’t any negative reaction at all.

I hope my experiences so far help some of you out there to wear your heels public, so like your posts helped me. I am really looking forward to my next trip - maybe to the cinema or a coffee shop this time. Wearing heels in public can be so enjoyable!

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Sounds like you had a great outing for a first experience. Thighbootguy also frequents museums in his boots, and never has a problem either. I really like the style of pumps you decided to wear out - very sharp indeed! May you have many more interesting stories to tell!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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in mine outings i experience 3 basic responses: #1-they totally ignore you,the most common response. #2-they look for about 1 to 3 seconds,and then ignore you. 2nd most prevalent response. #3-least prevalent,but most memorable. they look and then stare,jaws dropping to the ground sometimes. they may even follow you around and ask others "did you see that guy dressed up in fetish leather and boots?". i have the most fun with those.

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These match with my experiences. One of the most interesting reactions is when you walk past someone on the street, and they recognise the heels (usually many more woman than men notice). You can sense their second suprised glance downwards. Most often this kind of person will steal a glance back at you after you pass each other. Especially if a woman is with a man they may tell their partner after you have passed, giving the partner an opportunity to glance back at you. If you want a little fun, preempt this situation by looking over your shoulder and smile immediatley they pass. Then, when they make the glance back, they meet your gaze, catching them in the act. They don't half turn back round quick, I can tell you! You must also be prepared for the reaction from young teenage girls, who being very fashion concsious, will sometimes point and maybe giggle. But then these kind of people will giggle if you wear the "wrong" colour training shoes, or even they are maybe giggling at themselves, nothing to do with you. So just be prepared and relaxed, take that in your stride. It's all about confidence. Don't allow some halfwits to give you a mental block. You are above them.

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Nice shoes! Yes, the first time is always full of adrenaline! From my experience, you'll be amazed if you try them walking along a business street full of people at lunch time. You'll see that 99,9% of the people do not care about other people's shoes.

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This afternoon, even though the weather was rubbish, I decided to head down to the British Museum in London. I thought I'd wear heels, so I put on my black kneehigh boots with 3 inch stiletto heels. Certainly, great fun wondering around the exhibits while donning a nice outfit. Museums are great places to freestyle. Daytona, well done for getting out there and wearing your heels!

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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This afternoon, even though the weather was rubbish, I decided to head down to the British Museum in London. I thought I'd wear heels, so I put on my black kneehigh boots with 3 inch stiletto heels. Certainly, great fun wondering around the exhibits while donning a nice outfit. Museums are great places to freestyle.

Daytona, well done for getting out there and wearing your heels!

Hey HeelD, nice one!! :smile:

Were the entire length of your boots on show or did you have jeans over the top?

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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Not the first but, today wife and I went shopping and I , for the first time, got a chance to wear my new Steve Madden knee high leather boots with 3 3/4" stack heel. She wore her 4" stack heel new cloth leather ankle boots in full view with straight jeans. We started out at Lowes then wallmart, home depot, dinner at a really great Mexican resturant where my heels were in full view, back to lowes for a few more Christmas lights for our store and back home. It was an all day adventure and so completely normal that I forgot I was even wearing heels. Thats how it's been lately. I really believe we think way to much into this heels in public thing. I have ran into people from work, neighbors, family, and of course many, many people I never saw before and not a single commit or strange look that i have noticed, but I really don't pay any attention to other people's reactions anymore. Feels great to be able to wear what I have always wanted to wear in public all my life and nobody really cares.

real men wear heels

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Hey HeelD, nice one!! :smile:

Were the entire length of your boots on show or did you have jeans over the top?

Nah, I was wearing blue GAP Long & Leans over them. You could see the entire heel when I was sat down, and see a little bit of it when I was walking or standing.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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