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Heels on the Internet


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It is a bizarre and funny thing, to discuss, or merely to mention, on the Internet, the practice of being a man, who wears heels. Lots of people go absolutely, totally, fucking, completely nuts, when they hear this. I mean they go ballistic and implode. Out in the realm of Internet personals, women frequently seem to be asking for a "normal" guy. Like anything other than "normal" would be a personal insult to them. If I disclose my heely proclivities, they usually disappear, or become verbally abusive. What I am getting to here, is that female Internet romance seekers are typically narrow minded, intolerant, gold digging bigots. I do not say this lightly or frivolously. It is a serious observation. Women out in the world are actually much better about this. Compared to Internet women, real world women are much more tolerant of the man in heels. But this is just my experience. How does that compare with what you have observed?

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People on the internet are the sames ones as in the real world The only differences are the internet people are (on average) slightly more intelligent to be able to use a computer competantly, and (on average) slightly more financially secure in that they can afford the computer, connection costs, and time to participate

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. . .Could it be because they are so narrow minded that the everyday people they meet wont date them?

How's that go . . . "She was so narrow-minded she could look through a keyhole with both eyes." (I think that's somebody's signature around here.)

Have a happy time!

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Well I work at a place with about 400 women and they all know I wear heels including the 200 guys and I would say that 99 % of the women are alright with it and most of them think its cool that I am not affraid to just be myself and admire me for it and most of the guys don't have a problem with it and have the attidude like what ever floats your boat and hasen't changed a thing with the way they all treat me. What I'm trying to say I guess is that I took my own little servey with about 600 people that I work with inclueding a lot of others that I don't and got basically the same reaction from about 98% of them which is "if you can't be yourself, then who can you be" So don't let the very few narrow minded ,caught up in their own little perfect bubble neanderthals, take away from you what you really enjoy. Happy Heeling!

real men wear heels

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I can't reply as to the heels part of the situation.. But, YES, I agree with your observation, MagickMan.. And hey!.. The funny part is, a "normal guy" is going to find the same thing too... If a woman is "online", there's a reason....

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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I met my fiancee on the internet. While she would have given me the boot if I had told her about my CDing before we got somewhat serious in our relationship, she was glad I shared it with her and didn't keep it a secret after we started to get serious. I think that the internet gives people a very easy way to filter out what doesn't match their exact expectations. I suspect that they will eventually relax their unbelievably high standards after they have trouble finding someone who meets them. And Johnieheel, I have to ask, do you wear heels to work? If so, what have you worn?

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I met my fiancee on the internet. While she would have given me the boot if I had told her about my CDing before we got somewhat serious in our relationship, she was glad I shared it with her and didn't keep it a secret after we started to get serious. I think that the internet gives people a very easy way to filter out what doesn't match their exact expectations. I suspect that they will eventually relax their unbelievably high standards after they have trouble finding someone who meets them.

And Johnieheel, I have to ask, do you wear heels to work? If so, what have you worn?

As to the question, do I wear heels to work? The answer is no because I work in a factory with a very strick dress code and flat no skid shoes are required. As to every day life, I wear just about everything. FYI, The last two women I dated, which one I am still dating, I met on the internet. I try to start up a conversation about heels asap as my username is johnieheel and have found out that most women think its OK that I wear heels and don't have a prob. with it.

real men wear heels

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