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Got my new boots!


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I just got my new Domina 3013 leather thigh high boots with 6 inch heels today and I love them. But i think I should have gotten a size 10 instead of size 11. They fill a little big. 6 inch heels wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to walk in but I think I walk pretty good in them for my first time. I just went 2 hours in them with hardly any problems except my left ankle hurts a little but my right is fine. Guess i just need to stretch a little more. I will have some pics up soon.

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In my limited experience with boots, sometimes a little big is better than too small. Too big can be corrected for, but too small takes quite a bit of work and may not be possible with all types. Congrats on your purchase though, and of course, looking forward to the pictures :-)

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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here are some pics of me in my boots. they were just quickly done so im wearing jeans that are to loose and just a t-shirt. Hoping to get my leather corset soon to go with the boots. as you see the boots almost go up to my crotch. Im short.

being 21 i must be the youngest one ever to post pics on here. Im even thinking of doing a website if I can pass as an attractive girl.

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and a 5th one here http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=boots5tw5.jpg

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The boots look fantastic. I hope they feel as good as they look. Leather thighboots over jeans has always been my favorite look. I wear mine (5” stilettos) over jeans in public as a guy every chance I get. Yeah, I get some funny looks and a few snickers, but for the vast majority of the time everyone it too polite to react or they don’t care or even notice. You might want to give going out and about in thighboots as a guy a try. Its easier than trying to “pass as an attractive girl” although that’s fun to. Please keep us posted, and let us know about the web site.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Great Boots and you have a good eye for fashion with them. A bit larger in the foot is a good thing. A great way to add some gel inserts for even more comfort, especially when wearing them for long periods of time. david

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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I always buy the Dr Scholls full foot size gel inserts. They run a bit more, about $17 or so, but the comfort is incredible. I have them in almost all my high heel thigh Boots now. I find the best fit for the gel inserts is to get one size smaller than your shoe/Boot size, i.e. I take a Ladys 11 and the gel insert goes up to size 10 Ladys. That way it fits in nicely and also it does not need trimming. david

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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