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I bought a digital camera!


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Several days ago my new camera arrived. It's a second-hand HP Photosmart 720 (well, I won it off an online auction) and I took some pics yesterday. Sorry about their low quality, but I had to use either "mirror technique" or self-trigger. So here they are:


What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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is that an old raycal radio on the floor there? Nigel.

It's not a radio, but yes, it's some quite old vacuum tube equipment: an audio voltmeter and an oscilloscope. As you may know, I'm keen on electronics and building tube amps in particular.

BTW, the oxfords have 7cm heels (approx. 2.7"), and the boots- 9.5cm (3.5")

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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Ooooh, Glassfets!! (or firebottles, or thermionic valves, or vacuum tubes. . .) They have always beeh fascinating. Yeah, they are fragile, terribly obsolete and hideously power-hungry but they did have a few good points (virtual immunity to electrostatic discharge, for one!) Digital cameras are great, you will probably find that you take a whole lot of pictures with yours. Per shot, it's a lot less expensive than film photography.

Have a happy time!

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Digital cameras are great, you will probably find that you take a whole lot of pictures with yours. Per shot, it's a lot less expensive than film photography.

Right... I had two analog cameras and I know that they can be a bit pesky: the developping process takes some time, the film is quite expensive and you can't see the pics you took before they're developped. Oh, and the film can contain up to 36 photos and you should replace it in a dark place, too... And now that I've got a digital camera, all I have to worry about is recharging my accus before the power runs out :smile:.

kneehighs- thanks for your compliment, I hope I'll turn up at the heelmeet someday too. I just have to find some time to spare, and cash for a plane ticket.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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what a tube!

I keep it, just to look at.

everybody knows, just like shoes, you need a pair really.

Some of the best amps I've ever heard had single-ended output valve :smile:

Very expensive stuff, unfortunately....

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