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New Shoes!


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Hi all,

I've just bought some new heels, cherry red patent 4 inch roundish heels. They're from Banana Shoes, in the pumps 2 catagory, model is 'Babydoll':

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They have a sale on at the moment; these shoes were reduced from £32 to £27!

If I knew how to put the picture on here I would, so if anyone of you can do it, go ahead.

In a couple of weeks the University where I work is holding a departmental quiz for Red Nose Day. It's anticipated there will be upwards of 20 teams, consisting of 6 people, so it will be pretty crowded. And we aim to win! And raise some money....The plan is to wear these shoes then, which should turn a head or two!, no idea what to wear with them, maybe some bootleg jeans, possibly in grey. Maybe a long denim skirt if I'm feeling gutsy enough. I'm going to have to walk there, about 20 minutes, so I need to bear that in mind too.

Should be a fun evening, I can only imagine what comments I can look forward to the next day around the office.......

All best wishes,


Still rainin' still dreamin'

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Nice! I really like the baby doll look with the round toe. I have marry janes in red and they look great with faided blue jeans.Let us know about the comments at the office on the following day. Should be pretty interesting.Posted Image

real men wear heels

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20 minute walk (each way) in new heels? Ouch! I think I'd do the old trick of taking some flats with me - I have a couple of pairs of flat felt MJs that pack to the thickness of the soles, so will tuck into a bag with no problem. Chicken? Yes. Cramp? No thank you :-).

I've now left HHPlace. Feel free to use the means listed in my profile if you wish to contact me.

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Hi all, Thanks for your comments. However! I was thrilled when my order arrived within 48 hours, and opening the parcel was bordering on the needlessly ceremonial! Devastation! They had sent completely the wrong shoes! I thought I'd been sucked into an alternative universe, or a Wallace and Gromit film: "It's the Wrong Shoes, Gromit old son!" What they had sent was the model 'Brazil' from the Pumps 5 group, with 5 inch gold-effect metal heels! Yuk! Back into the post they went, followed by an email. Hopefully they will sent the right shoes in the next few days. The Red Nose day event I'm planning to wear them for isn't until March 14th, so there is a bit of leeway. Here's hoping! All best wishes, Tosca

Still rainin' still dreamin'

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Sounds like a real let-down. I hope you can get it all sorted out in time. (Although in all fairness, the "Brazil" model looks like it has its share of charm. It is definitely much more flashy with a metal heel and it has a higher heel than the "Babydoll".)

Have a happy time!

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Hi all, After returning the wrong shoes, it turns out they don't have the ones I ordered available! I am soooooo disappointed.... Oh well, just have to make the best of it I guess, and look elsewhere. All best wishes, Tosca.

Still rainin' still dreamin'

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If you are talking about the round toe babby doll style that you pictured below, that style was popular a year or two ago. They should still be available from most online shoe sale websites, though. I wouldn't think you would have any problem finding a pair your size. (If I remember correctly, they were a lot cheaper than the 25 pound price you mentioned.)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hi Tosca,

Here's a picture of me in Red Pumps:

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Granted the second pair are flat, but it certainly gives you an idea what kind of jeans and top would work with those red shoes.

Good luck with your charity fund raising. I'm sure you'll have no issues wearing those seeing as it's for "charidee". ;)

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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